

The bidding settled down as the audience broke into murmurers. They observed the tank as the girl inside made no movements, thinking she may be sick or defective; they hesitated to throw in their bids. That's when the auctioneer became frustrated, if this girl didn't sell well it would be up to him to incur his boss' wrath. He raised one boot into the air as he stomped at the water tank, the girl inside flinched for a moment before curling up even more. After all the efforts his group went to re-secure her from her recent escape there was no way he was going to let her sell lower than intended.

Though the Holy Church didn't prohibit the slavery of beastmen there were always exceptions to the rules. The dagon race is a particularly big exception. The only beastmen race tolerated by the Heiligh Kingdom for the fact that they provide around 70% of the continent's marine produce, as such they are heavily protected. If the kingdom were to find out about a dagon in captivity they would launch a full investigation into the matter. For as infamous the Freidhof were, Ivan was sure they wouldn't stand a chance against the kingdom and Holy Church combined.

Ivan raised his hand into the air along with his number, seeing as how that didn't grab the auctioneer's attention he yelled aloud.

"2,000,000 Luta!" All eyes were on him now as the auctioneer broke from his rage to observe the newest bidder. Seeing that it was the man in the bull-like mask he nodded firmly as he readjusted his suit after the wrinkles he gave it. The auctioneer picked up his microphone from the floor and he held it up to his mouth.

"What an upset~! It would seem that two million has entered the table, Is anyone willing to contest? Going once, going twice, and—!" As before the auctioneer held his sentences for long to allow any hesitators one more chance to jump in. And it was one man that took that opportunity as the crowd erupted into gasps.

Ivan turned his head to the VIP area, where the auctioneer had pointed to after the number had been raised. That's when the boar finally acknowledged his presence, that same pig man he met at the entrance stared down at him arrogantly as he held a chicken drum in his left hand and his number in the right. Ivan lifted his hand again as the bid raised, much to the auctioneer's delight.

The boar man, noticing the challenge raised the bid even further. Ivan had no idea whether he wanted this bid to go through or he just wanted to bluff Ivan out of a lot of money. Either way, he was not going to allow this girl to go with this guy after seeing the lifeless eyes of his other slave. With that, he raised again.

Even if it was a trap, even if he did incur the wrath of some wealthy pig, Ivan decided he would continue bidding. He consoled himself knowing he'd get this money back. At first, he didn't care about this place's dealing in slaves, however, that all changed when they brought children into the mix.

And though Ivan wasn't able to hear him from this distance, he could tell the boar man snorted with every number he raised. The crowd remained silent as no one wanted to get involved with this bidding war. Even the auctioneer who had given long-winded speeches only spoke to announce the new leader of the bid at each hand raised.

That's when rage finally became visible from behind the boar man's mask, he clutched his meaty hands on the arms of his chair as he stood up. Raising his hand along with his number while glaring into the back of Ivan's head. Kicking the girl that was acting as his footrest each time Ivan spoke out against him. Ivan knew for sure at that moment, that he wouldn't be walking out of here peacefully.

"1,000,000,000 Luta!" Ivan raised his hand again as he threw a large sum into the ring. Spectators stared in awe as they couldn't understand why Ivan would be willing to spend so much on what might be defective merchandise. Though they would probably be upset when they find out he was promising money he didn't even have. That's right, from here on out he would have to bluff his way through.

He believed that the auction host would allow him to return to his residence to procure the money before coming back to complete the deal. Of course, when he meant 'procure the money' he meant to launch the assault. It would be good if they could rob all of the attendees as well but seeing as how getting the children out of the action was the priority it was likely everyone would be gone when the siege started.

"Wow, wow, wow~! For the first time in our group's history… Someone has put up a bid for one billion Luta! Can you believe it, folks!? Now if there are any contests please speak up. The dagon girl going once, going twice, annnnd— Sold to the man in the bull mask~!"

Ivan let out a sigh of relief as he slouched over in his chair. It was a good thing his mask had a self-cleaning function as it would've been drenched in sweat by now. Cheers erupted in the hall as he stood up to bow, not forgetting to direct one even to the boar man. Laughing aloud as the boar man snapped his number card in half over his knee in rage. Without another word, Ivan walked up to the stage and followed the checkered mask auctioneer as he led him to the back rooms.

