

Kali went back to the garden in search of Sintha. The garden was spacious. It has stairways that leads to platforms made out of marble. He eventually found her sitting on the edge of a platform, crying.

He asked her: "What are you doing here?"

Sintha wiped her tears and said: "I'm just admiring the scenery."

Kali: "You can just tell me if you need something. Since we also have to get along from now on."

Sintha: "I hope you don't mind but, didn't you think it's too sudden? Don't you have someone else that is.. special to you?"

Kali: "Not really. Everyone is afraid of me because of my father. It is not very often that I meet and talk to someone new to me."

Sintha: "It must be tough for you."

Kali: "I can manage." He lied.

Truly, Kali is a master of deception and fake expressions. This is because he does it almost all of the time.

Sintha felt more comfortable to tell Kali her problems after he expressed himself.

Sintha: "Well, there's this friend of mine since childhood."

Kali wondered in his mind: "Aren't we still a child?"

Sintha: "We've been a close friends ever since we met. We always meet to play and talk to each other. Then one day, out of nowhere, he suddenly asked me to marry him when we grow up, I felt happy because.. I like him, so I said "yes." But now I know that it will never happen. I made a promise that I can't fulfill.."

Kali: "You should already know that it wasn't your fault, so stop blaming yourself."

Sintha: "But I could have atleast said something else to that promise instead of making him expect for nothing."

Kali: "You said those words because it is what you think is right. If we can go back in time, I'm sure you would have said the same thing."

Sintha: "No, because I know better now."

Kali: "No, because going back in time means reversing everything that happened after that moment, so does everything you've learned."

Sintha: "Are you sure thats how time works?"

Kali: "No but.. forget it. We're going off track. What I mean is we can't change the past, all we can do is learn from it to decide smarter in the future."

Also Kali: "Well the problem is we are not the one who decides. But that is beyond us, so we take no responsibility to that." He kept those words to himself.

"Look, someone else ruined your life, and you're blaming yourself for it. You might have good intentions but that mindset is bad for you."

Sintha: "Thanks for worrying about me, but I can't really make myself think that way."

Kali: "You're too kind for your own sake."

Sintha: "Are you already falling for me?" She looked at him directly in the eyes with a mischievous gaze.

Kali turned red: "Uh."

Sintha saw his red face and realized that he might actually be.

Sintha also turned red and looked away.

Kali in his mind: "Now that I looked at her directly, I can tell that she's very beautiful."

Both of them are too embarrassed to say anything.

Kali: "I guess I'll just go study in my room. I'll see you in dinner."

Sintha: "Oh, okay."

Kali went to his room to study the Pheonix Scriptures.

At the last pages of the book, there are written what seems to be prophecies about an epic of a certain hero sent by God to defeat the evil of the world.

The epic has four parts. One of them grabbed the attention of Kali.

"Book of Sir Felix: Part 3," the story of the Legendary Warrior Knight who have slain the Powerful Sorcerer (dark arts user). The Sorcerer who was born with unfortunate disabilities, got consumed in dark arts and let out his anger by eradicating humanity. Before he managed to kill everyone, the Warrior fought and killed the Sorcerer.

It is something that Kali was uncomfortable to know but would still read it anyway.

Are the contents of the Epic true? Or are they something misunderstood? What stories lie to the rest of the Epic? I will leave these questions unanswered for now, but one is certain. This Epic is impactful enough to the believers and even non-believers that it will cause the absurdity of the acts of the characters of these stories, trying to recreate what happened in the holy book worshipped by almost everyone in the world. Either the prophecies are true or not, they will happen. The question is, when will it happen and who will make it happen.

Kali closed the book and laid on the bed wondering. Then, he left heading to the dining room.

His mother and father were already there, waiting for the children. Few moments later, Sintha arrived being escorted by a maid.

They sat on the chair and prayed before eating.

On the long table, served quite a lot of fancy meal. Fancier than usual. For the occassion of the safe arrival and engagement of the princess.

After everyone was done eating, Kali asked: "Father, I want to cancel the marriage."

Sakal: "What? What kind of dumb request is this?"

Sintha: "Kali?!"

Kali: "I don't want to be forced to marry someone."

Sakal: "Tell me your reason and I will decide."

Kali: "There is already someone else who I love dearly."

Sintha: "You don't have to do this!"

Sakal: "Who is she?"

Kali: "I'm afraid I can't tell her name. But she is a kind lady who works in a tavern." he lied.

Mari: "Oh, dear. He's just like you."

Sakal clicks his tongue: "Then we have nothing more to discuss."

Kali: "But father, I love her."

Sakal gave him a terrifying stare: "Tell me her name.."

Kali's anxiety heightened. He's traumatized due to those exact stares.

Kali couldn't talk. If he replied back he knew he's dead.

Kali whispers: "I-I can't."

Sakal: "Hm?"

Kali: "I can't tell you her name."

Sakal: "You're lying aren't you? You can't tell her name because she doesn't exist. You can't fool me, kid."

Sakal walked towards Mari: "It looks like the princess doesn't like your son. I can't blame her to be honest."

Mari stared aggressively to Sakal.

Sakal brushed it off and left.

Kali was shaking.

Sintha: "Stupid! Don't do that!" her eyes got teary.

Kali: "I just thought I'd look cool, I guess." He said with a shaky voice.

Sintha cried: "You're so lame. Don't do that again."

Kali sat on the chair and lied down on the table, he then breathes heavily.

Mari hugged him, then followed by Sintha.

Mari in her mind: "I'm jealous. These two have better affinity than my husband and I do. It's about time you make a move on me, Sakal. We can't be losing to these children. We'll show them just how far adult love can go."

Sakal sneezed.

Sintha: "Did you finally calmed down?"

Kali: "Yeah. Thanks."

Mari: "Go to your rooms and sleep early, you two. Got it?"

Kali: "Ok, mom."

Sintha: "Goodnight!"

Kali: "Goodnight."

I might add extra content for world building in the tournament arc (chapters 12-19) cuz i feel like its a bit rushed.

also, I might be uploading less frequent now for some reason. probably once in a few months.

Kokuseicreators' thoughts
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