
Chaos And The Banshees Cry

There was complete disorder when they entered through the portal to get back to their school.

The stench of blood was evident and screams of students and staff workers alike echoed off the walls of this demon school.

"It seems things have gotten very bad in our absence" Louis said.

"Actually I expected this" Niklaus said.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked.

"The enemy attacking are all high ranked demons that were locked in that prison for years and the students here are barely above average" Niklaus said not sweetening his words at all.

"Hmm they have become too comfortable and reliant on the protection of our demon lords" Louis elaborated.

"This is…this is a massacre!" Kai yelled glancing around.

"Just calm down Kai, we can't do anything about that now. We need to join in on the fight and hopefully we'll save some" Louis said.

"Louis is right getting all worked up about this will only cause us to make rash decisions. No one likes the idea of our classmates being brutalized but we have to think clearly in a situation like this" Niklaus replied.

"Think calmly?! Are you even looking at this scene!" Kai said raging with anger.

Niklaus and Louis looked at Kai with emotionless eyes and their actions portrayed indifference. They knew that Kai was just a first year and he has never been in a situation like this so his immature behavior was expected. Nevertheless, they knew when he was calm his skills at observation and deduction were impressive and so was his abnormal strength and unique bloodline ability of space magic.

Louis and Niklaus wanted to reason with Kai and try to get him to think properly but Kai's emotions were all over the place and they didn't know how to pacify the younger demon. Luckily there was one demon who could.

"Look at me" Riley said turning to face a fuming Kai.

"Kai I want you to look at me" Riley held unto his wrist and pulled him closer.

Biting his lips and avoiding those red eyes he gazed at the surrounding chaos in the halls of DarkFall.

"Are you so angry that you won't even look at me anymore?" Riley asked.

"That's not it! Don't be ridiculous I—" he was cut off by Riley abruptly letting go of his wrist.

"If you focus on the chaos around you will never notice or appreciate the things you have with you" Riley said raising his hands and Kai closed his eyes afraid but what he felt next was not pain but gentle hands resting on his cheeks.

"Kai its really bad but I'm here, I will not leave you alone ever" Riley said gazing into his eyes.

Kai's heart skipped a beat as he listened to those words, "okay."

"Great, now let's go find the demon lords. Niklaus you'll be our close combat fighter and Louis you are both offense and defense. Lincoln you will assist and fight to your heart's content and Kai I need you to be my eyes and ears tell me everything" Riley gave out the orders and everyone got into position.

They made it through the hallways of the third years like this and moved on to the second years floor. Niklaus, Lincoln and Louis allowed no one near Riley. Kai observed the slightest movement and when needed repositioned the boys to a blindspot where someone was sneaking up.

This team of five demons walked through unscathed. Soon familiar faces came into view.

"Dad!" Riley shouted with joy and the demon lord turned instantly at the sound of his voice.

"Riley" Darien embraced his son in his arms as his golden eyes glances over his body for the slightest injury.

"Where were you I was so worried?" Darien asked and Riley told him everything.

"That's quite the tale" Vincent said after Riley finished informing Darien of all the events that took place.

"I was upset before but now I'm enraged. How could you…" demon lord Kerr with his head lowered and hands in a fist stood in front of Darien.

"..you kept our adorable son to yourself all this time" Kerr said finally looking up with his black eyes ten times darker.

"Kerr stop your nonsense, there is no 'our son' Riley is my son and if I told you once I've told you a thousand times, we are not together so stop acting like my lover." Darien used his bloodline ability purple lightning to strike a bolt of lightning at Kerr but he dodged it.

Riley had been informed about the demon lord Kerr and demon lord Vincent on his way here by Kai so he already knew who they were.

Riley felt a sudden pinch on his cheek and looked at the culprit, lord Vincent. Vincent immediately turned away denying the obvious.

"Would you two stop it, your like a thousand years old. Act your age!" Kai shouted at the two demon lords who were bickering and fighting.

As soon as the words left his mouth he regretted it because now Darien and Kerr had their full attention focused on young Kai.

"Yeah…that was stupid little brother but don't worry, your big bro will visit your grave" Louis said with a bright smile as the latter looked at his elder brother with disbelief.

"Tough love" Niklaus commented upon hearing the brothers.

"Alright that is enough. Need I remind you of the situation at hand?" Vincent rhetorically asked.

"Fine. We'll finish this later" lord Darien said with a glare and Kerr glared right back.

"Well it's about time, you guys were starting to bore me" Lincoln who had been quietly watching the three demon lords and hugging Riley's shoulder said.

Louis, Niklaus and Kai back away while Riley nervously laughed and Vincent, Kerr and Darien all intensely stared at Lincoln as if communicating certain death with their eyes. Lincoln, however couldn't care less and only wanted to cuddle with Riley in a bed.

"By now almost all the prisoners have gathered on the school grounds. All the first years are either dead or close to dying and the second years are putting up a good defense but are slowly being picked off. The third years and teaching faculty members can handle themselves. But, if this continues we will be at an even greater disadvantage in this fight. We are already outnumbered as it is. Any more surprises and we are sure to—"

Before lord Vincent could finish what he was about to say something interrupted his speech. An ear piercing cry of pain echoed violently off the walls of DarkFall as the ground became unstable and the school began to crumble.

It was the banshees cry, a scream so loud it shook the entire school. Every demon, young and old knew of the legend of the banshees cry and dared not dream to ever witness such horror. If ever heard it meant impending death.

"No it couldn't be" Darien said with disbelief.

"It's unmistakably the banshees cry" Kerr confirmed.

"Of all the bad luck, this just has to happen. Why couldn't that darn thing keep her mouth shut for another few millennia" Vincent cursed.

"Never thought I would experience such a thing" Lincoln said. He was the only one to have reacted during the banshees cry as he infused his hands with his magic and placed it on either sides of Riley ears as to not allow his young master to be affected by the loud scream.

Niklaus who has sensitive ears heard the banshee ten times louder and was now clutching his ears as he rested in Louis embrace.

"As if those idiots didn't cause me enough trouble, now this, they'll pay" Vincent said in rage. For the first time losing his cool and calm presence and waves of killing intent flowed off him.

Riley who had gone quiet while his ruby red eyes glances around calculating their chances of survival if they stayed here. The prisoners were still attacking and half the students were knocked unconscious by the banshees cry. The unconscious soon became victims as the prisoners were merciless and even though the demon lords tried to protect the younger demons and at the same time fight off approaching enemies it was still helpless. By now, more than half of the student body along with the teachers staff had been wiped out. It didn't take long to conclude and make his decision.

"We are all going to die" Riley said calmly.

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