

2???'s POV

When I woke up everything hurt but I also felt amazing. I can't help wincing in pain when I tried to move but my eyes shot open to find him still laying on top of me, sleeping soundly. I smile and run my fingers through his curly hair.

I really need to get up though, I have no idea how long we have been here and we actually do need to start getting ready for the mission. I gently lift him and set him to the side and so slowly work on pulling myself up. It was far easier to lift my lover than to sit up.

Once I did get up though standing was the next challenge. Even sitting my legs felt like dead weights, like they had fallen asleep but haven't gotten the pins and needles yet. I took deep breaths and when I was finally ready to stand up I slid off the bed, only to keep going until I was stopped by a pair of strong arms. One pulled me back up on the bed chuckling and I can't help huffing in frustration.

"I told you I destroyed any chances of you walking today, but I guess that was yesterday," he chuckled, pulling me in to snuggle.

"One." I waited until I had his attention. "I really need to use the bathroom." The look on his face was priceless until he smiled wickedly.

"I really did fill you up," he laughed and I could feel my face practically catch on fire as he did. He stood up gingerly and then picked me up and set me in the bathroom on the toilet before leaving. At least he is giving me some kind of privacy...

When I was done I couldn't help growing red again because I still couldn't stand up. My legs just wouldn't obey. "One?" I asked, almost afraid that he would hear me. But there he was lifting me up at the sink and carrying me back to bed again.

"What time is it? And what day? How badly did we fuck up the next part of the mission?" I asked one question after another, not waiting to hear the answers until the end.

"Hmm, well it's Monday night, 8 pm, and the mission isn't until Wednesday. Tuesday we are supposed to move in with you know who, but we have all day tomorrow to do that. So we are all good." One smiled back at me. I don't even care that I lost another day to lust or that I can't feel my legs. His smile was like the first rays of sunlight after a long night.

"Needless to say though, we can't just lose ourselves again anytime soon. But I'm glad we did. When we did," he smiled brightly, making my heart skip a beat.

I just hummed in agreement before cuddling into him. I mean sure I am a little taller than him and neither of our muscles were anything to laugh at. But he is just so beautifully... Man? The thought confused me but there really isn't a better word for it. He is so protective and built, lord above, it is like he is carved from marble and since he learned to heal his own injuries both now and past. His scars were almost gone...

I look up into his bright green eyes just to see him gazing back at me. With everything in the world that I've done wrong, just how did I deserve an angel like him?

"I wonder if I can use the pressure points to help you be able to walk faster? If so we can probably get away with doing that again sooner than I thought." His voice was low but light, it sent shivers down me at the thought of doing THAT again.

"Can we try?" I whisper back, hoping he isn't wrong.

He sat up smiling and I saw him charge his fingers with his green energy before sending me to a world of bliss. I'm not ashamed to say I got hard before he was even halfway done with my first arm. But the fact that I was ready to cum before he got the chance to finish was mortifying.

I watched him simply bend down and take me in his mouth, sending my moans thrilling through the air again. When I came he just smiled and finished where he left off. He managed to finish that arm and the other but it was hard again before he finished the first foot.

"I can get used to this," I hear him mumble before moving on to the other. By the time he finished both of my feet I was aching with need again and he could see me twitching in excitement before he took me in his mouth again.

The process continued for both legs as well and this time when I came I was ready to cry. As amazing as this felt, it just didn't compare to him filling me and I was growing frustrated.

"Oh I like this a lot," he purred, taking me again. I just. I just. Do I fucking hate this or love it? I don't even know as he licked up the last drops before turning to my head and working his way down to my neck. He was about half way down my abs when the tears started falling, my tears, my moans breaking as his touch was just too much to handle.

"Stop, please stop." I was sobbing before I knew what was going on. I just couldn't take another round. The thought alone excited me so much it felt like I had cum pulsing out and it was so painful.

He had frozen in place when the first tear slid from my eyes and the moment I said stop he stopped touching me altogether. It looked like he wanted to hold me but he was afraid to come near me.

"I'm so sorry, what did I do? What should I do? What can I do? Please, how can I make this better?" He was hardly breathing between questions let alone giving me time to answer but I stopped him by just holding up a hand. It was really all I could do at the moment and it took longer before I could say what I needed to say, what I wanted to say.

