
Fine Cuisine & Teaching Lessons (Long Chapter)

After getting on my ship we soon headed off in the direction of where the Baratie was going to make shore, meanwhile the entire time Alvida was clinging close to me with a bright smile on her face.

"What? Think this is a dream and if you let go I'll just disappear?"

"Mmm maybe but more like I just want to be close to you and hope this dream never ends." She says as she snuggles up to me and takes in a deep breath of my scent.

"Well it never have to you know, all you got to do is ask me a simple question, just say 'Vargas let me be your woman.' And you will be mine." I say as I whisper into her ear which causes her to blush even more.

"B-but what about my crew? And the fleet? I can't just give up my position of Captain of the Alvida Pirates you know." She says conflicted like she really wants to say yes but she can't leave her crew after all.

"Who said you have to stop being the Captain of your crew? Here this thing is called a portable gate made one of the greatest scientists in the world that even rival VegaPunk in intelligence, this gate will let you instantly move between your ship and my head quarters back in the Grand Line so no matter what is happening you can come to me easily and get back to your crew easily, now let me ask again, will you be my woman?" I say as I hand her a disc that can make a portable gate for her to my island near Amazon Lily.

"Really? Huh the technology in the Grand line is much more advanced than anywhere else." She says as she looks at it.

"All you do is put it down by a wall and press this button and you'll be able to visit my base whenever you want."

She just smiles before wrapping her arms around me and proceeding to make out with me as well.

We do that for awhile before she pulls away, "After our dinner date you'll have me all to yourself lover boy." She says as she drags her smooth fingers down my chest.

I just grin back at her, "Though I should go in disguised women tend to flock to me in public when they see my face so I'll have to change my looks a bit." I say before going into my cabin for a bit before coming out with a brand new disguise with me wearing a red pirates tricorn hat with black feather, a red captains jacket, and an upper face mask to hide my face.

"How do I look? Think my disguise will work?"

"Mmm your still good looking but not as good looking as before, I think it will work for our date, can't have random women interrupting our fun now can we?"

"Of course your my main focus on this date of ours my lady." And with that we held each other close as we went on our way to where Baratie was known to dock next.



Several hours later a bit after noon we arrived at our destination and the ship the Baratie was docked at.

"Well my lady? Shall we head on in and enjoy ourselves?" I say as I offer my hand.

She just smiles and takes my hand as we both enter the Baratie.

It's actually a very beautiful restaurant even though it's a ship on the sea, though the fish head as the head of the ship looked funny the interior was very beautiful and rather high class like.

"Welcome to the Baratie, a table for two?" The waiter asks us.

"Of course, but make it a rather large table after all I think we're both famished aren't we?"

"Mhmm, I haven't eaten anything since this morning so I could eat a lot right now."

"Of course, a large table for two then, please this way." The waiter says as he leads us to our table.

"Now what would you like to have today? Would you like to start off with a drink first? Or do you know what you want to eat already?"

"Hmmm how about 2 bottles of wine, and one of every entree on the menu."

This initially shocks the waiter, because that order is only made in large groups not for just two people, these two must have some large appetites.

"2 wines and one of every entree on the menu coming right up, the wines will be out shortly." The waiter says before taking our menus and heading for the kitchen with our order.

"Are you sure we should get everything? Isn't that a bit expensive?"

"For you? Nothing is to expensive my dear." I say with a grin as I hold her hand.

After taking the order the waiter went upstairs to the main kitchen where the head chefs and all the other chefs are currently working on other order.

"Head Chef! Two bottle of wine! And one of every entree!"

"One of every entree? I don't remember us getting a large group of customers tonight, how many people are in this group?" A blond haired man with a rather tall head chef hat and braided mustache.

"Only 2 sir."

"2? Well they better finish it all or else there gonna be kicked off my ship! Men prepare to make a the meal for our guests!"

"Yes head chef!"

"Chef, can I bring the meal out to this couple?" A younger blonde haired man with rather curly eyebrows says to the head chef.

"Hmmm… sure let's see if these two are big eaters or not." He nods before going and handing the young man to bottles of wine for there guests.

Soon after the young man goes downstairs to bring the guests there wine but is suddenly stunned speechless at the beauty of the woman that he sees before him that his eyes turn into hearts at the sight of her.

But then realizing that she is with another man ticks him off a bit, but they are customers so even if he wants to woo her he has to do it subtly.

"Here are your drinks madam." He says in a somewhat suave fashion as he places most of the wine in front of Alvida.

