

The port of Vasconcelos gathers crowds daily. Every day, large ships unload tons of food that supply the city that was once just an agricultural town. 

Amidst so many ships anchored in the bay, the most beautiful ones are the crossing ships. These ships do not hold all the general stuff of a fishing vessel, for example, nor do they have a storage opening like others. There are only the guest rooms and the beautiful masts that carry sturdy white sails of this type.

In front of such a ship, Luke was ecstatic. It was not the first time he had seen one of this type, but this one looked even more beautiful than the others. The ship's hull was beige, and there were hardly any barnacles or any moss, which was remarkable.

It was a very sunny late morning, and the seagulls that flew over the harbor skies naturally made a lot of noise. Whoo! Cuá!

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