"I need you inside of me, I can't just..." I stopped, trying to form what I needed to say into words. "I need more than you blowing me into oblivion." I was angry at myself for not saying anything sooner, now I'm fucking crying instead of screaming in bliss.

"Are you sure? I thought I was hurting you?" He seemed confused but relieved all at once but all I could do was nod. I need that reality shattering orgasm I have come to know and the fact that he was only pleasuring me, leaving himself frustrated beyond belief, was infuriating.

"Okay," he picked up a bottle of lube from the bedside table and coated himself. I was so sensitive that I was jumping at him just dabbing a little at my entrance. When did I get the use of my legs back? I have no idea.

He carefully lined up and gently pushed inside, I think he was afraid he didn't put enough lube on but I couldn't stop myself from digging my nails into his back pulling him closer. "Fuck!" He froze at the word. Goddamn nerd I need more not less! I couldn't bring myself to say anything else but instead I pushed him over on his back and he fell out of me again causing a string of curses to leave me again.

I climbed on top of him, for the first time, and positioned myself above him and slowly sank down onto his throbbing cock. My legs hurt so bad before doing this and this was pure torure but... He just felt so good. I hear his moans of pleasure from below me and I look down to see his face in bliss. It only took a couple bounces for my legs to start to buckle but he seemed to realise I was having trouble and he put his hands on my hips to help me.

The fact that helped so much was ridiculous but it did. It was like bouncing on air, his shaft hitting exactly where I needed it to each and every time. I couldn't form any words at all anymore, hell my screams were pretty much gone now, only moans could still make it past my lips. But I must have done something to let him know that I was about to cum because he started going faster and letting me dip lower with each bounce. I was silently screaming, my head thrown back in pure bliss when I felt his hot, thick seed fill me, my own coating his chest and abs.

I went limp, only staying up right because of his hold on me. He had to help me down because I just couldn't move anymore. How could I? I mean I think I just died and went to heaven a few dozen times to find out that I had only been standing at the gates this whole time. I could barely feel my breathing and I couldn't focus on much of anything, well except those green eyes. Those amazing green eyes I fell in love with years ago. I blinked, or that's what I meant to do.

The next time I opened my eyes I was cuddled tightly in his arms, my whole body feeling like I was hit by a truck but in a good way. However, that works. I could feel my body melting into his arms like I had only just gotten there instead of waking up there. I melt into his arms sighing in sweet relief. If this is all a dream please don't let me ever wake up.

"I love you so much, don't ever leave me." I begged the sleeping sex god whose arms I was still laying in. I snuggled closer and I felt a change in his breathing and his arms tightened around me, but he remained sleeping. I dozed back off more than happy to hold him and to have him hold me.


The next time we woke up it was a blur of movement, thankfully the idea of him messaging me did exactly what we wanted and I had full use of my legs again, which I needed. We were running around cleaning up as we went, we had to move in with Eraserhead and Present Mic today. Why? The fuck if I know. All I know is that something happened over the weekend and the safehouse wouldn't be safe if anyone saw One or Two leaving it.

So we were dressed as Molly and Brenda and walking in heels and after giving my ass such an intense workout... Just ouch, but we don't have time to complain and we had even less time than we thought we did.

We woke up at 8pm and we had an hour to be there at a respectable time. We caved and sent him a text, it would show up as an unknown number but it was our only option. Thankfully he did respond with an, 'Ok', but that was it. Just about everything was still packed anyway so it really didn't matter but apparently clean up after anal sex is a bit harder to do when you didn't have time to fuck in the shower.

"Fuck it! Fuck me!" I pulled him to me in the shower. We don't have time to be worried about if we got it all and I'm horny anyway. "Make it our first quicky, but I need you." His hungry eyes said it all. I did just spend ten minutes trying to clean myself out already and I could feel his eyes following every movement I did. Not to mention that just trying to clean up was stimulating the fuck out of me.

A short while later we were running around again getting dressed. I feel no shame in what happened in the shower, it's not like I'll be able to have him again anytime soon anyway... Well that's depressing as fuck.

We take our bags and make our way to the cafe where Eraserhead and Present Mic are supposed to pick us up. We don't actually need to burn this one down to the ground because we never left it as One or Two. Only as a pair of siblings, albet older, and as Molly and Brenda.

I saw Eraserhead standing by his car and when he looked up and saw us I could see his fidgeting stop. Yep, he is Dadizawa.

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