
The Burning of Flevance

After a few days of relaxing and for the Judges sons healing up it was finally time to go along with the Vinsmokes with me going with only Noel and Theo in tow we boarded the main Germa kingdom ships and set out for Flevance.

In the mean time me, Theo and Noel were given there own rooms while me and Noel decided to explore Germa while Noel specifically was allowed permission to look and study about the cloning tech in the soldier bay.

Germa in my opinion was a nice place, problem was that this was less a kingdom and more of a military base than anything else, besides the Vinsmokes the only people here are the clone soldiers, a few scientists, some maids, and I guess you could call janitors keeping the grounds clean and what little plant life on these floating platforms there was.

Meanwhile as I was meandering around Germa, Judge was having a rather important conversation with Reiju.

"You want me to do what?!? Father I always listen to your orders but this right here is where I put my foot down!"

"What? Is there a problem with you getting together with a strong and powerful man like him? Besides he's only about 5 years older than you? And making this alliance permanent through marriage between Germa and him will bring the dream of bringing our kingdom back to its former glory all the more likely than it is now."

"Sure he's strong and yes he's not bad looking, but for one thing he's already married to the Charlotte family and possibly has multiple lovers already! I'm not gonna end up in some loveless relationship with him as he goes out to look for more women!!!" She says as she constantly keeps stamping her foot on the ground.

"Well…. I didn't want to pull this card on you, but you forced my hand, if you don't at least try to get with him in some way shape or form I guess I will be left with no choice but to go and pay that black sheep Sanji a visit…"

Hearing this enrages her as she activates her Raid suit and attacks her father, but clearly he is still much stronger than his children are as he easily blocks her attack outside of his Raid suit, "Don't! You! Fucking! Dare!" She says before she back flips away and prepares for a fight.

"Che, it seems I need to beat some more discipline into you after all." He says as he activates his Raid Suit and pulls out his spear and points it at his daughter.

"It's time you learned your place as to who here leads this army here." He says as he goes to prepare to attack but-

*BANG!!!* the doors are busted down as I slowly walk in with a cigar in my mouth, "Man it was a good thing I was just wandering around and one of you left the window open for me to hear a good portion of the conversation here."

I then walk past Reiju and stand in front of Judge before jumping up and grabbing his cape and pulling down force him to kneel and be at eye level to me.

(A/N Judge is like 8'6" while Vargas now is 6'6" making Judge a whole 2ft taller than him.)

I then put an immense wave of conquers haki straight on him and him alone making it impossible for him to move, "You see there are few things I hate in this world and plenty of things that I love in this world, thing I love are beautiful women, yes I'll admit that I'm attracted to Reiju, but thing is that I hate being in loveless marriages, especially arranged marriages that are related to me, if it was arranged and she was fine with it I'd have no problem but if she says no then don't force her, and I heard an interesting tidbit at the end there, you mentioned someone named Sanji, is this Sanji the one that is a chef Snaji?" I say to Judge before I turn to Reiju if I think who there talking about is who I think it is.

"Y-you met Snaji? Is he ok? How is he doing?" Reiju says with a bit of concern in her voice.

"He's fine and doing well with what he loves to do, though I won't say where I met him just to let you both know that he's doing alright with his life right now." I say to the both of them.

*Man I should go to the Baratie Food Ship and dine there and actually meet him myself, though I am a bit surprised that Sanji is a Vinsmoke, but hearing Judge call him a black sheep and him not being mentioned what so ever until now means that he was most likely cast out sometime in the past or something, and the only one that cares about him is his sister.*

"Ugh, you and your worthless empathy for that worthless child! He's no longer one of us! So I have no qualms with holding him hostage until you do as I say Rei-" but before he can finish I grab him by his face and start to squeeze down hard as he grabs my arm with both hand trying to force me to let go as my hand is like a vice.

"You seem to not understand the position your in right now, I honestly could give less than 2 shits about this alliance, if it weren't for the money and tech I wouldn't even be here, if I really lived up to the monster name that they all call me I would have heard of you guys killed everyone, stolen your tech and burned Germa to the ground already, though id probably let her live but would have killed all of you, now I'm gonna ask one last time, are you gonna keep on spewing bullshit making your skull pop like a grape, or are you gonna shut up and sit your ass down?!"

Now Judge is usually a very strong, stoic and arrogant man, but when his life is in danger he starts to turn into a sniveling coward in hopes he won't die so with tears in his eyes he nods his head in submission which I just toss him off to the side.

"Then stay there and think about what you were about to do, Reiju come with me we need to talk." I say as I walk out of the room, Reiju just turns back and looks at her sorry excuse of a father before leaving to follow after me.

A bit later we were in a completely different meeting room with all the windows and doors shut while I went to take a seat while she decided to stay by the window.

"So judging from what I over heard alls not right here in paradise?"

"Tch, what paradise this is a hell hole I can't get away from because of all the genetic modifications that he did to me and all of my siblings, the only good thing is the royal treatment I get but everything else is hell, the only family I cared about is my now dead mother and my little brother Sanji, everyone else can go die for all I care."

"And why can't you get away from here?"

"My father has genetically modified me to follow nearly all of his commands to the letter, if he genuinely orders me to do it I have no choice but to do it, unlike the rest of my younger brothers who were made to follow all of his orders to the T I was modified later to follow all of his commands but those modifications aren't as strong as my brothers so I can bend them when need be…"

"So if he says get together with me you will have to get together with me whether you like it or not?"

