
Smoldering Ashes

"I Choose Fencer Vargas."

"So your choosing a middle of the road difficulty for your new beginning? Well its a good choice for someone to start out as out of all the possible options you have. though is this your final choice?"

"Yes, from now on you can call me Vargas." he says, as his body slowly changes and takes on the form of Vargas, he could feel the power of flames coursing through his veins.

"Well Vargas I hope you enjoy your time down there, because your going to go through hell before your real journey begins." he says as he begins to chuckle at me.

"What do you mean by..." Suddenly the ground gives way and I start to fall into an even blacker darkness as my consciousness begins to fade.

"Have fun being a Slave kid." I could faintly hear before I fall totally unconscious

*.....WHAT!!!!!!!?!?!?!* was my last thought before entering the world of One Piece.




Vargas, 10 years old, Location: Marie Geois The Holy Land of the World Nobles

Occupation: Eternal Slave (born between the union of 2 slaves making him even lower than a normal slave)

in a dark cell all by himself we find Vargas by himself in his cell just staring off into nothing

*Sigh* "I wonder if I'll be able to eat today" Vargas looks to be a very skinny almost all skin and bone, but luckily for him 5 years ago he finally remembered that fucking god and how he threw him into his current shitty situation of being born into slavery.

*Well at least I have some of the basic components of the system unlocked already*

the things I have access to currently is my sword Dandelga, which until I'm freed from slavery there's no way in hell I'm gonna pull that out of thin air. The gacha roll for honor units that can be used to increase my strength or help me in battle when I get strong enough to summon them into the real world, which I can't right now. And the Virtual Battlefield where I can meditate to go into to sharpen my sword skills and battle enemies, and possibly get allies to help me on my Virtual adventures I've been on. so during the times I'm in my cell all I do is 'sleep' which in reality I'm training myself to get stronger.

"ALRIGHT YOU WORTHLESS SACKS OF SHIT! UP AND ATTUM ITS TIME FOR WORK!" I'm interrupted by the sound of our jailer and underling of our current master and mistress as he and several guards come down and start opening cells, pulling and tossing out people from there cells if there not already at their cell door, I was already at my cell door when I heard that pig start yelling.

"Oh looky here boys! its the fire hair brat, lucky you todays your lucky day brat as the Mistress is asking for all the young boys to her room, LUCKY YOU!" he says with a big evil grin on his face as he grabs me by my hair and starts wailing on my gut with his big fat meaty fists.

"Agh....." after he's done wailing on me I slowly start to slide down the wall he pinned me to, he then grabs me by my chained collar around my neck and roughly started to drag me upstairs.

though it looks painful to look at I was currently acting as if it was painful no one here has been able to genuinely hurt me since I was 6 years old most of the guards here were at the level of strength to a normal marine with the jailer being the strongest having the strength of a petty officer from what I can tell and if I had to guess my strength was at the bare minimum of a chief petty officer in strength, which in the grand scheme of it was I am weak but they were weaker than me.

After me and several other boys were dragged off to the showers that are only used by the guards but they were told that we had to clean ourselves off before we were allowed to meet the Mistress

all of us were dirty and covered in rags and I was actually only wearing some ragged burlap pants with my chest bare and covered in old scars with the Hoof of the Dragon tattooed on my right pectoral, right above my right nipple.

while we were getting cleaned off in the showers I over heard some bits of conversation between the guards.

"Why the hell are we letting these little shits in our showers?"

"Mistresses orders, I don't like it either but orders are orders besides haven't you heard?"


the other guard then whispers to the other which I could just barely make out, "She has a thing for little boys after all"


"Yeah, every few months she goes and gets some boy toys for her self to enjoy then toss away later on when there to old for her tastes."

"What about Master?"

"Ah they never really loved each other I heard it was just a political marriage between 2 families that's why he's always out partying and is barely ever home."

"Alright you 2 enough gossiping get the clothes for them if you have enough time to talk on the job" says the Jailer seeing those two talking.

*Oh great I'm gonna become a boy toy for that woman* I mean that's not extremely bad in my opinion I have a thing for older women and luckily she's only in her late 20's or something like that so she's still young looking.

(A/N: and I know what your thinking don't CD's wear those space suits so they don't even have to breath the same air as their filthy slaves, and that's true but lets just say that this Celestial Dragoness has strange tastes, such as likes really young boys, doesn't mind breathing the same air as her slaves, so long as there young boys that is at least under 13 years old of course so yeah she's a shotacon a hardcore one at that.)

After getting cleaned and having our new clothes handed to us we were ushered into the resident of our Mistress. We were brought into her room one at a time, it seems that we were going something like a servant boy selection where only one of us would get selected. Luckily I was last in line and based on the expressions of the rest that left her room they were most likely rejected by her.

*Seems like this is my chance to change my situation.... if I play my cards right I might find and opening and get out of this hell hole* as I thought those thoughts I finally got a notification for my first real world quest.

Quest: Free Man, Start!

Objective: Escape your enslavement and flee Marie Geois to truly start your real adventure.

