
Cersei Lannister Pt. 3

Forcing the proud Queen to crawl back into her own bedchamber on her hands and knees, Podrick leads her by the hair over to the still-comatose Shae. On the way, they stop more than once and Pod forces Cersei to lick up the mess she's making as she crawls, basically forcing her to turn around time and time again to clean the cum and juices flowing from her anus and her cunt in equal measure.

As such, by the time they get to Shae, the humiliated Queen is acclimated to obeying his orders, as much as she hates doing so. She only hesitates a little bit when he tells her what she's to do next.

"Well? Clean up the whore, Your Grace."

He pushes her towards Shae's comatose form, letting go of her hair. But he also puts himself between Cersei and the door, and he knows she knows that, from the way her eyes flicker towards both him and the entrance to the bedchamber. Whimpering and even crying, tears streaking down her face, Cersei does as she's told, nonetheless. The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms leans forward and begins to clean up the cum-caked whore that she's left laying on the floor at the foot of her bed.

She starts with the face, licking up the dirty cum across Shae's features, and even cleaning out the whore's mouth with her tongue, before moving downwards, to Shae's tits and then her arms. Podrick, meanwhile, is not content to stand idle. He takes his belt and folds it up… and then he brings it down on Cersei's beautiful, heart-shaped ass with a vicious amount of force, striking her HARD. Cersei cries out, but Podrick shouts over her.

"Faster, bitch!"

She does as she's told, hoping to avoid more pain. And for a time, she does. But then she starts to slow down again, and Podrick hits her again. He whips her pale back and backside with his belt, striking the Queen Mother time and time again. It's almost certainly the worst beating Cersei has every taken in her entire life. He won't say it's the first time she's been hit, of course, because noblemen tend not to be very… well, noble, and even Podrick was aware of the relationship that the King and Queen had had, before King Robert's death.

But he's confident that Robert Baratheon never took his belt to Cersei as Podrick is now. Perhaps if the glutton of a slob had, perhaps if the man had kept his own house in order and actually done his duties as King of the Seven Kingdoms and husband to a bitch like Cersei Lannister, Podrick wouldn't have to be doing this now.

Alas, there's no time for what ifs and what could have beens. Only time for revenge and for satisfaction, and Podrick has a lot of both that he needs to work out on the bitch of a Queen knelt before him. Every time Cersei slows down, he whips her. Every time she looks like she's about to refuse to swallow more of the disgusting, caked-on cum that covers Shae's body, Podrick makes sure to land a particularly brutal strike against her cunt and clit.

By the time Cersei reaches Shae's gaping holes, her body is nearly ready to give out from the abuse, trembling as it is. Her ass is high in the air, wiggling and shaking quite feebly as if to try to avoid Podrick's strikes. Her cunt is leaking from her forced arousal, and her face is now pressed against the pelvis of the whore before her, tongue extended out weakly to lick at the cum-stained body, to slurp up the remnants of what she herself had wrought.

This leaves Cersei over Shae, in a way. Shae's rolled back eyes and her hooked nose are actually just below the blonde woman's trembling, quivering cunt lips as Cersei kneels over her body, having started with Shae's head and now having moved all the way to between her thighs. Seeing the progress that the Queen Mother has made, Podrick decides to reward the bitch for her hard work.

Not setting down his belt quite yet, the young man kneels behind the golden lioness and lines his cock up before she can even realize he's there. He punches his massive meat rod DEEP into Cersei's cunt again, right then and there, holding her in place with one hand gripping most brutally at her fat ass, which is no longer quite so pale, but very, VERY red as a result of the crisscrossed whip marks that layer her booty.

Cersei cries out into Shae's cum-stuffed quim, even as her face, which she'd been keeping about an inch away from the mess as she stuck out her tongue to carefully lap at it, is pushed right into the creampied gaping hole, making an utter mess of her. Meanwhile, Shae herself finally begins to come back to true consciousness as a result of this. The whore regains her sensibilities to find Cersei's cunt above her, but most importantly of all, a very familiar, big fat cock pistoning in and out of said cunt.

All Shae has to see is Podrick's cock to know what she has to do next, and that's immediately latching onto Cersei's engorged clit, forcing the Queen to scream even louder into the whore's cunt. Of course, the moment she consciously feels Cersei slurping at her pussy, Shae happily squeezes her thighs down around the blonde woman's head, trapping her in between them and forcing her all the deeper into Shae's quivering, incredibly used quim.

Podrick watches all of this with some amusement, even as he fucks the Queen Mother to his heart's content. He's not quite as frenzied as he was originally, though he is still fucking her hard and fast, as well as whipping her ass and back with his belt all the while. No rest for the wicked… no mercy either. Cersei Lannister is a Grade A bitch, and Podrick Payne is the instrument of her comeuppance. She deserves this… she deserves ALL of this.

He's a little annoyed at how much she loves it though, really. Because even if she'd never admit it, she does love it. He feels it in the way her cunt walls tighten around his cock. They grip even harder when he whips her, when he beats her with his belt. She even orgasms sometimes as a result of his belt coming down HARD on her back and her backside.

The Queen Mother is as much a whore as Shae or those girls that Tyrion bought for him, all that time ago. Podrick is surprised he didn't realize it sooner. Cersei Lannister might dress her up in finery. She might have been born into the House of the Lions, she might have a father who's Lord Paramount of the Westerlands… hell, she's Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. But all of that is just… fluff. It's a façade that can be stripped away.

Beneath that façade is just another whore. She was just better positioned in life than Shae and the others. She had more tools than they did, as well as the assistance from powerful people like her father, who wanted his family to be tied to the Iron Throne, by any means necessary. Like say, selling his daughter to the new King as a bride.

