
Finally found each other again

Bakugo realized right then he wasn't going to be able to do this alone most likely. He was going to try but he could practically feel what she was feeling he knew her pretty well after all. That and he had spoke with Aizawa to get some tips on ways to help convince her to return, he was warned on how difficult she can get. He was also warned if fear was involved to contact him and Shinso may have to help bring her back with out it being too hard on her. "I didn't know you didn't have your phone. Im glad you ok regardless teddy bear. One more question than lets go for a walk. Why are you hiding?" He asked pulling her into a hug. He knew he just needed to comfort her and give her sometime "I…I thought you died. No one would tell me anything, not even where you were" she said and picked up the dog tag she was wearing around her neck showing him what she had made. "I don't know what all you know about what happened after you passed out but Deku and I both went up against him. You heard Touya's announcement that day as well. Shigaraki was unaware of that fact and I had been…staying with them. With Touya he was keeping me safe I promise you that. Well with that new information and that fact that I tried to help stop him. I have a target on me just like Deku does, not as big but its there" she then said to him as he looked at the dog tag and smiled at it. Bakugo admired how crafty she was even if it was for something so solemn. "I'm very much alive trust me on that. I don't plan on dying anytime soon either" he said trying to keep himself under control with his questions, both due to where they are and not wanting to push her too much. "Lets go for that walk. Looks like your phone is ready you just have to turn it on now" he said softly handing her the cup of tea as he still held her in his arms not caring who saw right now. Shinta calmed feeling his warm arms around her, she had been cold for a while so it was a cozy feeling on top of she felt safe there while she drank her tea. "Yea lets do that" she said finishing her tea as the two packed up the little bit she had out on the table before heading out. 

It was around late afternoon at the time when they got outside, Shinta had turned on the phone and put it on silent knowing it was going to be going off for a bit receiving all the messages and calls she had missed. Bakugo led the way, he knew she was tough but he could see how fragile she seemed right now. "Any place in particular you wanted to go?" Shinta asked him as they walked away from the crowded areas. The further from the crowds got she became a bit more relaxed even though she kept scanning the building tops and alleyways for potential threats. "Nope, I just want to spend some time with you and make sure your ok. I want you to come back to UA…but I can also tell that your not ready yet" he said as they got to a familiar place. Shinta smiled when she realized where he had taken her; back to where they had their first date and where they reunited after she got back from the ordeal in the US. "K-Katsuki…" she said looking down and he turned to face her lifting her chin so he could look her in the eyes. "Its ok. My goal is to assure you that you and everyone else will be safe there sure. Right now its just to spend time with you. And when your ready to fill me in on what I saw that day. What all happened after you left UA. In time though I won't force you to tell me everything right now" he said to her with a smile "Thank you papa bear. For everything really. I'll make you a deal" she said softly her hands taking his "Meet me by the forest in two days. We will go for a little hike to the lake there and have a picnic. At the picnic I'l….I'll tell you everything you want to know. All I ask of you is to make us some bentos to enjoy that day please?" she asked him "Also, please don't tell the others yet. I still have somethings I need to figure out. Some of the same questions you have I'm sure they have, I looked very different that day" she said with a chuckle. "You really did. I want to know why but I'll wait. I would do anything to keep you out of harms way" he said before stealing a kiss from her. He had missed that moment for awhile now and while she was in front of him he wanted to seize it again. Shinta smiled a little blush across her face since she wasn't expecting it. "I'd do the same for you papa bear" she said hugging on tight to him again as they sat there watching the sun set. They staid like that for hours not saying a single word just being there in each others arms. Eventually Bakugo started to fall asleep, when Shinta realized it she chuckled softly before picking him up softly. He lived near there so she was going to take him home to let him sleep. After she carefully got him on her back between her wings she walked towards his home just a few blocks away.

