
Making Base’s in the New World

After having that meeting with Gild and the underworld emperors, for the next few days I spent having fun and earning a lot of money and watching a bunch of rich fucks losing it all in the process and having there lives ruined by Baccarat, besides that it was eating nice food and relaxing with my women.

And everyone else was having fun, enjoying the race way and betting on races, having fun in the casinos, and enjoying themselves.

And when I wasn't doing any of that I was enjoying my time with my women as I was currently giving Baccarat, Hancock, Robin, Viola and Baby 5 a nice warm oil massage for them.

Though as I was oiling them all up and massaging them they decided that it was a good idea to tease me by shaking there naked asses at me.



Since they want to entice me I decided that they needed to be punished as I went from massaging there oiled up asses before plunging my fingers deep into there cunts.

"Ahhhhhmmmmmm…." (Viola & Hancock)

While I was playing with them, Baccarat, Robin and Baby 5 were helping me get undressed while I still went at it with those two still as they began to jerk me off and sucking me off.

After playing around for a bit we moved this from the massage tables to the bedroom as both Viola and Hancock gave me a double oiled up assjob while I made out with the others.

Then I began to alternate fuck between the two of them before giving them both there fillings.

After that I started to fuck the rest of the girls one at a time with the rest of the girls helping me fucking them at the same time and giving them there fillings as well with Baccarat being the last with her getting attention from all of us, maybe because of her excess luck they all wanted me to absolutely fill her to the brim with my cum, whispering sweet nothings in my ear while they massaged and played and sucked on my hefty balls which made me cum hard as I filled her up full.

And to end it all I let them all get there fill of my cum down there throats before we're all finally done.

(R-18 end)


With that night of fun with all of us together, and my crew making and losing money, mostly winning money thanks to Baccarat and me earning us a sweet 100 million over all which will help us out for a month or two if we just decide to do nothing but I have different plans as I gather everyone, besides Baccarat who had more rich guys to scam out of there money, to discuss something important.

"It's time we get our own island or two somewhere here in the new world." I say as I point towards both the northern and southern calm belts.

"Why two bases set in the calm belts?" (Mikita)

"Because I'm planing to use both these bases as trade routes for us and our Allies to use to get easy access to the rest of the seas without needing to go through FishMan Island all the time, after all having easy access to the rest of the world and controlling those trade routes will net us even more money if we force a toll on anyone that's not our Ally's to go through our trade route."

"But it's the calm belt kid, not everyone has access to sea stone and only we have access to Yuda's that are natural predators of sea kings." (Owen)

"That's why we have Yuda's specifically swimming and nesting around those islands, patrolling the seas around there to scare off any nearby sea kings and killing them if need be."

"That could work but the area must constantly be tropical like the sea around Amazon Lily is like, but that shouldn't be to hard because of how calm the seas are constantly." (Hancock)

"Why don't I just use my compass to give us the quick answer? Where is a tropical island in the northern calm belt?" Nami asks the compass who begins to spin before pointing in one direction, as she moves the compass it ends up pointing….

"Directly north of Wano Huh? Well that makes things even more interesting then…" I say with a grin as I go to tell them the conversation I had with Jack about meeting with Kaidou as Blood Eagle, I might have not mentioned this but last year I had also finally revealed my identity to Nami and Nojiko, who were shocked at first but soon after awhile they got used to the thought that there Captain is also Blood Eagle.

"You sure that's a good idea? I mean this is Kaidou we're talking about here, he isn't given the name the Beast of the World for nothing after all." Hancock says worriedly with Robin, Viola and Baby 5 nodding in agreement.

"It's alright guys, no matter what even if we come to blows and I full on fight between my crew and his happens I have my ways of getting out of there somehow, trust me, plus we both hate the WG with a burning passion so I honestly think we'll get along."

"…. Only if he isn't on one of his Drunken Rampages that is…" (Gem)

"I'll deal with it when it happens, now Nami where's the island towards the south calm belt?"

She then places the compass down on the map and it points slightly southwest of ToTo Land.

"Interesting… I didn't see an island around there when I went to ToTo land before, then again I came from the southeast so it must have been to far away from me to actually see it after all."

"So will have easy access to Wano, ToTo Land and both North and West Blue? I see us making a lot of money soon!" Nami says all excited like as berries signs appear in her eyes as she gets all excited about the money.

"And since we're gonna be near ToTo Land for our southern base, I can finally keep my promise with you Mikita and let you meet Big Ma Pirates head chef and have him teach you the skills of being a chocolatier."

"EEEEE!!! Thank you boss!!!" She says as she tackles me full force, not expecting that sending both me and her straight through the wall into the next room making us roll around before coming to a stop with her on top of me kissing me.

Realizing instantly what's going on she hops off me and pulls her hat down to hide her face in embarrassment, I just get up and brush myself off while everyone else is looking through the hole in the wall while only slightly hiding there cheeky smiles.

Mikita notices it and curls up into a ball and rolls around in embarrassment, I just shake my head and leave her to herself while I just head back into the room acting as if nothing happened.

"Anyway when we head out of Grand Tesoro we're gonna go looking for those islands and stake our claim on them, everyone got that?"

