
Your Daughter Is Mine

Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides. Above all, the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.

Victor stared hard at Roger who had his rifle aimed at his head and with the fierce look in his eyes did not doubt that the gun was loaded and ready to shoot. But then, would his future father-in-law shoot him in the presence of his family?

Mimi was present and would somehow know something is off if he doesn't return for a while, hence Victor was able to calm down and did not retaliate. As a person in the face of danger, it was hard not to save himself when he knew he could. Roger might hold the gun, but Victor had two advantages, age, and speed - unless, of course, the man was a veteran Assassin. Then he was as good as dead. 

"I ask again…" He pressed the gun further against his forehead, "What is the Enforcer doing in my home?" He demanded answers. 

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