When she got there luckily the lights were still all out so she could get him to bed and get out with out anyone else seeing her. After getting the key from his pocket Shinta got Bakugo to his bed all tucked in and even in his pajamas already. Shinta kissed his forehead before she took her leave, his house key back on the hook where it always goes when he gets home. It was like he went home after a long day and crashed no sign she was ever there. Once the coast was clear she headed back to her tree for the night. When she got there she finally look over all the messages and calls. "So many missed calls and texts. I really worried them all didn't I" she said to herself. Dabi had even messaged her letting her know he was ok. He wouldn't message her too often, but he wanted to at least know she was ok when she finally got his messages. Over time those messages got a bit more worried for her but followed the same type of words in all of them. Shinta decided she should answer Dabi to put his mind at ease specially with the fact that Toga had even come to warn her. ~I'm alright. I'm safe and have a phone again. I had left my phone behind that day. Shigaraki warned me he would come for me so I knew I couldn't come back for it~ Shinta then turned the ringer back on before laying down for the night and she sent one more message before heading to bed for the night. ~you fell asleep at the park, I took you home and got you to bed. I will see you in two days for our picnic. Take care papa bear~

It was getting colder out at night making it harder for Shinta keep warm. Sometime during the night she woke up shivering and looked at her mask. It still had some blood on it from the last day she wore it but that form would be warmer so she grabbed her mask putting it on turning into a smaller version of the Kitsune form before curling up to go to sleep. It wasn't much better but she wasn't shivering anymore she was able to at least sleep through the night. Dabi saw her message the following day and was relieved to finally have gotten a response ~if you need anything just tell me, we can figure out a way to get it to you~ he sent back as a response. He wanted to keep the messages short and not give away who he was talking to. Dabi went as far as changing her name in his phone to 'Iris' to keep the others from finding out he had still been trying to talk to her. When Shinta finally woke up she stretched out before taking her mask back off turning back to normal, her stomach immediately starting to growl and she groaned from it. Shinta grabbed a protein bar and quickly ate it to help calm her hunger some, she was going to go down to the lake today and get things ready for the following day for her picnic is Bakugo. That and she was going to get cleaned up while there, the sun was out so she could wash her clothes as well. If she did them first they could dry while she gets stuff set up. She happened to have a pair of shorts and an extra top she would put on while her other clothes were drying. After getting what she needed together she headed to the lake. Bakugo woke up earlier that morning rather confused as to how he got home or even changed into his pajamas. He checked his phone after waking up fully seeing the message form shinta from the night before. "She could have staid here" he grumbled to himself as he got up to get a shower before heading back to UA for his classes. The following afternoon was the picnic for the two of them so after class he was going to do the shopping to get all the ingredients for their meals. He planned on making extra for her to make sure she eats even after their date. The water of the lake was a rather icy so Shinta did her best to wash her clothes quickly and clean herself up as quick as she could before she started a small fire to try to warm back up some near the shore. The heat from the fire would also help dry her clothes she washed. Sitting by the fire she still shivered her nose running some even but she did her best to ignore it, she didn't have the extra money anymore to do anything about it. 

After school Bakugo went to the store picking up everything he would need for the bento boxes as well as some to make Shinta a few extra meals. He also picked up some snacks for her as well before he headed back to the dorms to prepare the meals. In the evening after her clothes were dry Shinta flew over the city to patrol for any danger. A few minor criminals caused some trouble which she took care of quickly, while she was out she spotted someone that seemed familiar. 'Deku?' She thought to herself before following from a safe distance. She saw him meet up with All might who was trying to make him take a bento box to eat. She smiled some seeing that he had someone watching out for him out here and thought about trying to talk with him before she turned around to head back to her tree. "He still probably has so many questions. I don't know if he would like all the answers. I'll try to message him first, that may be a better idea" she said to herself as she flew back to the woods. All might and Deku both looked up when they saw a few small feathers falling from above them and they realized who's they were. "At least she is alright. She has had it pretty tough too young Midoriya, she told us what happened. What ever you think she may have done while she was away. It would be better to try to talk to her about it rather than to dwell on it. Take it from me dwelling on the unknown can lead to you losing yourself. Take care of yourself" All might said before taking his leave knowing full well Deku hating staying in one place too long. Midoriya nodded maybe All Might was right, maybe he should try to reach out to her after all they were pretty good friends before she left UA. Before trying to sleep that night shinta decided to message Midoriya ~hey deku, I know we haven't talked in a while. I'm glad your alright after what has happened. I'm sorry for the shock you received that day due to me. I will do my best to answer any questions you have. I do hope you still consider me a friend. Hope your well, Shinta~. After that she curled up shivering her nose running, the air wet outside as it got colder that night, colder than expected even. Eventually she fell asleep waking up around noon the next day. 

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