Cersei Lannister was a whore the moment that she was made Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, but perhaps she was a whore even before that. If the rumors Podrick had heard were true about her and Jaime, than the bitch was likely whoring herself out to her own twin brother for years before she married King Robert.

At the end of the day, she's nothing. Take away the crown, take away the fine clothing, and Cersei breaks like any other woman. She breaks just like Shae did, ultimately. By the time the blonde bitch has finished cleaning out both of Shae's holes with her tongue as best she can, her face utterly caked in mess as she finishes, her body has already given up. Pressed down firmly atop Shae, Cersei licks almost zealously for the cum around her lips.

That's when Pod finally stops holding back. That might sound silly, all things considered. No one who had watched all that he'd done to the Queen Mother so far would call what had happened him 'holding back'. But it was true. Because Podrick was thick and large and big in a way most men weren't. And that meant he could fuck a woman in a way most other men simply couldn't.

Without further ado, Podrick chooses that moment to punch his way past Cersei's cervix and into her womb. Up until this point, he hasn't done so. He could have, of course. Hell, if he really wanted to, he could have forced his way in back near the beginning, when he'd lifted her off the ground and dropped her down onto his cock. Her body had still had some strength to it back then, as had her cervix, so she hadn't immediately been impaled on every last inch of his cock at that time, and it'd only been a few minutes more of being fucked like that before he'd switched to her ass anyways.

By this point, he's spent so much time battering down the gates, ramming into the entrance of her womb, that her cervix had already long since given up the ghost. It was to the extent that every thrust he made, the tip of his cock was already pushing through, ever so slightly. But Podrick had always reined himself in, pulling back at the last second, holding himself back from going that final bit.

Put bluntly, he'd been able to force his way into her womb for a while now, and just… hadn't. Now though, now he was. He was fucking Cersei Lannister's womb directly, his cock thrusting into that most sacred of places, the place that had carried three children to birth, despite Cersei still having a gorgeous body and a pretty face. He uses her womb like he used Shae's clothing while breaking her, wrapping Cersei's deepest spot around his cock and thrusting even beyond it, his member bulging out of her belly a bit with every thrust.

Finally, he's buried all the way inside of the Queen Mother. Finally, every last inch of his thick, veiny, bulbous member is filling her to the utter brim. So of course, that's the moment in which Podrick is sure to cum. He cums, and he cums, and he cums some more. He fills Cersei with his seed, thinking it perfectly reasonable if he ends up getting the bitch pregnant with his child. It would serve her right, to mother yet another bastard, and there's no denying that, despite how utterly EVIL Cersei Lannister is on the inside, the mental imagery or her belly swelling with his baby is… appealing, in a way.

In response, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms squeals like a wanton whore and climaxes explosively even as he fills her womb with white, hot, viscous ejaculate. She orgasms and shakes and spasms, seizing up, utterly humiliating herself even further. She certainly doesn't look very royal anymore, on her hands and knees before him, back and backside whipped to hell and back, her entire body quivering. She wasn't a Queen, she was a whore, and by the time Pod was done cumming inside of her, she was a whore with a slightly distended belly, that was how much he put in her womb.

Pulling out finally, Podrick stands up, grunting a bit as he does so. He's sweating, obviously, and while he doesn't let it show, he is fairly tired. However, when the Queen turns to try and get up as well, when he sees a glimmer of hope in her eyes, Podrick kills it with a backhand across her face, sending her to the ground again without a second thought.

Most shameful of all, Cersei cums from that backhand. The bitch actually spasms again, climaxing one last time, just from being HIT. She really is a masochistic little pig whore, to Podrick's absolute shock. Recognizing this, he seeks to use it. Stepping up to her as she looks at him in shock and reluctant desire, he grabs Cersei by her hair and sneers down at the broken Queen.

"Naughty bitches don't get to walk. They sleep on the floor of their Master's chambers, and they don't raise a fucking fuss."

Then, he pushes her away, releasing her hair at the same time, and steps past her. Knowing that it might be the last thing he does as a free man, and not really caring at the end of the day, Podrick Payne falls onto the Queen's bed, sinking into the absurdly soft mattress, and promptly falls asleep, right then and there.

Down below on the floor, Cersei looks at him longingly, but also with spite and hatred in her eyes. She can scarcely believe everything he just did to her… and she can scarcely believe she enjoyed it. Surely… surely it was some sort of dark magic that had made her enjoy what just happened. He'd done something to her, done something to her mind.

W-Well she wouldn't stand for it. Pushing down the need to crawl onto the bed and suck that massive, magnificent cock again, Cersei also crushes the desire to subjugate herself before him further, to submit to his base desires and brutality for as long as she was able to. Gritting her teeth in defiance levered both at the sleeping man on her bed AND at her own traitorous self, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms makes another move to get up, now that he's no longer conscious to stop her.

However, before she can, a pair of arms lock around her waist, attached to hands that slide down to squeeze her ass as Cersei finds herself falling backwards, too weak to fight back or resist as the mostly well-rested whore she'd thought she could use to teach Podrick Payne a lesson pins her down. Too weak to struggle, all Cersei can do is moan and sob as the whore, Shae, eats out her cunt, hugging her waist a little harder each time to squeeze out the trapped cum in her inflated, distended belly.

By the time Shae is finished with her, Cersei has reluctantly cum her damn brains out, and she ends up passed out on the floor, held tightly in the whore's embrace, despite her utter displeasure at the entire situation. And all the while, Podrick Payne sleeps peacefully in her bed… as she, the naughty bitch, sleeps on the floor.


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