

Emma sat cross-legged on her bed; her right hand placed underneath her chin as she let her thoughts consume her. She had been waiting for Maya and Derek, so that they could work the assignment and read for the quiz tomorrow, but all her waiting had been in vain. She had even updated her notes from the texts Ava sent to her on skype, but still the two Triggers were no where to be found in her room. The meeting must be taking so long. She thought, knowing that she would be one of their topics in the conference room; the strange girl that seemed to attract a lot of attention from weird gifted people.

When Professor Perkins had left them in the general entrance, and had gone to wherever he had mentioned he had to be, the other three had turned to her, their eye brows piqued up, an act that said clearly; 'like seriously?'

"Like it is my fault…" She muttered, bringing her history notebook to read, and the prescribed text.

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