
Hound Dog.

Jarkon's armor saved him from the twisting forces within the whirlpool which would have rented him apart. If he survived even that, then the explosion would have sealed his fate. He would have been stretched apart by the pulling force of the whirlpool as it tries to regain its normal state.

It is one thing to withstand external pressure. It is another thing to withstand internal expansion. You need to be durable and sturdy for you to withstand the first but you need to be elastic and capable of expanding into a great size against your will near instantaneously for you to withstand the second effect of the WORLD HAMMER. Those two qualities are different if not opposite to each other and rarely do they exist in the same person at the same time. They certainly won't appear within a simple nuisance like Jarkon.

Soverick came to examine what was left after the explosion.

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