*Right I almost forgot that Sanji is a known womanizer, much like me, but the thing is at least I don't suck at getting women unlike him from what He said about him way back then.*

That's one of the main things that stuck in my head about Sanji, he's a ladies man and also doesn't like to hit women, which I don't either but I don't let them thrash me around I just take them down without causing them to much pain at least.

"I'm surprised that a couple such as yourselves would be ordering so much food, I'm sorry that you have to dine with such a man like him my dear." He says as he try's to grab Alvida's hand but his hands end up slipping as they can't get a grip on her hands.

"Such a man like myself huh? Well at least I don't have that much trouble with women that I can't even hold my lovely dates hand like a certain butterfingers here." I sneer as I take Alvida's hand and hold it just fine.

This just ticks Sanji off even more, "Ahh?! I'll have you know that I am the sous chef here on the Baratie I have excellent control of my hands after all I'm a skilled chef in the making!" He says as if stroking his own ego.

"Pft, your the sous chef? I thought you were either another waiter at best, or a dish boy at worst." I say as I pop open the cork of one of the wine bottles and pour myself a glass for both me and Alvida.

"Ahh?! You doubt my skills as a chef?"

"Yes, your like what? 17? 18? At most you've only been a sous chef for maybe 2 years at most I would say."

"No I've been training as a chef since I was 9 years old so I've been doing this for well over 8 years already so if I save that I am a great chef then I have earned it!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes really!"

"Then you wouldn't mind me watching you at work then now would you?" I say before looking towards Alvida, "Would you join me in watching him make a fool out of himself my dear?"

"Certainly." She says as she takes my hand and holds me close, making me just smirk back at him, this just makes Sanji's eye twitch but he holds back.

"Grr, *inhale exhale* then would you two please follow me?" He says with a very forced smile.

"Lead the way then." He just nods his head before taking us both upstairs and into the kitchen.

"Sanji! What did I say about bringing guests into the Kitchen!" The head chef yells at Sanji for doing something he's told him time and again not to bring guests into the kitchen.

"Head Chef! He brought shame on me and thought me nothing but a waiter or a dish boy! I have to prove to him that I am an amazing chef and have him apologize to me!"

"And I will if your as good as you say you are, and even over look the fact that you started this by hitting on my date."

"… Sanji…." The head chef says as he looks at his young protege getting irritated at his womanizer ways, and before Sanji can defend his case the head chef hit him on the side of his head with a frying pan trying to knock some sense into this brat of his.

"Sanji! This always happens with you! Every single time you see a beautiful woman it's love at first sight and try to do everything to make her yours! I don't care when you do that with women when there on there own but you should have the common decency to not hit on a woman if she's currently on a date with another!" The Chef goes on a tirade on him and his bad habits.

"But Zeff! He was the one who ordered the full entree menu for two! Obviously this slob was going to gorge himself in front of the beautiful woman here!"

This actually ticks Alvida off more than anything because she knows about her huge appetite, that's why she looked like she did before, but now she can eat as much as she wants and will still look beautiful now it's the best of both worlds.

"And what if I said I was the one who was going to eat half to more than half of all the food we had ordered Huh?!?" Alvida says even more pissed off as she pulls her mace off from her back and one hand wields the huge mace with one arm, and she was just itching to beat this kids face in now.

This stuns everyone, besides me, about her statement, I mean look at her they couldn't actually believe she would eat that much, either A she's extremely fit and can eat that much since she'll easily burn it off, or B she eats it all but throws it all up later, but seeing her easily lift that huge mace they think it's A.

"No no no! Of course I meant no offense what so ever! Who am I to judge a woman and think she can't eat that much all on her own!" Sanji says obviously trying to save his neck.

"Hmph!" She just turns away from him but still has her mace over her shoulder, he does or says anything else wrong she's gonna beat his face in.

"Well you better get on with it then, show us your skills as a chef if you want me to apologize." I say as I motion to him to get on with it.

He just nods before he goes and grabs his chefs apron and starts to prepare our meal, and I'm actually surprised at how talented he is at both preparing the food and making it a visible spectacle to watch him actually make the food.

Though I was entering food critic mode as after all I may not be a professional chef but cooking for everyone over 15 years, as Nojiko can't be there in both of my crews for now, I can say that I have some skill in the field of cooking.

And with him only having 8 years under his belt at being a chef I could say that he is nearing the level of a master chef, but he isn't quiet there yet, there are a few mistakes here and there but what he does to the food he makes clearly makes up for it in both presentation and skill as well as the wonderful smell of his cooking.