"Yes Captain!"



"So your gonna make some new bases in both the northern and southern calm belts of the New World side of the Grand Line Huh?" Tanya said as she, Visha, Larissa and Agress were all in there own private meeting room with an encrypted den den mushi so they wouldn't be picked up on any of the marines wire tapped den den Mushi's.

"Of course, I'm just letting you know for future reference and to use those areas to rest at should you be unable to head back to our main headquarters, and should your cover be compromised you all will be members of the Monster pirates."

"The Monster Pirate?" (Visha)

"The name I decided to give my blood Eagle crew, if the world calls me a monster then me and my crew are all monsters then…."

"Understood, we will keep you posted on any marine operations in and around those areas so as to give you a heads up if need be."

"Understood, that is all, keep me posted on anything important or your promotions as well, talk to you later."

"Yes Sir!" They say in unison before I hang up.

"Now time to make another call."

* purururururu purururururu Click*

"…. Do you require my services Firebrand?" (Umit)

"No but a certain someone I work for is going to call you in the near future requesting your services, and you and me and him will all profit from this business deal in the end."

"Hmmmm…. How so?"

"Do you want a safe trade route out of and into the New World without needing to go through the Red Line?"

"He's planning to open more trade routes in and out of the new world?….. How?"

"Islands in the Calm belt, with the seas surrounded by Yuda's one of the natural predators of Sea kings making the sea safe for travel for all ships, even those that aren't lined in seastone, he'll call you soon with all the details after he stakes his claim on both of those islands."

"… You have peaked my interest with this business deal, fine I'll hear out his offer and help how ever I can."

"That's great then, I'll talk to you sometime then, goodbye." I then hang up the call.

"With everything all set now all it takes is us going there now."

I then head out to the rest of the crew but am stopped by a blushing Mikita.

"Uhhh Captain…. About earlier…" she says both shy and nervously.

"I don't care that I kissed you Mikita, and you shouldn't either, but if your interested in me in that way then just tell me when your ready…" I say as I head off to everyone else.

Mikita being left behind pulls down her hat to hide here crimson red face, "…. Captain you meany…." As she just sits down and thinks to herself since she hasn't kissed a guy before and it being her boss who she never viewed him anything else besides that he's her boss, but now she is realizing that he's a guy and a very hot guy at that.

You might think it's stupid she's coming to this conclusion now but she's honestly very innocent and a bit naive deep down, sure she knew he had many women she just couldn't see why he had so many women, but now since she has got a taste of his lips she is starting to think of him differently now.

"Alright people it's time we set off towards our new islands we're calling our own, though we should head home first, after all these islands are gonna be Blood Eagles islands after all." With that we all nodded and headed to the docks.

When we arrived Gild was waiting for us wearing his full gold colored suit with a white and gold top hat.

"Heading off now?"

"Mhm time to make some more deals after all, and get a new base for us in the new world up and running after all." We then both shake hands.

"Then I wish you luck, and I'll see you soon I hope it's always fun to have friends around after all."

"Of course can't let you scam all those rich assholes on your own can I? Plus can't let Baccarat get lonely after all so you'll be seeing me a lot in the future old friend."

We both grin at each other before fist bumping and heading our separate ways.

"Alright let's go home, we'll need all hands on deck for this mission!"



"Ahh the Sea! This truely is my calling! And this world is gonna be my oyster!" (Eve)

"So this will be our own base for us specifically? Looks like when we get some lower ranking recruits I'll have students to teach my style…" (Neviro)

"Let's hope that there's something to fight on this island, my hands are itching for some action." (Zeek)

"You'll have your fun when the time is right, if your so itching for a fight why not draw some sea kings to our ship with your blood." (Zekuu)

"That's a great idea! I get to beat the shit out of sea monsters to pass the time!" (Zeek)

"Don't do something stupid that will reck my ship!" (Eve)

"Confirmation….. Sea King 300 meters off the Starboard Bow." (Barvars)

"Ooooo looks ike will be aving fish tonight!" Czorag says as he begins to rev up his mini-gun.

While there all arguing about who is gonna get the kill, I was on the other hand relaxing with both Inoko and Aesys in my arms, they really took to my strong yet ruthless personality, and also being Fire types there naturally attracted to there same type, plus finding out how I treat my women they were even more intrested.

Inoko and Aesys are completely loyal to me sure but that doesn't automatically make them love me, but seeing all the positives of being mine they decided to become my lovers, and since they're still new summons I haven't bed them yet, but after dealing with our new base and Kaidou I plan to change that.

While I was enjoying there company, Shalltear, Albedo and Alice were all drinking tea together with Carmilla and Lilith being there maids.

Ezra and Kafka were both resting in there rooms since there is a good chance I fight will break out if they join the rest of us.

And lastly Rugahr and Noxa were just staying off to the side watching the show in amusement, but if things went bad Rugahr would step in to save his friends if need be.

"I enjoy this ragtag group we have here, it just makes things so interesting." I say as both Zeek and Czorag start to attack a nearby Sea king, but it's scales are tougher than it looks so some of the others step in to help out and take the beast down.

