
12.Back to Me

Peter's POV

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh" I heard Aroura scream I rushed to her room with everyone else hot on my heels. I swung the door open to find her standing in a pair of dark wash jeans and a black bra my hear jumped into my throat. She spun around and faced me and everyone else all crowed in her doorway. "What happened to my hair?" She asked pulling it up from her head with one hand and pointing with the other. She was not embarest in the slightest she was mad that her hair had gone from having big purple chunks to regular old brown.

The seriousness that she put on this made me laugh I had to reach out and grab a dresser near the door to hold myself up.

"This," Aroura once again pointed to her hair, "is not funny." But still my laughter continued and it must have been contiguous because soon we were all laughing. Ella finally pushed her way past me and ushered us out of the room.

In the living room my amusement didn't settle, and as I looked over at Ken he was not amused. Lola still hadn't woken from her encounter with Aroura. My amusement finally faded and I began to ponder what could have happened.

After a few minutes had passed Aroura and Ella emerged from Aroura's room, Aroura went straight to were Lola was laying on the couch Ken became very uneasy and stood in-between Aroura and Lola.

"You have already done enough to her." Ken stated with all kinds of warning in his voice

"This is my sister and I can fix her." Aroura pushed Ken out of her way or more like Ken let her push him out of the way. Aroura nelt down next to the couch and begain to look Lola over, "How was I brainwashed?" She asked out of nowhere we were all taken aback by the question, and then Ethan spoke up.

"You didn't know us at all and you called Peter and Ken demons." He stated to he plainly.

"I mean was I me could I fight was I quick?" What an odd question

"You were kinda damsel in distress until I got too close then you got a little violent." I told her really I was the only one who had to deal with her physically during this time.

Araura touched Lola on the neck in a couple of places and Lola started to cough and then she leaned over and barfed on the floor. Gross. Even grosser Ken went right to her and scooped her up. I didn't know if I would do such a thing, I mean barf is nasty.

"Peter," my mom called and motioned me over to were her and Ryan were sitting "Our house burned down today." She told me in her most caring sympathetic voice. I just hung my head, I had already known and just hadn't told anyone. "And Matt is missing," Her words choked in her throat and my heart ached for this real angle who loved us like we were her children. I hugged her tight and hoped she couldn't know that I had this secret.


Aurora's POV

"How long has it been since the Halloween party?" I asked Ethan and Ella they looked at each other and mirrored the expression of I don't want to say. "Come on guys just tell me."

"It's been 3 weeks." Uncle Ryan said from behind me. I had been brainwashed and I had missed 3 weeks. No wonder so much has changed and Peter and Ken seem like family. And then I remembered "Where's Matt?" I asked perplexed by his absence.

"We haven't seen or heard from him in almost 4 days." Uncle Ryan said then I noticed form the corner of my eye a twitch from Ella.

"You have heard from him." Really a statement not a question for Ella.

She looked down at the ground but nodded her head. " He called me last night."

Eve quickly jumped up from the table were her and Peter had been sitting and rushed over. She placed both of her hands on Ella's shoulders and pleaded "Is he ok, what did he say is he coming back, where was he?" Eve's face looked so sad and there was so much desperation him her voice.

"He was staying at your guys house, and he said he would come back when he could, I don't know what that means." Ella stepped back and Eve's arms fell to her side.


Peter's POV

"The house burned down today." Eve said. That pain in my chest again I know my brother is gone I couldn't save him, and I'm protecting the one who set the fire. "I have to go the police and fire investigators have already called me." She stood up straight and tried not to collapse.

I can't think of a time I have ever seen my mother look so weak.

I was right at my mother's side "I'll go with you."

"No, we can't risk you being over emotional near unknown humans. You stay here I'll call you soon." She told me so kindly

"Please, I don't want you to go alone. You shouldn't drive in this state." I pleaded with her.

"She won't" Uncle Ryan stated with his jacket on and key in his hand ready to go. Uncle Ryan put his arm around my mother and led her out to the car.


Aurora's POV

A lot seems to have changed in the three weeks I was "gone". I looked around the room and saw Ken still cradling Lola in the oversized sitting chair, that relationship was started but the way he looked at her. I could tell Lola was happy but as soon as she saw me she wiggled away from Ken and sat on the arm of the chair then gave me a little wave. I waved back, she thought I wouldn't approve of her and Ken, she was right it was our jobs to find protect and train the horseman, not be there girlfriends. As soon as I thought it the memory of coming out of the dark and having Peter kissing me flooded my head. I looked over at Peter, he was once again sitting at the table with his head down resting on his arms. I moved without knowing and was next to him in a moment. It's like he knew right when I had reached his side because he lifted his head his beautiful eyes swollen from tears and clouded in white from his powers.

We locked eyes for just a moment and in that moment I could feel his pain and remorse and something else guilt. Why did he feel guilt? As quickly as I could feel his emotions they left when he leaned toward me and hugged me around the waist. His face smashed into my stomach. I almost pulled away but knowing how he felt I couldn't be that uncaring. I put my arms around his broad shoulders and held him close.


Peter's POV

I don't know how long Aroura stood with me just comforting me but suddenly my phone rang. "Hello" It was my mom she had good news and bad news for me.

"Unfortunately nothing was salvageable in the house, but there were no bodies found either." She said the last part in a whisper she obviously did not let on that she didn't know were Matt was. But I heard him screaming for my help how did he get out when I barely got out.

"Thank you mom, do you need me to come and help you?" I asked her it can't be easy to do that kind of stuff alone.

"No thank you my sweet son, I'll be back soon I love you." That's all she said then hung up. I looked at my phone then looked up and Aroura was still standing so close to me, she hadn't left my side even though I wasn't holing on anymore.

I stood up and ushered everyone into the living room. I told them the news and Ella's reaction was odd, she didn't seemed relieved or excited she seemed more cautious. "Ella what is it?" I asked her

"I don't know something is wrong I can feel it but I don't know what it is." She stated not really answered.


Eve's POV

"Why did you tell him that?" Ryan questioned me as I hung up the phone.

"It is the truth the fire investigators didn't find anything." I retorted

"But only because you put a spell on the house so mortals can't find bodies, which I don't even, know why you would need such a spell." Ryan answered back

"Becca had a hard time for a bit, and…" I began Ryan just put his hand up and waved my answer away "Besides we don't know if this body is Matt or not and I am not going to upset Eric for no reason."

"Fine, but if it is Matt we are going to have to tell them." Ryan finished as we carefully made our way through the rubble of the fire.

We made it to the body; it was defiantly a male, the burnt remains were far too tall to be a female, but other than that it was burned beyond recognition. I put my hands to the sky and said a little incantation. Soon two angles appeared near us

"How may we be of assistance?" The first angle asked his name is Adrian and he is quite loyal and trustworthy a fleeting attribute these days.

I motioned over to the body and said "Please find out who this poor soul is and report back to me." Adrian nodded and motioned for the second angle who I did not know to help. The both touched the body and then were gone.

"What was that?" Ryan asked

"Let's just call them CSI angle division." I said, "Now we need to get back to the kids, and not a word Ryan." He nodded in agreement and we were off.

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