"Yes… unfortunately…"

"Hmmmm what if my crew that I brought along made it possible to completely disobey his commands if they go against what you really wish to do, if you are 100% against it no matter what he says or tries to do it won't change your mind, but if you want to do it even a little it won't work." I say as I summon both Theo and Noel to my side and explain the situation, they nod and see what they can do as Noel takes out a portable Brain scanner to see what had been changed in her head to make her the way she is, which doesn't take long with his tech to see that certain areas of her brain have clearly been modified, seeing this and seeing its similar to the anti hypnosis will also work, we made it just in case Shalltear ever went on a rampage for some reason to counter her abilities, and modified it to work on her specifically and injected it into her.

"Within the next 24 hours you will feel something akin to a lightening sensation in your brain, that's completely normal as that is a weakening of the mind manipulation on your brain." Theo says before he and Noel take there leave.

"There good as new, now after today if you really don't want to do something you don't have to." I say with a smile on my face.



"Why would you help someone you just met like this? You gain no benefit from helping me like this…. So just why?"

I just smile, "I just don't like to see someone who has free will to be forced to follow someone they don't wish to follow, see I was taken from my home, friends and family slaughtered, and me and a few others were captured and tortured and experimented on to be test subjects of the world government, until we were finally able to break free and escape, seeing you in a similar situation I needed to help, people may call me a monster, but I'm only a monster to those that absolutely deserve it...… though I can bend It if I'm paid enough, but no amount of money would make me destroy a country though, and Flevance doesn't count because it's a dead country anyway."

"Then I guess…. I should say thank you for what you have done for me." She says with a gentle smile on her face.

I just smile back, "You pretty when you smile like that, you should do that more." I say before I leave her be.

She just blushes and puffs out her cheeks, "Idiot…"



A few days later we arrive at the white lands of Flevance, since it's been several years since it has been abandoned and that the marines no longer place guards around it.

I stand outside while the Vinsmokes family stand behind me, the brothers still don't like me, Judge is cautious of me, while Reiju was acting like normal, though if I look at her she blushes a little which just makes me smirk.

"Well Eagle? What are you waiting for? Aren't you gonna show us your powers?!" Yonji says still pissed at me cutting his arm off.

"Alright, watch and learn kiddos, this is why I'm called an emperor for a reason." I say as I launch myself up into the sky's and send myself shooting high above the country of Flevance until I'm right above the center of the country and charge myself up for a few minutes until I hit my max potential.

"ULTIMATE BRAVE BURST!!! TOTAL CATACLYSM!!!" I say as I shoot out three massive waves of flames from my hands and mouth as I send it straight down to the land below bathing the country in flames.

It was so bright that the Vinsmokes had to cover there eyes as the country was burnt to the ground, soon after I returned and landed back on the ship, where Theo injected me with a cure for Amber Lead poisoning just in case I caught it from the fumes.

"Well that's done, we should get out of here, will come back here in a month to wait for the fumes to fade away before we can actually work on it."

Judge just nods and tells his men to steer course back to F. Haven.

Though it seems that even though I warned Judge he still ordered his daughter to try and get with me, but with her taking the serum and making it so if she was completely against it she wouldn't want to be with me, but since she didn't seem to mind being with me now that I had helped her she's more intrested in me.

Sometime later, in a private meeting room with just me and Reiju.

"So now what? Have you actually fallen for me? Or was the serum ineffective and your obeying your fathers orders, because if it's that I think I'm gonna have to beat some sense into him."

"There's no need for that… look I'll be honest even before you helped me I may have been slightly attracted to you, but purely from a physical perspective, but now… now that you helped me more than you should have needed to I don't know…. Seeing you leaves me feeling flustered and I don't know why, and with him still ordering me anyway to try and get with you I just don't even know anymore…" she says as she covers her face both flustered and confused.

I just come up to her and place my hands on her shoulders, "Reiju I'm gonna just ask, if you weren't being told to like me would you, of your own will, want to be with me?"

"… after what you did for me, and even putting my father and my stupid brothers in there place actually made me happy inside…. In reality I hate this military family of mine but until now I have nowhere else to go, but if I go with you and if you'll have me be with you then I won't need to be a killer unless I need to anymore…" she says as she wraps her arms around me and holds herself close to me.

"I have many women already…."

"I know."

"You would need to get the ok from my wife if you really want to marry me…"

"I know."

"Then if you'll have me, I'll have you as well." I say as I wrap my arms around her as we both look at each other and begin to make out with one another, not know that there was a tiny camera recording everything it was seeing but had no audio and was being watched by her father before shutting it off.

"Good, now we really do have ties that bind us to Blood Eagle, though there will be no official wedding, after all I still need to be apart of the World Government for other reasons, if and when they get married it will have nothing to do with us, this will hurt our military but having this alliance in the end it will be worth it."



A few days later we returned to F. Haven with the Vinsmokes leaving me with Reiju while they go back and head off to the North Blue, after they left me with the 150 million and the tech on how cloning is done which I handed off to Noel who took it back to PunkHazard to research it.

"Well I guess I should say welcome to the family Reiju." I say as I open my arms wide to her to see the rest of the island.

"I'm glad to be here, we'll I'm really gonna check the island and see the others, I'll see you later." She says with a smile before giving me a peck on the cheek before going off and doing her own thing.

I just smile before shaking my head and just relaxing by the beach as I think of what to do next.

Elsewhere, Kingdom of Germa.

"But 5 years just for the largest land mass in North Blue is to long in my book…. I might need to find another alliance with someone else to speed up this process…. Question is who?" Judge says to himself as he thinks on who to ally with next.

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