"MEAT!" (Zeek/Czorag)

"*Sigh* this is gonna be a long voyage, but having you two by my side will help distract me from it all." I say as I pull both Inoko and Aesys closer to me as we ride off to the Northern Island.



Sometime later we reach the island.

"Ahh what a beautiful sight Captain, though the active volcano… not so much…" Eve says while looking at the island in the distance through her telescope.

"Well besides me, Aesys, Inoko, and Rughar yea that is a bit of a problem, though it's not like we can't change the terrain right Bavars?"

"Calculating….. Solution: designate a side of the island to be uninhabited, a side that usually gets the most lava flow, cut part of the volcano to let any excess lava to flow down that side of the island instead of the inhabited side of the island." (Bavars)

"Well looks us 4 will have some work to do when we get there, the rest of you, clear out any hostile wildlife, and if there are any inhabitants… well it's our island either they accept that or die…"

"Yes Captain."

So soon after we made landfall as we took to the island and did our work, me, Aesys, Inoko and Rugahr headed straight for the volcano and followed Bavars instructions and started to work on the volcano to divert the lava flow to the side of the island that the Volcano was closest to the shore and desired that side will be the uninhabited side as we cut part of the Volcano causing any excess lava to flow down only that side of the island.

Everyone else was either helping make our temporary base for the time being or off hunting down any dangerous wildlife, which this island had plenty of such as Tigers, Jaguars, Giant Fire Lizards were the main dangerous animal, but hearing about the Fire Lizards I told them not to kill them off and see if we can control them for ourselves, same with the Tigers and Jaguars but if they didn't want to then just kill them all.

And by the end of the day we had diverted the Volcano and had a basic base built for us for now as I made a gate in a huge ancient looking tree that was also on this island that we placed our main makeshift building under, we then used it so we can be at main HQ for the night and talk to the Firebrand crew on there southern island adventure.

Soon we all came together as we talked about our findings, and they said that the southern island wasn't that much different from Amazon Lily in all honesty, well with the tropical feel, it was actually exceedingly dangerous compared to normal Amazon Lily, it was actually similar to Little garden in a sense since all the animals were both huge, ancient dinosaurs and very viscous.

But with the help of everyone there they were able to all quickly take down and subdue most of the Alpha animals of the more viscous animals such as, T-Rex's, Sabertooth's, Woolly Mammoths, Dire Wolves, Raptors as well as normal viscous animals like we had in the volcano island.

With Hancock's help with her ability she was able to win over the alphas of each one I mentioned to obey us thanks to her, her abilities have gotten strong enough to effect most beasts now so it wasn't hard to get them on our side so now we have a horde of dinosaurs and ancient animals to protect our southern island.

I have actually decided to call them both Haven, but the northern base being Fiery Haven and the southern one being called Ancient Haven because of there unique ecosystem's.

After that a few days later to make it seem believable I took on my persona of Blood Eagle even changing my Voice a bit to sound deeper and gruffer as I called Umit to make a deal with him.

Basically I gave him a toll free and safe passage through my new islands so he can more easily trade with the rest of the world and all he needed to provide in bulk is building materials and workers that don't ask questions to build up my islands, I would cover lodging and food supply for them while they work on these projects of building up my bases.

Seeing that it was a fairly reasonable deal that will help him make even more money as he won't have to pay the ridiculous toll fee across the red line legally, so he accepted this arrangement and that he'd meet on Fiery Haven to sign the contract, and a few days later he came, after I had opened massive gates to transport plenty of Yuda in the nearby seas of both islands to make them much safer for travel, and we signed off on the contract.

As he's a rather to the point fellow he just said it's a pleasure before returning to his ship and sailing off to prepare the men and supplies to build up both of these islands.

"Now to directly link these islands and Punk hazard to one another." I say as I go through the gate in Fiery Haven and go to the portable one that I gave to Noel awhile back so I could appear in his own personal lab, separate from the main lab of PunkHazard.

"Ahh boss your here, you finally got the bases set up correct?"

"Mhm, now it's time we get to making you a lab in both islands for our own mass production of Devil fruits, with Fiery Haven where we make mass produced Logia Devil Fruits and Ancient haven to do what else make artificial Ancient Zoan Devil fruits."

"Hmmm… the Ancient Zoans will be manageable but it will take me awhile to come up with an idea how to mass produce Logia Devil fruits boss."

"That's fine so long as we got one going on for us, it will be enough for the time being, just see if you can figure out how to make it possible to make Logia Devil fruits as those that get the successful one will pay a hefty sum for after all."

"That's fine boss, but who will be supplying the Artificial Ancient Zoans?"

"The highest bidder and if not that I think Kaidou would enjoy getting his hands on them as well, but I want you to increase the success rate on these ones after all there gonna be our main money maker without having to split the profits with anyone else."

"Got it boss, I'll see what I can come up with to make it better."

"Oh and before I go, let Monet use the gate here, I'm starting to miss seeing her after all." I say before waving him off and heading back to Fiery Haven.

"Now then…. I think it's time we have a nice chat… don't you think so…." I say while looking towards the south.


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