I look over at Alvida and see her drooling a bit, I just shake my head and wipe it off her face with a napkin, she then notices what I'm doing and starts to blush hard before she begins to wipe it off herself.

And even though it's over 20 different dishes he's making he is easily able to keep track of them all and cook them all to near perfection and in less than an hour all of the dishes are ready to be served.

"Your food is now ready, please enjoy your meal." He says as he and several others that watched it all help carry the food back down to our table and set the table for us.

When we take our seats I turn to face Sanji, "Well I will say this Sanji, the smell and presentation are fantastic but now it's all about the taste, if it's as good as you claim to be I'll apologize for what I said ear-" but before I can even finish what I'm saying Alvida can't hold back anymore and starts to eat rapidly, though still able to keep her table manners and keep herself clean as well since she doesn't like dirty things after all.

"Well seems she's enjoying it, now let me try." And so I begin to dig in as well, but by the time we get halfway through our meal…

*CRASH!!!* suddenly a chef rushes on down from the kitchen above.

"We're under attack by a small fleet of pirate ships Head Chef!" The other chef says as both Sanji and Zeff were watching us dine on our meals.

"Hmph! There always some pirates that want to come and steal our food all the damn time, don't worry folks we have this all under control, Men! To the Cannons! Let's sink these bastards that think they can steal from our Baratie!" Zeff says to his men who cheer back and begin to man the cannons outside to protect the ship.

Sanji wants to join as well but Zeff stops him, "Not until they have finished, when they do if were not done yet you can join us got it?" Sanji just looks up at him before nodding his head and resumes watching over us eat while Zeff goes and joins the rest of the cooks.

Though I try to ignore the fighting and cannon fire from outside it does sour my mood a bit as I finish the 8th entree and Alvida finishes the 12th completely finishing everything.

"Did you two enjoy yourselves tonight?"

"Well I will say this, I was wrong about you Sanji, you are becoming a fine chef on to becoming a great chef and if you keep going on like this maybe even the greatest chef in the world some day."

Hearing this Sanji just smiles widely as he rubs the back of his head.

"Though do you mind taking 2 steps back?" I say as I see what's gonna happen next with my observation haki.

Sanji has a confused look on his face but obliges and moves back 2 steps and the next moment Zeff is sent flying through the nearby doors and right across the area where Sanji was just standing.

"Zeff!!!" Sanji says as he goes and checks on his teacher, he's wounded but it's obviously not life threatening.

"Well boys looks like we got an easy catch today! And plenty of people here to rob and women to take for our own!" Says a man wearing a Falcon mask says as he and some of his men come into the restaurant while keeping the other chefs outside busy.

"Huh, the Falconers, I thought you guys only operated around the Twin Peaks region, what are you doing out here in East Blue?" I say as I stand up and hold Sanji back from doing something stupid.

"Oh someone else from the Grand Line as well Huh? Well there haven't been that many people to easily Raid and steal from so we decided we'd have a better time in one of the other Blues, but we heard that the East Blue has a rather famous restaurant boat that has people from all walks of life frequent it, and like any piggy bank you find you obviously have to crack it open." He says with a sneer as he points his cutlass at me and Sanji.

"Now if you want to live you'll hand us all of your goods!" He says to me and everyone else in the restaurant.

I just look at Sanji, "Want to help me take out some trash kid?" I say as I place both my hands in my coat pockets.

"Ahh, seeing these guys really just pisses me off, and they hurt Zeff so of course I'm gonna take them down."

Then Alvida, after taking her Sandals off comes over to me with her mace over her shoulder, "They ruined our date! Obviously I'm gonna make them pay for that!"

"Then let's get to work." I say as I crack my neck.

"They want to fight back? Then kill them and make them an example to the rest!" Falcon says to his men who charge at us in a 3 v. 15 fight they would have the advantage but at least 2 of us can easily deal with all of them were more just showing off more than anything.

Alvida goes sliding around on the floor as if she was ice skating, luckily the floor was wood that had been recently waxed making it even easier for her to slide and maneuver around her enemies as she swung her mace hitting and knocking out and sending them flying from there attacks.

While me and Sanji were both only fighting with our legs and feet, though for completely different reasons, more because I just didn't want to get my hands dirty, plus I'm disguised can't be using Dandelga now can I?

"Why are you copying me? I can tell that you usually use your fists to fight or use a weapon just from how your hand looks." Sanji says between taking down more of Falcons men.

"I just don't feel like getting my hands bloody, why do you only attack with your legs?"

