
You Know I Couldn't Say No To That

Delia ate her breakfast, thanked Simon for making it and told him it was delicious, and was rewarded with a glorious smile before she had to go get ready for work. She was in the middle of putting on her makeup when he appeared in the bathroom doorway. 

"Hey, I need to go get changed. I'll see you at lunch, okay?"

She nodded and he kissed her again before heading out. He was very affectionate. She shouldn't have been surprised. Of course someone as generally perfect as he was would be. 

This was still so surreal. Delia made it through the morning in a daze. Was this really going to be alright? She needed her head to be in the game or she wouldn't be able to make it in the cutthroat world of fashion. 

She had to believe she would be fine once she got used to it. Simon was kind of dazzling. 

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