Bonus Objective: In a few months some very Important people to this world will be enslaved as well so save them if you can.

Rewards: Evolution System unlocked

Bonus Rewards: 5 Ultra Rare Gatcha Rolls and all necessary materials for your evolution twice.

Penalties: Evolution System Locked till you turn 18, and level will be reset to level 1

Time Limit: 2 years

*Great well now I know what to do in the near future but I wonder what this bonus objective is about? Well whatever first and foremost becoming the servant, helper, boytoy, whatever for this bitch* with those thoughts out of the way he took a deep breath and tried to give the most serval and pleasant look on his face with a slight but gentle smile on his face.

He went in through the door and went to meet her, what he didn't notice or even if he knew probably wouldn't even care, was that the guards saw his face saw it creepy that he was giving such a look cause most of the time he's known for being pretty expressionless.

So how should I describe her, well her looks were average in comparison to the rest of the world with a fair complexion but it was obvious that she didn't go out often as her skin was on the lighter side, and like all other world nobles she had her hairstyle in what I can describe as a water spout, a volcano erupting or a whales tail sticking out of the water which in my opinion find that hair style to be very stupid, but I can laugh at her back in my cell by myself. with brown hair and brown eyes while wearing a maroon looking dress while sipping on wine with a board look on her face.

"Ah so your the last one, well lets just get this over with I'm afraid to say that I'm disappointed with this batch a little ones I think I'm gonna have to sell some of you off to make up for wasting my time." She says as she continues to sip from her wine glass

"Well of course they would be disappointing they just don't know how to treat a beautiful young woman such as yourself." I say as I bow toward her in my best impression of a gentleman's way of bowing.

"Pftt... Hahaha" she spits out a bit of her wine as she chuckles at my actions

"Oh dear you spilled all over yourself, may I?" I ask as I pull out the pair of white butler gloves and towel that was provided for us, she nods at me and then I put on my gloves and take the towel and lightly dab it on her cheeks and mouth wiping the excess wine from her face, Then I wipe it off of her arms and as I go for the last area which was one line of wine that was going down her leg but she stopped me.

(slight R18 content ahead)

"Nuhuh I think you know of a different way to get that off my leg now don't you?"

I grin at her, "No Mistress I don't think I do, can you give me a hint?"

She just grins and all she does is stick her tongue out at me

I make myself look startled and bashful at her as I force myself to blush with me being able to do that by manipulating the heat in my body, "Mistress... you can't be thinking of me doing that to you are you?"

"Do what to me?" she says while giving me a devilish smile.

"M-Me using my t-tongue to clean it off...." I say with an even deeper blush.

"And if that is what I want?" she says smiling more

"U-Unless you ordered me to I can't I-I'm worried if I did I'd just dirty your beautiful leg even more with my dirty tongue." I say as I start to fidget around all nervous like

"Don't worry it'll stay a secret between us after all I wouldn't say any of this if this room wasn't sound proof" she says with a look a hunger in her eyes

"W-Well if you insist." I then gently grab her ankle and plant my tongue on top of the nails on her foot and slowly drag it up her leg.

"Mmmmm... your tongue is so warm mmmm.." she lets out soft moans as I continue up her leg stopping at her thigh and slowly dragging my tongue back down to her toes.

After I get all the spilled wine off her leg I pull away and wipe the saliva off of my mouth, "Was that to your satisfaction my Mistress?" I say as I bow to her again

"Mmmmmm more that satisfactory, I've decided from now on your no longer just a slave to this family but MY personal slave, you only listen to my orders from now on, do I make myself clear?" She says to me with a very satisfied look on her face "you won't be just staying in the normal slave cells, your gonna stay in the VIP slave cells, which isn't much different from the normal slave cells but their not as crowded as the normal ones and comes with some basic bedding for you to sleep on."

"Thank you for your kindness my Mistress." I say with a polite bow

"Alright now go on back to your cell, I'll tell them to lead you there" she says as she walks to the door and I follow her from behind.

"Take him back to his new VIP Cell, he will be my personal slave from now on, and if anyone of you hurt my merchandise I don't mind turning you sacks of shits into slaves and breaking your family jewels personally." she says with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as she flexed her hand in a crushing motion.

*Gulp* they reflexively guarded there jewels and nodded rapidly especially the jailer/ head of the guards who was sweating buckets as he remembered that he wailed on me earlier, he then looked at me scared that I'd rat him out. All I did was grin an evil looking grin but didn't say anything as I let them lead me back to my new cell.

*Looks like I'm one step closer to getting out of this hell hole*

Well Sad to say no one left any comments on my last chapter even though 1.5k ppl read it, but oh well so as you can see I'm going with the Vargas Route and maybe down the line i'll write separate stories revolving around Stein and Rezo which i'll give a hint that Stiens start would be in East Blue and Rezo starting somewhere around the Florian Triangle.

Update 1/4/22 I’ll say this if you can get passed the first 7 chapters I promise you it gets better and isn’t this well…. Cringy

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