
Journey to inherit a saviors legacy!

12 years had past since Nero was sent away

*In a church*

A head priest of the goddess faith was talking

Head Priest: 200 years ago, The savior Sparda and the Goddess stood against the Demon King. The same Demon King who wiped out 90% of all life of the world, they took up a sword against. Even through it wasn't his world, even through he had nothing to gain. He took up his blade to protect our world. Through despite his brave effort in our names. I fear some have forgotten of the truth of that great sacafice. The hatred and malicious in the world gave birth to Dark Lord Vern! As a conduit for the evil, he led an army to wipe out humanity. If not for the actions of the hero 14 years ago who the Goddess blessed us with and the savior had trained. We weak humans, would have no means to oppose our submission. So I ask you to unite and prey that even in are dark times were to revisit us. Our gracious savior will shelter us from the storm. Let's us pray.

As the priest was saying all this Nero was in back of the church with his legs up only half paying attention. A beautiful girl with auburn hair notices that Nero is dozing off and interupting her pray.

Aubern haried girl wishpers to him: Nero wake up.

Nero clicks his tongue and looks at the girl:"its always the same...ive heard this thousands of times Kyrie.

Kyrie: is something bothering you? you been seeming more aggravated than normal...

He notices some of her hair is swooping over her right eye and moves it.

Nero: its just always savior this...savior that...

Kyrie:...the people have been mean to you?

Nero:...no...well some of them try to pick fights with me...as you see

he waves his arm in a sling

Kyrie: but thats to ...*she looks to make sure no one hears are looking at them* " to hide your 'condition'


Kyrie wraps her arm around the non slung arm and says: I personally think you are going to be a savior. *she laughs* Maybe even surpass the orginal.

Nero:...that would mean they are right...the reason why they fear me is because I'm an omen that...the world will need saving... If it was a demon lord then a hero...but something greater threat...

Kyrie looks down and bites her lips squeezing harder: but..but..even through if thats the case...I know your destine for greatness..for me you are always...

her voice went softer and softer

Nero then notices a woman go through the side door quietly. so quick and fast no one notice...but she looked at him...Nero then gets up

Kyrie: wh-what where are you going? its not over yet

Nero: I'm falling asleep here. I'm going out for a bit...

He then leaves the same exit as the woman


As he walks out of the church he notice the woman hidden behind some trees. She a attractive young woman with blonde hair cut into a flare cut and red eyes. She had a fairly broad-shouldered torso, yet maintained a very voluptuous and buxom figure.

As he approces her she grabbs him and pushes him against the tree. She then pull down part of his shirt and licks his neck. Then fangs appears in her mouth and she bites down on his neck sucking greatly..

After a bit her eyes change to blue and she calms down. She backs away slightly and starts wiping her mouth with a handkerchief

Nero: better Seras-sama [he talks respectfully to her]

Seras: yes...I'm sorry you have to keep doing this...its because I'm pregnant. Once I have my child...I should be better...if only.

Nico: Its alright...you shouldn't have any problems now...I think after this no more problems will happen to you or your child in your stomach.

She holds her stomach and sighs


Her name was Seras Victoria. She was once a guard for country. One day she saved the prince's life by defeating a ogre and he fell mad in love with her. She however did not care for him...but her parents thought it was great because their daughter seemed to be a failure as a woman with her tomboyish ways being the only good thing is her faith in the goddess. The prince (current king now) forced her to marry him. She of course had no choice but to accept and quit her job she worked so hard for and gave up her dream of being a shield for a savior...

but this is a everyday thing for a noble...however something horrible had happen. to explain it we have to go back to the reason why demons lords and kings are so feared. The reason is they can control monsters and force them to act to their basic nature...or go wild. Only the stronger ones are able to resist however there are some exceptions to the rules. So a goblin instinct would to be reproduce and have lots of children. However they are a intelligent species that has their own kingdom and towns and villages. So the demon lord forces them to act on their impulses. Some Demons feel that is their true selves however they are a minority. Most hated being slaves for the strong.

Now what does that happened to do with Seras...its simple. A True vampire believing that demons should go wild turned Seras into a vampire a few months ago. However killed the vampire freeing Seras before she was controlled. Seras always looked favorably on Nero but it increased over the time...Drinking Nero's blood seemed to have changed her made it so she and her unborn child wont ever go wild...the only thing is she gotten addicted to his blood or so he thinks. No one but Nero knows she is no longer human..


Nero adjusts his clothes: So I guess this should be our last meeting. Try to drink animal blood if you need blood...

Seras: y-yeah but

Nero: you are going on a journey to one of the other countries to the west right? don't worry no one should be able to notice your race change.

Seras shakes her head with slight tears: Why not come with me...or lets get away with 'just the two..no three of us' we can then be

Nero: Lady Keren

She shook at being called her new last name

Nero: You shouldn't spend your time here with an alienated orphan like myself alone. If you are seen rumors will spread and your name and the child's father will come into question.

Seras: but I want to

Nero: I should go inside 'Lady Karen' You should go back to your mansion...you have to take care of yourself for your unborn child sake as well

He did a slight bow and went back into the church...Seras tried to say something but the words never came out and then she felt a kick in her stomach

Seras rubbing her stomach: I know...I feel the same...


While he was for how it looked being intimate with the lady of the contry. A young girl was far away spying on them with binoculars which sh made that can see status when used with magic...however she has no magic.

Her name is Nicoletta Goldstein. She is the head priest daughter. Childhood friend of Kyrie and Nero's best friend?

Nico: aww this is so great. I now have blackmail material for Nero. I originally wanted to tell him that the thing in the sky is getting closer... but this is so much more juicier...I can't believe that asshole didn't mention not a thing to me...lately he's always with Kyrie...it annoys me that...he's being lovey dovy instead of testing my babies out.

She then notices a figure flying overlooking the church in the sky and he crashes into the church. Purposely destroying the roof of the building

Nico ran fast with a huge bag full of her babies: not good

Seras Vitoria is from Hellsing. (Searas Karen is from So what I'm a spider)

Nicoletta Goldstein is from Devil may Cry

Kyrie is from Devil may cry

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts
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