
The Royal Experience & Ellaria Sand Pt. 1

Margaery of House Tyrell, would-be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, could scarcely believe what was happening. She had… she'd thought… she'd been a fool, to put it simply. After catching on to what young Podrick Payne was doing to the Queen Mother, Cersei Lannister, Margaery had been delighted. Only now did she realize that taking pleasure from another woman's misfortune had been her very first mistake. The mistakes that had followed had been numerous as a result.

Yes, Cersei was a bitch of a woman, and deserved quite a lot of what was coming to her. But Margaery had been an absolute fool to believe that she could tame Podrick Payne where the more experienced Queen could not. She had been stupid to try and play his game, because in the end, she should have known… Podrick was an animal. He was a beast, a monster of a man, with a massive cock that… that Margaery simply couldn't get enough of.

Her eyes dart towards Podrick's crotch and her tongue unconsciously snakes out from betwixt her lips to lick at them for a moment, even as she stands there, arms clasped behind her back and spine straight, soft, supple breasts jutting out as a result, and her entire lithe, nubile young form on full display, given her nudity. The only thing she was allowed to wear was a small face mask that hid her features, and her crown.

It wasn't even her crown, not the crown that she'd gotten to wear on the day of her wedding with Joffrey, nor the crown she expected to wear every day for the rest of her life as Tommen's Queen. It was a heavy sort of thing, and it dug into her head, some of her hair woven through the gaudy piece of headwear in order to keep it atop her skull no matter what might befall her. Like for instance, an overenthusiastic patron deciding to skull fuck the would-be queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

A shudder runs down Margaery's spine, one of fear… but also one of slight arousal. She didn't… she didn't want to be sold, to be whored out to the highest bidder. She DIDN'T… but there was no denying the pleasure of being taken roughly by a man. As much as she'd hated every moment of Podrick's big fat cock thrusting away inside of her, of the whores he employed holding her down, of the brothel matron sinking her cunt onto her face and forcing her to lick at it… she'd also loved every moment of it as well, far too much.

She needed… she needed a way to get out of this. Not this place, mind. She was allowed to leave the brothel and attend to her duties in the Red Keep whenever she wanted. But she was always made to return, coerced by the knowledge that if she did not, what she'd done in the brothel would be leaked all across the Red Keep, much like Margaery had been leaking rumors of a pair of someones fucking all over the Red Keep, just days before.

She was somewhat glad she hadn't named any names when she'd started those rumors. She had always ever intended to simply needle the Queen Mother, and perhaps alert Podrick to his need to keep his indiscretions slightly more discrete, before she ever even met him. And yet, the squire had not seemed to care, and in the end the Queen Mother had proven more beholden to him then Margaery ever could have expected. And now… so was she.

Podrick hadn't sold her body for coin yet. It was simply a nightmare (a fantasy and dream) that she had, given she'd been 'trained' for weeks now, fucked day in and day out by Podrick's massive bitch breaker of a cock, and otherwise treated like a fresh whore that needed to be broken in. Now here she was, standing there nude in front of him wearing nothing but a mask and a crown… with Cersei Lannister standing by her side.

The Queen Mother has taken up the same lewd pose she has on Podrick's orders, arms clasped behind her back, chest out, spine straight. They stand there at attention, even as he and his Brothel Matron, the foreigner Shae, seem to look them both over, eyeing them speculatively, as if they're being tested.

"Do you believe they're ready, Matron?"

"Yes, my Lord. Produce a customer, and they will do as they are told."

Podrick grins at that and shrugs his shoulders.

"As it so happens…"

Then, he walks over to the nearest door and opens it up.

"You may come in now. My girls are ready for you."

Margaery's eyes widen and her heart fills with dread as she watches this happen, feeling all too helpless. What can she do but obey though? If she tries to run, Podrick will simply pin her down and rape her into submission again. If she reveals her identity to whoever this is, will it even matter?

And then the patron, along with another woman, walk into the room, and any hope Margaery might have been feeling in that moment is snuffed out immediately, right then and there. Prince Oberyn Martell and his consort Ellaria step through the door, and Margaery knows immediately that she is totally, utterly, and irrevocably boned, both literally and metaphorically.

