

What had really happened in that off moment of compulsion? Maya thought, staring heatedly at the professor, who seemed to be more focused on her cousin.

She only hoped that Emma would trust her enough to tell her about it, when they both would settle in and talk this night, while also prepping for the quiz she had heard about from Ava.

Shifting her gaze back to her best friend, she saw that the redhead was staring at her, obviously expecting her to take the lead first in welcoming the history professor, a vampire. The thought gave her the chills.

But on a second thought, she agreed that they should be welcoming the professor, not because that they wanted to, but so as not to trigger the human's inquisitive nature. Although, she believed that it was too late already. She could see the human looking all curious at them all, hands no longer at akimbo, but now crossed under her chest. They would have a string of questions to answer later. She concluded.

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