
Guess It Is A Crazy Coincidence Then

Erevan had to go to three different animal shelters before he found a white cat that looked close enough to his cat form. Unfortunately, its eyes were blue so he had to illusion them to look red. At least since this cat wouldn't be transforming, the spell should stay in effect unless he specifically changed it.

"Where are you taking me? What's going on?" the cat yowled from its cardboard box as it was carried out of the shelter.

Erevan teleported them to Molly's old, still untouched bedroom aside from occasional cleaning because he knew she wouldn't go in there and disturb them. He let the cat out of the box and spoke to it very seriously.

"Here's the deal. Your name is Casper now and Molly is your owner. Another cat named Stella also lives here but she won't bother you if you don't bother her. If you play your part properly, you will have warmth, treats, and affection for the rest of your life. If you don't, I will punish you. Are we understood?"

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