
*Title at the end*

Earth, Year-1551, Japan.

In these lands devils, Yokai, still roam these lands and torment, slaughter and eat the people of Japan.

In the sky's above floating on a feather a young woman is fleeing from her master for her betrayal against him.

As she's flying through the skies she spots a man in the distance floating in the sky who has come to stop her from fleeing as he is none other than her master himself.

*Naraku* the woman thinks to herself in shock at the sight of her former master appearing before her, she thought she had escaped him but it seemed he was much faster than her.

"Kagura…" Naraku says as she comes to a stop before him, to best describe his looks would be that he looked to be a young noble man, though this is only his current incarnation and the form he takes can differ from one incarnation to the next.

He has pale skin and long flowing black hair with blood red eyes, his outfit is light blue in color, but with a kind of bone armor underneath, He also has three green tail-like tentacle arms coming from his back, sporting several large hoop bones leading to a red-eye on his chest, and two gauntlets with eyes at the wrist and backhand of his arms.

"It appears that Hakudoshi has died."

"Tch." *Hah, you're the one who probably set it up.*

"What a fool Hakudoshi was, it seems he intended to overthrow me." He then looks at the woman with a rather intense look.

"Kagura, I shall free you." He says with a completely straight face.

This unnerves her, "You'll free me, you say?"

"You wish to be liberated from me forever, right? That's why you disobeyed me and allowed Goryomaru to escape and joined Hakudoshi's side."

"Hmph, if you were aware of everything I was doing…"

Then he lifts up his hand and a heart appears in his hand, it's her heart that he is holding.

"My heart?!" She was in udder shock that he would pull that out and show it before her.

"That's right… if I return this to your body, you will no longer be under anyone's control. Not even mine. You will be free." As he finishes saying that the beating heart disappears and she grabs ahold of her chest.

*I-it's Back!* but before she could celebrate Naraku sends three bone tendrils straight through her chest severely wounding her.

"Don't worry, I avoided your precious heart."

"Naraku! You Bastard!" She try's to attack him with a wind cutter like attack but his defenses are too strong and he easily blocks it.

"Heh." He laughs as he pulls the bone tendrils straight out of her body but leaving a lethal dose of miasma inside her body letting her flee and truly be 'free'

"Now go… wherever you wish." He says as he sees her get further and further away.

"D-Damn it." She grips at her chest as the poisonous miasma leaks from the holes that are in her chest.

"He injected a lot of miasma into me!" But then she could here him whispering in the back of her mind.

*Enjoy what little time you have left to live. Of course, you will only feel pain and despair. Kagura, this is the freedom you sought for.*

Not long later her flying feather descended to the ground as she couldn't keep using her magic to keep it afloat while using it to also close up her wounds, she then begins to slowly and painfully walk away from where she landed while going through a patch of lilies.

*I-I can recover from this wound in a day… but my heart! It's beating in my chest, I can go wherever I want now... I'm free….*

But she doesn't make it far before she kneels down unable to keep moving.

"D-Damn it, my body won't do what I want it to anymore…. The wounds have reopened…. And I don't have any energy to close them again….. is this how I die?" She says as her blood begins to coat the lilies surrounding her and the miasma once again starts to flow out from her wounds.

But then the world around her darkens and takes on a black and white hue, she realizes that time has come to a stop, even the progressing damage on her body has come to a stop as well, the only thing she can move is her head, eyes and mouth.

Before she can say anything an entity of pure darkness covered in a cloak with a single eye appears before her before taking a position as if he was sitting in a chair before her though there was no chair that he was sitting on.

"So your about to die, you got what you wanted, freedom but the cost of your life, now tell me do you truly feel free?" (???)

"...No this isn't the freedom that I wanted, I wanted to see the world…. But now I'm fated to die…."

"Well what if I gave you the chance to live and completely heal all of your wounds…"

"But there's a price right?"

"Of course someone payed a rather steep price to give you this chance, so you will be working for him, but in comparison to Naraku, he is like a saint, though he isn't a good man more of a man who does whatever he feels like, but to achieve his ambitions he needs help to do that, and you are being summoned to help him, but if you honestly don't want to do something he tells you to do he will most likely be fine with it and not force you in the end."

"Would he let me travel around to see the world?"

"Most likely though you will be weakened upon being brought to his world so you should stick with him for a time if you wish to regain your strength."

"..... fine I accept your offer." And soon after that a light envelopes her and she vanished without a trace and the shadow man disappears as the world regains its color and time moves forward.


Unified year 1924, The Empire (Germany), Personal quarters.

A young blond haired girl with bright blue eyes lays in bed as she thinks of the being that brought her into this shitty world of magic and war.

She was was angry that she was forced at the age of 9! No less to become the perfect soldier, take on any mission no matter how dangerous to get the job done, becoming the empires perfect little soldier that would be looked up to from all of her merits she has accomplished.

She even got the title, The Devil of the Rhine, just because of her ruthlessness during that battle.

To those that know her she's heartless, selfish, amoral, and terrifyingly ruthless personality but as this world she finds herself in now is coming into its First World War she might be considered the perfect soldier.

"Damn you Being X!" She shouts into her pillow at the thing called god that put her here.

Suddenly she notices the sound of the ticking of her clock stops and the sound of rain outside her window goes absolutely silent.

"Huh?" She gets up from her bed and sees that time has stopped.

She then goes to look at the window where she notices the nutcracker in her room begin to speak.

"This is a serious problem, you haven't even developed even the tiniest bit of faith in me…." (Being X)

"B-Being X!"


