
Chapter 98- Addie – To the Rescue Part 1 Volume 4

***ADDIE'S POV*** 

My staff was staying behind, here in Elvemore. I couldn't have Violet, Nishi, Nithi, and the other nonfighters coming with us. They would only be in danger once we arrived. I left two soldiers with them, just to be safe, but I wasn't worried. Elvemore wasn't being invaded. The only danger was in Ronchelle right now.

Me, Nolan, Gentry, and all my soldiers filed into the carriage as quickly as we could. Protocol and niceties were ignored for the time being. We had to get there are quickly as possible. 

"This is going to take a long time." Gentry sounded worried as he looked out the window at the receding ground.

"No, it won't." I told him as I stepped closer to the front of the carriage. I had created this thing, so, I knew how it worked. And I knew how to make it go faster. 

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