
Arainna's bitter out cry!

Arianna froze. She stood like a statue, with her mouth and eyes widely opened, staring at prince Liam and Melissa. Hot tears streamed down her face, she tightened her fist and bit her lips hard. When she couldn't take it anymore, she ran off in tears. Prince Liam immediately freed himself from Melissa, turning his head left and right, as though he had seen something or someone.

" I think I heard footsteps " he said to Melissa.

" I am sure it was nothing, c'mon. " Melissa said wanting to continue.

" Melissa it's not safe out here " prince Liam said objecting.

" Perhaps we should go into one of the empty rooms? " Melissa asked seductively.

Prince Liam was quiet for a while.

" C'mon! Let's go, let's get this whole thing done with. " Melissa said taking prince Liam's hands softly.

" I can't Melissa! I don't want to " prince Liam answered withdrawing his hands. " Before I got married to Brianna, maybe I enjoyed doing this with you, but right now, I don't want to anymore. I am trying to love Brianna please let's keep it this way from hence forth. Don't come looking for me anymore Melissa. I am done. You're a pretty lady and princess, I am sure a noble prince will get married to you soon. I am sure of that. " Prince Liam said trying to walk away.

" You imposter ( Melissa fired up crying ) you think you'd just use me and dump me? What happened to you Liam ( she asked drawing close to prince Laim again with tears clustered in her eyes) I thought you said you loved me ? ( she asked him softly burying her head in his chest. Prince Liam gave no reply, he just leaned firmly on the wall ) What happened to our plan, you told me I shouldn't be worried that as soon as you become king, we'd get rid of her, what changed now Liam, what changed? ( Melissa asked yelling and hitting prince Liam's chest ) you idiot you tricked me all this while ? " Melissa asked rhetorically hitting him all the more.

Prince Liam grabbed her hands forcefully, " Melissa you stop now ! Don't you get it ? I can't do what you're asking anymore. It is over between us. How do I make you understand that? I don't totally understand it myself, but I am trying very hard to be a changed man, please don't make it any harder. Just move on, move on Melissa. " He dropped her hands forcefully and began to walk away.

" Liam! " Melissa called softly

Prince Liam turned to look

" You're an ass hole " she said softly amidst tears. " I'mma deal with you, ( prince Liam ignored her and began to walk away ) you're mine Liam, I won't stop till I get what's mine back. " She yelled after him in frustration...

Arianna went straight back into her bedroom and began to cry profusely. She could not even explain why she was crying. Nothing about it made sense to her, but she was however very sure that there was a very big part of her heart that had been injured. She held Emmaline's apron and cried even more.

" Poor Emmaline I traded your life on the alter of love with that jerk. How could it be that I stooped so low? How did I get this carried away ? ( She asked herself amidst tears ) how did I come to start falling in love with my sisters supposed husband ? ( She went silent and cried really hard ) Emmaline had wanted to say something to me, I was sure of it. I knew it. But I never gave her the chance. My silly mistake, Arianna your stupid mistake ( she said smacking her head really hard ). I should have known that this place and it's inhabitants are very dangerous. Oh! I have been hurt greatly. "

Arainna cried even more. She layed on the bed and allowed more tears to flow freely. Arainna heard the door opening, she knew it was only prince Liam that would come into the room without knocking. She cleaned her eyes and remained silent. Prince Liam walked towards her in silence. He felt guilty for ever allowing Melissa touch him, he was only grateful in his heart that Brianna didn't see them together, unknowingly to him, she had seen them...

" Hey where have you been ? I was looking for you, " he asked Arianna sitting at the side of the bed, next to her. Arainna had wanted to reply, but didn't feel the need to anymore. " He doesn't only have cheating problem, he is also an impeccable liar " Arainna thought to herself in disgust.

He looked at Arianna more closely, it was obvious she had been crying. " Hey you have been crying, what's the problem? " Arainna didn't speak, she just pointed to Emmaline's apron.

prince Liam picked it up. He understood properly that she meant that the apron was for her maid, and that she wasn't anywhere to be found. " I am so sorry for your loss " he said gently " you'd get a replacement immediately "

" Who on earth said I needed a replacement? " Arainna fired up.

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