"Ha, it's rare to have such an unpleasant reunion, roughly 10 years have passed and you're still just as unreasonable."

"It seems you've not grown at all, either."

"Unfortunately, I'm not desperate enough to rely on 'God'"

"Your attitude is as unacceptable as ever, I intended to limit my interference to a minimum, but foolish little lambs need to be shown the way."

She then stands up from her bed and approaches the Nutcracker, "Don't worry about me… I'm not the type to stay fenced in."

"Why will you not praise the Creator?"

*pfft* (???)

"Long ago, merely speaking to them sufficed to make humans worship God, sometimes humanity even called to me."

"And so, I should pray to some traditionally hand crafted Knick knack? You're kidding me."

"…. Perhaps I should give you a blessing."

"A blessing?"

A golden light appears around the nutcracker from outside the window filling the room with the light, "A miracle."

"What? Are you gonna part the seas or something? Or maybe change water to wine? Miracles are illusions caused by insufficient observation and understanding."

She then stand right in front of the nut cracker, "They're just…"

She then swings her arm sending the nutcracker to the floor breaking it into pieces.

"… Glorious misunderstandings…"

She then assumed the world would go back to normal but no everything was still frozen but now took on a darker shade since the golden light faded away, but she could hear the sound of laughter as a small black being manifested on her night stand.

"HAHAHA! Oh that is just hilarious! A god was so petty that he made you remember your past life just to torment you and worship him like he wants, oh how petty can a god be…" it says before then taking a seat at the edge of the table.

"Who… or what are you? Are you just like Being X?"

"Hmm maybe? I'm a god? Or maybe I'm the Devil? But unlike him I don't require the worship of the people to sustain my existence I'm here to make a deal with you, and one of the ups of taking this deal is breaking away from his shitty game that he has put you through."

"… I don't believe that there isn't a catch…"

"Of course there's both upsides and downsides to this deal, upsides are you will be free of being x, no longer have to fight in a war to live in equal standing to the men of this country, the downsides are if you have anything you care about in this world you'll have to leave them behind and you will be weakened in the transfer, but with time and effort you will be just as or even stronger than your current self."

"… Do I even have a choice in this matter?"

"Of course you do, I'll just have to select someone else from another world to take your place, hmmm there is that one armed swordswoman that would be a good replacement for you if you say no…"

"Are you sure I can't bring one of my men? At least let me bring my second in command, I'm addicted to the coffee she makes and I don't think I can live without it now."

"Hmmmm, I don't see the point in bringing her there, plus unlike you she has a family that she will have to leave behind if she comes along with you, so unless you can convince her no deal."

She begins to bite her thumb thinking about the cost benefit ratio in this deal.

Freedom from this world and being x, but losing Viktoriya, and her strength as well as needing to work under someone else again, but not being thrown into suicide missions and able to relax whenever she wants.

"…. I'm gonna go with, but if I can convince her to come along with you have to bring her along with me…."

"Fine, but if you succeed she will still be under your command but the catch is that you will be unable to betray the one summoning you to his world."

"Who is this guy that's bringing me over to his world anyway?"

"Why would I ruin the surprise? That's for you to find out when you arrive there, but go, I'm only giving you 24 hours to convince your 2nd in command, Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov, that much time to make her decision, if she hasn't decided within 24 hours I will be bringing you whether you like it or not, see you soon little girl." And just as soon as he appeared he just vanished into thin air.

She kept biting her thumb as she contemplated what to do next.

"... I really need to convince her to join me on this journey, I have no real love for this world and any chance to screw him over will be pure bliss to me, even if it means making a deal with a Devil, though I feel I can believe him that this new world isn't as bad as the one I live in now, since unlike being x he gave me an actual choice to say no…." She says before donning her military fatigues and leaving her quarters to go find her 2nd in command…



"… I'm genuinely surprised you somehow convinced her to join you." (???)

"I can be very convincing we a need to be."

"Wow I'm surprised what you said was true leader…" Victoriya says shocked at seeing the manifestation of this shadow man as her leader mentioned to her.

"You are sure about your decision? You might not ever see your family ever again…."

"…. Will it be possible to ever come back?" (Victoriya)

"At your strength no, but it's not impossible but very unlikely as you need to reach a certain level of strength to travel between worlds, but should the man you help get enough strength he could possibly open up a gate back to this world."

"Wait, doesn't time flow differently in other worlds so even if we left we would be back before anyone noticed?" The young girl asked.

"… You're smarter than you look kid, yes even if you were gone for decades when you come back time wouldn't have moved forward at all."

"See Victoriya, of course we'd be gone and return without anyone ever noticing us gone like I told you earlier."

"Alright Captain I will follow you to this world we're going too." She says with a heart warming smile on her face.

The girl rubs her eyes trying not to cry, *Victoriya.... I'm so glad your coming with…. I can still enjoy the coffee you make now.*

"Alright enough chit chat time to go." He says by snapping his fingers as a binding white light envelopes them before they vanish into thin air.


Isle of Man, HQ, the inner courtyard.

After the lights faded three women appeared before me.

"Welcome to my world ladies care to introduce yourselves?"

"…. Kagura…" says the woman who appears to be from Wano.

"Officer Tanya von Degurechaff reporting in sir!"

"Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov, Adjutant to Tanya, reporting in sir!"

They say as they both salute to me, I just smile at them, "At ease, welcome to my world and to the Isle of Man."

The Devils of the East and West

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