And as he expected the man brought him to a meeting room where they divulged a bunch of information. Leaving Ivan to answer a multitude of questions. For instance, his residence, his real name, and several other matters that pertained to the documentation of ownership for the slaves and a vow of silence. Simply read, they'd rob and kill him if he rats them out. The matter of residence he simply marked the high-end hotel seeing as how he was sure they had spotted him entering it if they really scouted out attendees for the auction. As for his name, well he used his alias as always. The information wouldn't leave this auction hall anyways…

The two shared a handshake as the auctioneer led Ivan even further into the back rooms. The homey wood and red carpet feel disappeared as the walls became lined with bricks and stone. It was clear this is where they held the slaves for captivity. It wasn't long before Ivan captured the sight of a line of children being shackled together orderly. The older ones only sighed upon seeing him as the younger ones held the tears pooling in their eyes, afraid of being reprimanded. Ivan sighed inwardly as he followed the man to the last cell.

There she was, the dagon girl that would hopefully completely root this syndicate from Fuhren. Though weak and pale she still had the strength to stand as she backed away fearfully from Ivan. Seeing no point in coaxing the kid with the auctioneer beside them he only ordered the men around to load all the slaves into the nearby carriage. The auctioneer walked up to the carriage, Ivan handed him all the cash he had on hand, the rest would be deposited within two days as per agreement.

Ivan marched the horse forward as they traversed down the sewage tunnel, if the auctioneer was telling the truth the tunnel would lead them outside of the city completely undiscovered. He sighed as he listened to the whimpers and coughs coming from the carriage behind him. And as promised, there was light at the end of the tunnel.

Only there were also a few silhouettes awaiting them as well…

The carriage came to a complete stop as Ivan stood up from his seat. While he wanted to ask the children to remain in the carriage it would seem these assailants wouldn't allow it. An arrow was sent whirling towards him as he lifted his right arm to catch it.


Blue sparks flew as the arrow disintegrated into pieces. He charged forward as a large flame pushed down towards him, seeing as how he had to protect the cart behind him he held his right arm forward as it glowed even brighter. The flame disappeared almost instantaneously before his left arm reconstructed it and launched it back towards the assailants.

Under the guise of the flames, he pushed forward as the assailants stood aside to dodge. He blinked for a second as the moonlight became bright in his eyes. Now standing outside, as he expected it was the boar man and his four attendants that had launched the attack. Both the boar man and the slave girl stood from afar as the men donned in black rushed him from all sides. Ivan held his left hand to the ground as spikes formed all around him, making the men in black jump back in an effort to dodge.

They had yet to gauge his way of fighting so they circled him cautiously as they made hand gestures at each other.

"What do I pay you, bastards, for, just kill him! Tear off all of his limbs as he watches what I do to these precious children he fought so hard to steal from me! I WANT HIM CASTRATED AND FED TO MY PIGS!!!"

The boar man had enough of their caution as he hurried them to finish the job. Rather than slaves it would seem these men were more bodyguards for hire, which to Ivan meant they supported this pig bastard willingly. In which case… there was no reason to not go all out against them, right?

Ivan made the first move as he dashed towards the man equipped with a bow. He'd rather not get shot in the back while fighting the others so he made a move first. The man flinched for a second before jumping back. Using the moment the man was unable to dodge in the air Ivan dug his hand into the floor as a row of stone spikes shot towards him in a brilliant display of red light. The man was pierced several times over before falling to the ground riddled with holes.


Ivan held his right hand above his head as a sword descended upon it. In an instant, the sword broke apart as nothing but the hilt was left. The man that had attacked him looked at his sword in confusion before a palm latched itself onto his face. He tried over and over to pull it off before–


His head exploded like a watermelon. That left two, the fire casting mage and one other guy who hasn't done much so far. Ivan ignored the fire mage's chanting as he charged at him. Adorning his water transmutation gauntlet on his left hand as he approached closer. The fire mage launched his spell as Ivan shot a few canteens from his ring, each exploding in the air before turning into solid ice as his left hand met them.

The wall of ice melted a bit under the fire attack but with another glow, it transformed into hundreds of needles as they flew swiftly at their target. Ivan followed behind the ice needles as the weak fire spell the mage was able to let out swiftly only protected his vital areas. Unable to prepare another spell the fire mage succumbed to Ivan's left hand as his body was frozen cold. That left one enemy remaining.

The last man clad in black ripped off his robes as he brandished his fists. Roaring aloud before charging at Ivan. And in a second Ivan met that guy's fist with his right hand right before his arm exploded into a red mist. The man died without even realizing his pain as the flying blood froze in the air and tore at the man's heart.

