
A situation

"I say, this place is a sight for sore eyes." I mumbled to myself. They should've kept this place in secret but here it is! People from all around the world is coming to see the hidden city of Wakanda. The home of the Black Panther. "He says the location is near his home. Where-"

A crowd roaring interrupts my train of thought and I go to see what is happening. Wouldn't hurt to find out. I walk through the crowd and pickpocket whatever I can since they are too engrossed with the fight going on.

As I made it to the front, a body falls right in front of me from the fight. "That's gonna leave a bruise...."

Is this idiot picking a fight? Someone stomps to the fallen man and picks him up in anger. "Take your word back or I-"

"Seriously, they let a drunken man in this great city?" I cut out the punk's sentence. The punk, that I just realize is the smuggler, flares at me in anger. So that's what he meant by getting me inside. "You think I will let an American tell me what to do!?"

"Of course I won't tell you anything. I can just kick your ass." I smirked. He drops the man down to the ground and charges towards me with his fist up. I immediately grab his fist and kick him on just stomach to send him back flying to the ground.

Why am I getting this feeling that something ain't right here? Dad always used to say to listen to your instinct.

"Hey, are you okay?" I walk towards the man seeing him with brown scruffy hair and some facial hair. His clothes seem casual, probably a visitor as well.

"I'm good. Hang on" the man grumbles and opens his eyes and stares right at me, "Wait, are you a kid? Did a kid save me?" I pull my hood from my right side down and let the man sit up.

"You will pay!"

We both turn to see the man holding a gun, my gun, and pointing it at us!

"Capture him!"

Female guards came in and grab the arms of the man and took my gun from his hand. My gun! I just made that gun before I came to Africa!!! This bastard, does he not know it's not from here?!

"So, you dare show your face and attack one of the king's visitors?"


Is it .....

I look to my left and stare at the older man. He notices my stare and smirks.

Oh shit this isn't good.

"Take him away!" One of the guards take hold of my gun and the man.

"You will regret protecting the Americans! They are the true villains!" He got out of the grip of the guards and tackle me and punched my face twice before I grab his fist and head butt him.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed quietly.

"Make sure you distract them and take you to the Medical Ward. The Vibranium they keep is at their palace." He informs me. Does he really think I'm some kind of idiot?

"I knew you were hiding something. S.H.I.E.L.D made you do this, didn't they?" The man's eye widen in fear as I kick his stomach and punch him on his face to get him off of me.

The guards came quickly and pin the man before he gets up.

"Are you okay, kid?" I sat up and saw the same man checking up on me. "I'm fine." I stand up and dust myself off.

"Kid? Are you a child?" One of the guards came to me, staring at my face. My instincts made me pull my hood down even more.

"Where are your parents?" The guard asked.

"Beats me. I've been on my own for a long time." I answer casually.

Now the guard and man gave my a pity look which irritates me as I find it unnecessary.

So .... " I said awkwardly.

"Seems you're okay and you got the guy. So im going to go bye!" I turn to walk away before things get worse. And it just did.

A hand on my shoulder stops me from walking, "Child. You are hurt. Let us see if the damage that man has cause is severe." It's a punch to the face. I've been dealing with things a lot worse.

The guard guides me back to the group and take me and the stranger to who knows where.

"What should we do with this weapon? It is obviously handmade." My baby.....

"We will take it to Her Highness to examine it and question the man where these illegal weapons are coming from." the guard states.

Oh my god .... I'm going to be exposed. That bastard wants me dead! What am I saying it's the government that wants me dead! Can't I take one break already? I just wanna play my games ....

I need to get to him before they get to him or my weapon.

"How did a kid like you come all the way from America?" Why did I help him? Why did I agree to come to Wakanda!?

I cleared my throat, "I just go wherever the wind takes me."

"Aren't you like young?"

"I'm seventeen." I answered bluntly. I'm young but I'm not that fucking young! "Could've fooled me." Okay, now I want him dead.

The train ride to the Medical Ward made me look at the view of Wakanda and something even better, Vibranium. Imagine what I can do with that metal since it's very rare to find. It seems more common to find them here than anywhere else.

Once we made it to the Medical Ward, Scott, I already knew his name, took me to a lab where people are already doing work on my gun.

I need to get that back.

"Hey Shuri!" Scott hollers. The one call Shuri looks up at us and shakes her head.

"What happen now? Fight with my brother or someone took your lunch money?" Shuri teases.

"Hey, that was one time with your brother. Someone picked a fight with me and they thought it would be a great idea to punch a kid's face" Scott steps to the side to show myself to Shuri. "Scott where did you find this child?"

"This 'child' saved his ass. Not much of a fighter if you ask me." My comment made Shuri laugh and Scott to give me a dirty look. "I could've taken him if you haven't cut in!"

"So playing dead on the ground is a way to take down your enemies?" Scott didn't say anything and walks away from me as I kept a smirk on my face.

"I like him."

"I don't."

"Hater!" I yelled and walk down the last few steps and look around the lab until my eyes land on something. "What's that?" I pointed to innocently.

"It's a prototype weapon we are making for our warriors. If in any case they have no weapon to use, the last resort will be their hands and this weapon." Shuri explains. So that's what they are going to be use for. Make the military stronger.

"Your Highness!" Several guards came to the lab and point their spears all at me.

1223 Words

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