Oberyn's eyes alight upon her and Cersei, and his smile is wide and wicked as he strides over. Without asking, without even the slightest bit of courtesy, the Prince of Dorne reaches up with both hands and cops a feel of the two masked women. Both Margaery and Cersei gasp at this, as the Red Viper's touch is not nearly as harsh as they're expecting. While he is quite casual in his disregard for them, he is also experienced in playing with a woman's body, as is made obvious by the way he gropes them both in such a way as to have them both moaning soon after.

"Oh my… these two are just… exquisite. The level of detail, my dear sir… if I didn't know any better, I would say that they were the real deal."

Podrick, still standing at the door with Shae at his side and Ellaria close by, smiles and bows his head in Oberyn's direction, the Prince having looked back to speak to the brothel owner as he casually played with Margaery and Cersei's titty-flesh.

"We pride ourselves in supplying the absolute best in this establishment, your grace. Obviously, if we're going to offer something a service like the Royal Treatment, we're going to do it right."

The Royal Treatment. So that was what he was calling it. Margaery could almost feel amusement at such a name, if it weren't at her expense. Fortunately, Oberyn is there to feel all the amusement for her. Letting out a bark of laughter, the Dornish Prince turns his attention back to Margaery and Cersei, staring them both in the eye as he continues to casually grope the two of them.

"The Queen Mother and the Would-Be Queen. Ah, what a treat. Worth every Gold Dragon, I suppose. But who do I start with? The daughter of the man who stayed loyal to the Mad King to the bitter end and then got off scot free, or the daughter of the man who ordered the slaying of my beloved sister and has yet to pay the price for it?"

Quite abruptly, the Red Viper's hands leave their breasts and instead grasp at their chins, and for the first time Margaery feels very real fear as something dark and sinister enters Oberyn's eyes. He grasps at their chins more roughly than he ever touched their breasts, squeezing at their jaws and looking them both over like they're nothing more than meat.

"Your Grace, I must ask that you not damage the merchandise… permanently, at least."

Oberyn's eyes flicker over to Shae at that, the Brothel Matron stepping up to the plate and bowing low to the Dornish Prince even as she speaks. The dark-skinned man stares at her for a moment, and then chuckles as he looks back to the two Royal Whores in front of him, relaxing his grip on their jaws ever so slightly.

"But of course. You have nothing to fear, ladies… if you were the real deal, then perhaps, but I have no desire to harm some beautiful copies, no matter how strong the resemblance is. Still… you can expect to be put through your paces."

And then he lets go of Margaery altogether and grabs hold of Cersei, dragging her down to her knees with one hand and pulling his cock out with the other. Margaery can only watch as he shoves his cock all over Cersei's face, noting that the dark-skinned phallus isn't as big as Podrick's, but it's still nothing to scoff at, and she can easily imagine it inside of her, stretching her, plowing her.

She stays still, not having moved from the position that Podrick ordered her into all this time. Her arms are still clasped dutifully behind her back despite not being bound there, and her spine is still straight, even as her supply tits jut out, one of them ever so slightly red from Oberyn's persistent fondling. But there's a quiver to her legs now, and a wetness betwixt her thighs that Margaery KNOWS shouldn't be there. She's not a whore, her body should not be responding like one to the sight of Oberyn Martell finally feeding his cock unknowingly into the mouth of the actual Cersei Lannister, Queen Mother.

"Oh yes, that's it… mm, I'm going to go deeper now, my dear Queen Mother. Let's see how well you can take it."

"Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!"

As he begins to fuck her face and Cersei chokes on his cock, Margaery catches movement out of the corner of her eye. Podrick and Shae are turning to leave the room, and for a moment bone-deep dread fills every pore of Margaery's being. Despite the fact that both brothel owner and brothel matron have been nothing but vile and antagonistic to her, she still looks to them for protection from the Red Viper. If they leave her and Cersei alone with him, what's to stop Oberyn from deciding to remove their masks in a fit of passion and reveal the fact that they're exactly who they're pretending to be?

But before Pod can leave, Ellaria stops him, placing a hand on his arm and giving him a smile.

"Mm, please, good sir… won't you stay? It would seem my paramour is quite enamored with his new toys. I'll be oh so lonely, if you leave."

Podrick raises an eyebrow at this, but to Margaery's immense relief he gives Shae a nod that sees the matron off to do her duties, before allowing Ellaria to lead him over to a couch and sit him down there. Margaery can only bite her lower lip and watch as Ellaria begins to run a dark-skinned hand the front of Podrick's body, all the way to his crotch, a wicked little smile on her face.


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