
How They Meet pt.3

A female werewolf can also be an alpha. In such a case, the woman has no chance of getting pregnant. Even if there is, the numbness is minimal.

Melia is one of them. She is a female werewolf alpha. In contrast to Katsuki who is an omega status man.

But that doesn't mean Katsuki is always happy and Melia feels sad.

Sometimes, men who have the status of omega feel worried and made anxious by all the possibilities associated with their status. This is not about community exclusion. In fact, society has accepted that with same-sex relationships money has happened a lot at this time. Same-sex couples are completely free in their lives.

However, there are also many concerns that are felt by men who are omega. The alphas are more passionate and aggressive when they see the male omega. Because, in the last few decades it was discovered that male omegas have extraordinary beauty.

Not only that, there are other substances produced in their bodies. Mixed with a substance contained in their pheromone and made the pleasure of making love even more felt when making love with these omega men.

This is something that just happened. It is still being investigated and explored why this could happen.

It's not that women who are omega are unattractive and unattractive. However, it's true that lately omega men seem to really arouse the alpha's desire to make love.

That's what scares the omegas and hides their status. Not a few of the omegas, both women and men, use various tools to hide the smell of their pheromones.

They were trying their best to hide their heat state as the alphas vigorously released their pheromones.

And Haruhi Katsuki is one of those omegas who hides his identity.

But unlike the other omegas, he is quite innocent and doesn't really understand how the urban alphas hunt.

And Katsuki was raped by the alpha that Katsuki thought was Eijiro.


While he was being tricked, he kept waiting for Eijiro who didn't give him any news.

Although he continues to struggle alone, in the midst of his ignorance of everything around him, he tries to wait for the figure of his lover to return and return with him to their homeland.

"He didn't contact me for some reason! Don't think you can instigate me!"

Katsuki ran at high speed, darting away with his legs that had transformed into a shape resembling that of a wolf's.

The floor he stepped on cracked in a single step. Because, the magical power he had really he mustered at that time.




Melia also doesn't want to stay silent, she who used to only attack occasionally is now getting more aggressive in throwing punches

Katsuki and Melia's strength was almost even. Within moments Katsuki could have the upper hand, but Melia also quickly caught up. Even though she is a woman, Melia has sufficient strength because she is an alpha.

Melia doesn't want to lose to Katsuki. Even if they didn't say anything, each of them believed that if they lost, the loser would have to obey the wishes of the victor in the fight.

"Stop thinking about things that are uncertain. Aren't you tired of waiting for your lover who has never met you until now?" said Melia.

"I'll never get tired! because he keeps fighting for me! The proof is, he met me yesterday---"

"To just enjoy your body," said Melia. She was right, but that wasn't the case.

The figure who came to Katsuki at that time did come just to rape Katsuki. However, what came at that moment was another man in disguise.

"He will definitely come back," Katsuki said.

"Just watch over the next few years, you'll regret the opinion you hold on to."

Melia glanced to her right, a small sphere floated in the air. Small, but quite a lot. Like green bean seeds flying in the air, but they are not green beans.


Melia bounced, burns spread across her body. The burn he received was quickly healed with his self-healing ability.



Katsuki repeatedly gave his attack. His magical power is capable of making explosions like bombs or other explosives.

The attack continued to hit Melia. Circumstances began to support Katsuki, Katsuki increasingly cornered Melia. Melia can't attack much anymore. It seems that he is starting to give up because of Katsuki's attack and his strength is getting weaker.

"Give up and forget your stupid wish. You'd better find another omega."

Katsuki was already smiling broadly with a smirk on his face. The canines that Katsuki had were clearly visible, sharper and longer when he was in a fighting state.

He had already won.


Katsuki furrowed his brow, he who was still floating saw Melia laughing softly below, even though her body was crushed by some of the ruins of the building and full of wounds.



Katsuki glared widely, he realized there was a huge wave of magical energy coming towards him from behind. It wasn't additional magical energy for him, but rather magical energy that attacked him with a very powerful attack impact.

If Katsuki has a magical power attack form similar to an explosion.

Then Melia can make a very thunderous lightning strike.

"I've been waiting for this opportunity. And I'm sorry for making you hurt, I will pay for your skin care that is very smooth," said Melia. She rose and stood from under the rubble of the building that had buried him.

"But it seems you can heal yourself like me too, don't you?" Melia approached Katsuki who was already lying on the ground with a helpless body. "Gosh, I really am evil. Even though you helped me. But I ended up bringing you into a fight like this."

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