
Everybody's a Busybody

After seeing James leaving the table, those people who were already seated at their own table sighed and were disappointed. But most of them were shocked to the extreme. 

Originally, they thought that Song Yu Han approached that table because he was dissatisfied with them and was going to tell them to leave the party. But who could have known that not only did he take a sit and strike a conversation with the two people in that table, he even stayed there even after one of them left. 

This image left a huge impact on everyone. 

Could it be that Song Yu Han only drove the other guy away and not the lady? 

But if they were to follow this assumption, this was a bit too... romantic?

Their speculation frightened them. 

Then, they couldn't help but glance at that table with only two people. 

The probability of Song Yu Han driving away the other guy to have a solo time with the lady was highly unlikely!

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