
Did You Really Think I Would Leave You Alone?

Little Ian had been nothing but a source of stress while Ava was still grieving and wrapped up in her guilt about his father's death but she really shouldn't blame him. He was just a baby. 

She kissed his little head and smiled at him. "Bye, little guy. Go be happy in the elven realm, okay?"

"I will ensure it, my lady," Kael promised. "And I want you to know…it has been an honor to serve you. I will miss you." 

Ava would miss him too. So much more than she would have thought was possible when they met. "I'll miss you too. Take care of yourself, Kael." 

He nodded and took the baby from her, holding on to him with one arm as he knelt to take her hand and kiss it with the other. "I will." A moment later, he turned and looked at Zeldris with an unfathomable expression. "Are you really going to do this?"

"Yes," he answered almost defiantly.

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