
Just A Friendly Spar

Despite the fact that Ajax was a really cute wolf cub, Monica still thought that having a wolf cub as a pet wasn't a good idea and was trying to be okay with it until she had discovered that the wolf cub could breathe fire.

Ella didn't really know what to say as she stared back at Monica who was staring at her with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"Silvia could please get me some water?" She whispered to Silvia.

"Okay," Silvia said before quickly zooming out of the room.

"How is that wolf able to breathe fire?" Monica asked, finally getting the words as she pointed at Ajax.

'What are you thinking of making up now?' Jasmine asked.

'I don't know, you tell me.' Ella replied.

'I don't know either.' Jasmine said.

"Ella," Monica called.

Just then Silvia zoomed back into the room with two bottles of water in her hands.

"I got one for myself because I really need it." She said as she handed Ella one of the water bottles and sat down on her bed.

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