
A reality check

An: sorry for not posting, I'm having writer's block, I'm currently twenty chapters ahead but it's a bit tough to move through this part. I also have like 3 assessments to do and it's rather annoying and time-consuming so all my attention has been on that and studying. so please understand why this is being delayed as much as it is. I try to put myself in the reader's position to push myself to write since I would hate to not receive chapters daily. anyway, enjoy the chapter, and as always, have a blessed day. Love you all!


All of these gods have servants. They are not gods and do not have even a fraction of our power, but they are still leagues above any mortal of your world.

Long ago there was a strict accord that was erected by all of us. It clearly stated that we would never fight with one another, we would always discuss our problems in a civil way. And we would never interfere with the humans outside of our jurisdiction.

It went into more depth, but you get the gist of it.

So, when Achlys here went on a rampage and spread our magic all over the world it awoke the gods in slumber. They were furious at the chaos we were causing and demanded an explanation. But before anything could be done, as you already know, my family self-imploded.

The gods thought we were dead and left the matter as it is. The territory was then split between the African god and the Asian gods. Since they thought we were dead, they took the pie handed to them.

Nothing really changed for the Europeans and their natural history continued.

But when the Pendragon family was exposed and the rumours about us being alive surfaced, one specific God came running to see what was happening.

Poseidon, that fucker couldn't help himself. After all, when one God kills another, they gain their power. Since Achlys had killed our siblings and father, we got massively stronger.

So, he sent his followers after us. Thankfully we were able to divert his attention thanks to the help of Isis, she was kind enough to shift his attention off of Europe and onto Africa where his followers have been searching ever since.

But that will end the second you become public knowledge. And it will eventually be brought to light. Especially if you want to re-establish your family in this world. They will know about it. so, I was never training you to fight Voldemort. I wouldn't have had to push you so hard if that was the case. You are already strong enough to wipe the floor with him.

I was training you to fight Poseidon when he comes searching. The war that was prophesied about previously is probably about him. He will bring down hellfire. And many will suffer due to his greed. I doubt the other gods will get involved since they are mostly passive. They don't like fighting pointless battles that they might incur losses in. they are fickle like that, its understandable in a way, with godhood, comes an endless lifespan, you learn to fear death when you live for long enough.] Drak concluded.

I was speechless for a very long time.

I couldn't believe it. there were actually gods or the equivalent to gods in this world?

"I find all this hard to believe Drak. I mean you have to understand, from what we know, and you know what I'm referring to, none of this was ever mentioned. Gods were never mentioned. Isn't this a bit… over the top and ridiculous?" I asked seriously.

[They are not lies. Do you think wizards are at the top of the food chain? They are but slightly bigger ants. We created them. And if we were at full power, we could, on a whim, take that power away from them. In a flash, they would return to being normal humans with their minds wiped. They have no power, Tom.

But the true threat lies in the oceans. Poseidon is lurking. He's waiting in the shallows for us. And the moment our foot touches the water he will devour us. So, our safety is limited. We are on a clock. If we are not ready by the time it runs out, we will be food for the fishes. Your family's effort will be for nothing. And I will have broken my promise.] Drak said seriously.

I was once again rendered speechless.

{So, the reason we are being rushed is because pipsqueak here wants to publicise the return of his family? Are you fucking kidding me? how idiotic are you? You do understand that the answer to all this lies in your problem right? All you have to do is keep your fucking mouth shut and bide your time. When he finally discovers us, we will have the element of surprise. why make it so hard for us? It makes no logical sense.} Achlys said seriously.

"Because my family deserves to be avenged. Their name deserves to be cleared and be ridden of the stain put upon it." I responded emotionally.

{I'm going to be very clear. And I will only say this once so listen well. FUCK YOUR FAMILY! I do not give a flying fuck what stain they have. What they had done to them. THEY. ARE. DEAD. Will clearing their name bring them back? NO! I get your need for revenge. You can kill them whenever you decide. They cannot resist.

But our problems trump your stupid and naïve thoughts. You must understand, Poseidon will stomp on you. He will kill everyone you love out of pure entertainment. What name clearing will you do from the bottom of a grave then huh? None. So, fuck your stupid idea. What you should do, is train your ass off. Set your standards higher. Overestimate Poseidon as much as you can.

When you have killed that fucker, you can do whatever your little heart desires. You want to make the Pendragons the head of the English wizarding community, go ahead. I back you all the way. but you need to reorganise your priorities. Drak might not have the balls to tell you this because of your fragile emo personality, but I couldn't care less frankly. I value my life unlike you.

So, although my words are harsh, you better listen to them. Or you will end up losing everything you are striving to build. Your little girlfriend, she will die a horrible death just by being associated with you. Your new gang of friends here will be slaughtered along with their families. John and Diana will be killed in the most horrifying fashion. Something I'm sure you are in no hurry to relive right?


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