
When Shayla got a giant OP robot, what will she do?


Somehow this author manages to get Astolfo saber from 10 summons tickets omg. He is my second saber, the first one is Lancelot and he is my only saber until Camelot singularity.

Lancelot + a critical CE = pretty good saber, I'm sad that he didn't have an AOE Np though.


(3rd POV)

Shayla tried to use her Haki to scan the whole robot but didn't able to do it since her Haki is at a low level and the machine is simply too big.

[This is the OC-0001 or you can call it the ocean controller, its total height is 342,69m if you don't count the weaponry it carries, the weight of this machine is approximately 30000 metric tons. There are a total of 20 different types of weapons stored inside the robot, any of them could easily blast away a titan class sea creature.]


Author note:

Let's take an example: Island turtle is about 2~3 km tall and 5 km long, approximately 7 times the size of Godzilla earth who is only 300 meters tall and 550 meters long. However, if you put two of them in a fight none of them will win because the turtle does not have any noticeable ability to fight (for now) and the earth Godzilla couldn't damage the turtle either.

So yeah, Earth Godzilla is at the titan class level and it could be obliterated by the robot in a minute. Although the Mech might be small compared to Ghidorah earth it could still blast away the golden monster with its nuclear (more than that actually) weapons.

A quick question: Do ya think installing an improved oxygen destroyer on the robot is a good reason?


"More than 300 meters!? It's taller than a skyscraper, how can I pilot something that big?" Shayla questioned Aqua.

[While it's indeed very hard to control this machine with only one person but with my help, everyone can pilot it. I will do most of the control and you can even sit back and see.]

"Ohh, I would appreciate the help but I still want to control the Mech myself, where can I enter the cockpit?" Shayla asked excitingly

[There is an elevator on your left side, step on there and I will activate it for you.] Shayla follow the instruction and get into the elevator, Aqua used her drone to make contact with the control panel and activate the elevator.

It takes a bit more than 10 minutes for Shayla to reach the cockpit since the Mech is so fucking high and no one wants to put a cockpit at a robot's crotch and it's must be at the middle of the body or in the head.

In this case, it's inside the body, Shayla walks into the cockpit and scans around, she found out the cockpit contains 3 pilot seats and a lot of strange devices she doesn't know about, there are also some daily items stored on the left side such as a coffee machine, bowls and a washing machine or some sort. It seems like humans have designed the cockpit of this robot for them to live inside it too.

Did I ever mention that the cockpit is fricking big to the point it could fit an elephant inside? No? Then you know it since even a grown phoenix like Akatori could fit inside the cockpit and flap her wings freely!

Describing the cockpit aside, now it's time for Shayla to finally pilot this Mech.


(Shayla POV)

After I put up all kinds of seat belts, safe locks and impact absorbers, Aqua finally let me pilot the robot manually, although Aqua is still the one who acts the robot though, I wanted to operate the Mech on my own in the future without help!

'mom, you know that without Aqua-san's help you are just a clueless girl trying to control a powerful robot without knowing absolutely anything right? If you can see then that is a different story but your eyesight are currently unavailable.' Please Hebi-chan, you are my oldest daughter but can you be less cruel and don't state unnecessary facts, please.

'Can't do that mom, Aria-san said that it's necessary to be cruel in every situation unless it's when come to saving people.'

Aria-san, why are you doing this?!

[Fufu, think of it as a payback for forgetting to name me for such a long time.]

You are even more wicked than I thought Aria-san, you suppose to help me.

[What can I say? The world is full of violence so I think you should learn about it as soon as possible?]

Mou! I don't wanna talk with you anymore, "Aqua-san, is the mech ready to go?" Aqua-san said that she need some time to refill the necessary stuff to make the robot's weaponry work, I wonder how long does it take to finish.

[I have refilled every necessary weapon, now you can start the Mech by transferring your mana into the handles on both of your hands.] Nice one Aqua, I can finally pilot this and go underwater.

But does it's that easy to start a huge machine by just transferring my mana into the control handles? seem pretty reasonable to me.


"Woah! It's working," I can feel many parts of this huge robot start to work at a very high rate, the pipe that connects to the back of the Mech has been cut off. That means now I can finally control the robot.



"Such a huge explosion from a simple step, does this has something to do with its weight?" I asked Aqua, [yes it's, in the past the remaining humans have wanted to create a railway for it to transfer it into the ocean better but unfortunately they were all killed by an unknown leviathan before they could finish it]

"Yes was sad to know, but does it okay for me to continue to destroy the base like this?"

[There is no problem at all miss since this base is particularly useless because this robot is the only valuable thing it has, now it's nothing but an old memory of the humans]

"uh oh, kinda cold of you but I guess I will have to move one then." I continue to channel my mana slowly but surely into the control handle to control the mech to move along the hallway. Each step the robot make caused the floor to break result in a pretty big rumble sound.

[You are approaching the gateway to the ocean, please be cautious of your surrounding] Aqua's voice rang through the robot's speaker, probably because she has transferred her memory card into the robot to control it better.


"That is only a huge splash right there, did you also see it Hebi-chan, Aka-chan?"

'Yeah we do since there is a screen right in front of us allowing us to see what is happening in the front, the scene was magnificent but unfortunately, you can't see it.'

"Wait, there is a screen here? Why does no one talk about this!?" I want to see what is happening in front of me, the sound it made is satisfying but I want to see the scene too!

[Warning! Warning! 5 titan-class sea creatures detected, please prepare for combat]

"Ohhh, right off to fighting, that means now I have some dummy to test my weapon on!" I cheered and use my Haki to feel the enemies but unfortunately couldn't see anything because of its low level!

"I need to raise the skill level more after this. Aqua, where is the enemy?"

[On your left side about 300 meters away, please deploy a long-range weapon] "But I can't see anything, how do I choose the weapon?"

[Fufu, then let me help]

[New option added: OC-0001 weaponry]

[Recommended weapon to use right now: Oxygen destroyer missile]

"Ehm, then deploy an oxygen destroyer missile!"

[Weapon deployed]

*Clank* Clank* CLICK*

"FIRE!" hm, one of the famous lines I heard somewhere, a simple commend but effective I think.






"WOAH! The impact is huge! I think it's too wasteful to use such a strong weapon from the start."

[Report: This weapon is very effective in dealing with titan-class sea creatures and under so the humans have made a lot of this missile. There are approximately 100000 missiles stored inside of the Robot's dimension storage space.]

[You have killed a titan-class sea creature] x 5

[You have level up] x 25

[You have plundered 419 stats points]

[You have received 1 epic ocean chest]

[All enemy's life signal has been deleted]

"... I think I know what to do it's time to hunt for some treasure! We will go even deeper to hunt for treasure! How deep can this machine go Aqua?" By hunting down many sea creatures as I can, in the rest of 5 days I will be able to get a lot of treasure chests!

[This robot has been made of a leviathan so it's able to go to the deepest point that has been discovered on earth.]

"That is nice to know, it's time to continue my adventure! to the deepest point we go!"

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