"...W-Wait! Do-Don't come any closer! Is it money… women… strength? I can give you all of it! What do you say you let me live, I'll even give you this girl right here as a sign of good faith! I-I swear it…" The boar man shamelessly begged for his life as he threw the slave girl in front of him, her eyes remained lifeless as she was presented before Ivan. He only stared at her for a few seconds before approaching the boar man even closer, however stalling his steps as the boar man grinned evilly.

"Do it now! Ari!" The tanned skin girl who was previously motionless lunged forward as a knife was revealed behind her back. Her startling speed surprised Ivan as he arched his back to avoid the slice. Her translucent clothes stuck to her body as she moved for another attack. The sound of the shackles tied to her feet alerted him as such.

Ivan stared back at her lifeless emerald eyes as her black hair that stopped above her butt did nothing to hinder her movement. He met the knife with his right hand as it combusted almost instantaneously. However, that didn't seem to be the girl's trump card as she launched towards him with her body, leaving deep imprints on the floor.

Each kick and punch narrowly avoided his hands as it would seem she knew that they were the cause of abnormalities. Instead, each hit was aimed at his head, body, or legs. Wind vibrations carried the air as each move came like a hurricane.

Ivan reached his hand quickly to the ground as a pit opened up beneath her, she swiftly jumped back and touched the floor again. It would seem she knew what would happen to her if she stayed vulnerable in the air too long. So she opted to make short hops. Ivan took the moment they were separated to attack the boar man, who flinched heavily upon seeing Ivan turn his way.

He screamed out loud for help as Ari noticed the situation turned for the worse. She ran toward the dead bowmen before picking up his gear. And with an unaimed hurried shot, she volleyed an arrow towards the two. Ivan paused his steps briefly as it headed on a course to the boar man instead of him.

Whether it was her intention or a complete accident he allowed it to set course as it carried massive strength behind it.

"GAAGH!" The boar man screamed in pain as the arrow dug into his knee. He writhed around on the floor for a bit before hurling insults at Ari, who flinched fearfully with every word. With that, Ivan closed the distance without allowing the boar man another word.


Blue sparks flew as his entire being exploded into a red mist. The girl, Ari, twitched a single time before dropping her shoulders and the bow she held. Ivan stared at her for a second, seeing that she wasn't going to move he headed back towards the carriage.


However, he stopped his steps as the girl stood behind him by a few meters. Continuing his steps, he came to another abrupt stop as he heard more footsteps behind him. This time with vigor he marched loudly to the cart, an action the girl followed. Seeing as how he planned on heading to this world's version of the police he allowed her to accompany him as he saddled up in the carriage. He peered back to make sure everyone was present as she sat next to him.



Unwilling to talk, Ivan hurried the leading horse to mush forward as they needed to head back to town. Getting through the gates would be a pain, so first, he stopped not too far and explained the situation to the children. After a few discussions, they settled down as he and Ari unshackled them. And though they were a bit afraid of her expressionless face they soon found out that she wasn't a bad person.

Though Ivan would like to differ as she had the strength to choke all of these children out with a little squeeze of her palm. And while that fear was very prevalent in his mind he decided to trust her with taking care of them Though she had tried to kill him he just took it as something she was doing as her duty, if not then perhaps she would be afraid of punishment from her master But he did have a few questions, however, he just kept them to himself as he didn't want to bring up any scars this girl may have.

Ivan drove them toward the city as the children clamored together to ask a bunch of questions. Some Ivan answered and others he directly ignored. He was planning on delivering these children somewhere safe so it was likely he was never going to see them again anyways. And though that was a bit sad to think about, he didn't want to get too attached to them.

As for Ari, she remained silent the whole way through. Not responding to a single of the childrens' inquiries or questions. While it annoyed them a bit Ivan managed to calm them down after a few minutes with a lie. Now that he thought about it she never made a sound since their first meeting in the auction hall.

In the end, he hoped she had some speech capabilities as getting her to her true home otherwise is going to be a pain for this world's police. With that the group made their merry way back to the city of Fuhren, Ivan held his finger excitedly on the trigger as he was ready to launch the siege on the auction hall.


A link for EVERYTHING (YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, Discord, Pat.reon): https://linktr.ee/ardoaleister

Beep-Boop, hey hey people. With that we are wrapping up the Fuhren arc and finally moving onto the Workshop arc. Though it won't be next chapter and likely will be the chapter after. Thanks again for reading today's chapter.

Now if you excuse me I am starving, it's past breakfast so I'm going to go get some lunch. May you all have a great evening and see you next time!

If you want to support me and read ahead 10-15 chapters, you can check out my p.a.t.r.e.o.n right here: https://bit.ly/ardoaleister

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