"I'm a chef! I only ever use my hands to cook or please a woman." We both do roundhouse kicks just dodging each other's attacks to take out some more of Falcons men.

"And how's the 2nd part going?"

"It could be going better." But as we're chatting and beating down Falcons crew, Falcon himself is able to sneak up on Sanji and goes for a killing horizontal chop with his blade.

That is the only time I take my hands out of my pockets to pull him out of the way and put myself directly into the blade of Falcon as he cut into my head.

"RED HEAD!!!!" Sanji shouts in horror as he sees what has become of me.

Falcon just sneers but then when he gets a better look at my face he still sees the light of life still in my eyes as I'm grinning at him, before both the hat and mask I use to disguise myself breaks apart revealing my head completely covered in haki as his blade shatters and falls apart before my head reverts back to its normal look.

Seeing my face for who I really am both shocks and horrifies Falcon as he drops on his ass and slowly try's to crawl away all the while looking at me, "N-no! I-it c-can't be you!"

I just smirk and crack my neck before looking back at Sanji who is stunned realizing who I actually am, "After this want me to teach you how to woo a woman?" I say with a grin.

And when the ladies in the crowd realize who I am several of them squeal like school girls, "ITS FIREBRAND VARGAS!!! KYAAAA!!!!"

"Now then, since you decided to ruin my dinner date I'm gonna have to ruin your day." I say as I go and grab Falcon by the neck and hoist him up by the neck before taking him out onto the deck where the rest of his crew were still fighting at.

When they see there Captain and the man who is holding him everyone stops fighting and most of his men begin to run in fear back to there ships.

I just toss him back onto his ship and point my finger like a gun while letting flames get on the tip and shooting at there ships rapid fire style causing them all to set ablaze and for the final touch I guesstimate the locations of there gun powder stores and shoot one high concentrated shot into each ship hitting there gunpowder stores and causing all the ships to blow up while the remaining pirates are tossed off board by the rest of the chefs who all cheer at there victory.

I just shrug and head on back inside and go to Zeff before making him drink a cure and healing his injuries.

A few minutes later Zeff woke up and was feeling completely fine and after seeing who I am and hearing from his chefs who I am bows his head towards me, "Thank you for saving both me, my crew and my restaurant, you are welcome here anytime to dine here free of charge."

"It was nothing they were ruining my date, so I had to deal with them somehow, but I will pay for this meal in full if your giving me free meals from now on." I say as I pull out a stack of berries worth 100k which is twice as much as what the whole meal was worth, "keep the tip." And hand it to Sanji since he was our chef after all.

Sanji does take the money before handing it to Zeff and doing a full 90 degree bow towards me, "Vargas! No, Aniki! Please teach me your ways in getting women!" He says with absolute seriousness in his voice.

"You sure you want to learn of my ways?"

"Besides my teacher Zeff there is only one other person I have ever come to look up to, and the youngest Warlord of the Seas and Casanova that they call you, I've always dreamt of getting pointers from you on how to get women!"

"Hmmm…. Since you made such a fine meal I'll give you a few pointers until we dock back where you picked us up, and maybe I'll give you some more when I come back someday alright?"

"Yes Aniki!"

"Alright first lesson I'll give you is that if you want to woo a woman you can't come on strong to her, sure some women might like that but most beautiful women hate that, they have men coming at the full force all the time they will just think your like all the rest so you need to approach them a different way and here are some examples…."

And throughout the journey back to my ship where we were picked up at I thought some of what I knew to Sanji to help him possibly get together with women, but with his personality it might take him sometime to get out of his old bad habits.

A few hours later the ship finally restocked back to shore with both me and Alvida getting off with Sanji and Zeff seeing us off personally.

I shake both of there hands, "Even though our meeting was brief, it was good meeting you Zeff, Sanji."

"And it was good meeting you Firebrand, I guess not all the Warlords are bad after all."

"Aniki! Will we meet again! I know I have much more to learn from you!" Sanji says very excitedly with stars in his eyes.

I just grin before I rub his head and then let go, "Of course next time I come here I'll teach you some more so keep a seat open for me ok?"

Sanji just grins and nods to me, I just smile as I begin to wave them off as they get back on the Baratie and head off to a new island to pick up new dinners for tomorrow.

"Well my dear the night is young, would you do me the honors of spending the night with me?"

"Mmmmm… I would love that."

I just grin at that as I put her mace on my back and carry her back off to her ship, "Yuda, take it nice and slow tonight no need to get back to her crew until tomorrow morning."

My Yuda just nods before slowly taking our ship back out to sea before I carry her inside for some fun tonight.

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