
Dropping the Ball


A huge shard of ice punches through a stone fence, creating a path for Michael and the group of Draenei to run through. All while fighting off the screeching demons that run at them in response.

A group of flaming imps charge at him, but he flicks Derflinger out and removes one of their claws, afterwards drawing his ebony dagger and driving it into the creature's skull before turning towards the rest, his Gandalfr runes glowing with intensity as he does so.

They were now following a long path that'd lead to the Great Library, but as soon as the group reach an apex in the road, the Draenei stumbled to a halt in shock at the literal army of demons assaulting the building.

The huge library was circular in design and fortified with the hardest stones, almost every exterior surface was covered in glowing blue gems that project a barrier that stops any attacks from instantly destroying it. Unfortunately, such defences weren't able to stop the demons from simply entering through the front door...

Indeed, the demons closest to the library were far bigger in size than the ones they'd fought before. Only the winged demon that Michael was unable to beat was bigger. This proved a boon however, as the library's entrances were simply too small for the bigger demons to access, forcing them to wait outside while the smaller forces attempted to take control of the place.

"No... It's worse than I thought." Umnii mutters, almost dropping her staff as she looks down at the things that await them.

Michael shakes his head, retrieving the Book of Legends and taking out a box of potions before handing them out. The group drinks a healthy amount of Health, Stamina, and Mana potions to help them recover, each storing some away while Michael prepares something.

He focuses on the spell he'd stolen from the winged demon that'd summon a green flaming meteor which would become a golem and start wrecking shit. It was usually too mana intensive to spam, but that wasn't an issue now that he was preparing to chug mana potions like some kind of Skooma junky. "Here, let me show you what I stole from the demons earlier." he says before placing some potion mana vials in his mouth and raising his hands.

"Infernals!" he intones, his voice muffled by the vials. His hands suddenly burst with green fire that somehow doesn't harm him. He tips his head back, allowing the potions to flow down his throat as he finishes the spell.

With that, everyone's eyes are drawn towards the sky above the army of demons, many fiery green balls of stone rocket down from the air and heavily collided with the ground, crushing many demons in their wake.

Then, within the obscured impact sights, fiery green golems stand and begin thrashing around at any nearby demon, killing any they see.

Michael lowers his hands and spits out the potions, breathing heavily due to his lack of mana. "T-that should keep 'em busy for a bit. Let's get through while they're busy." he says, downing one more mana potion before making his way down the pathway.

The Draenei follow, Umnii matching his pace as she looks at him, "C-can they all do that? The demons?" she anxiously asks, she'd seen a similar sight when the invasion began, but she'd never thought that the meteors were so dangerous.

Michael shakes his head, "Only a few of them can, I think. A demon who punted me into the sky was able to cast it... I stole it from him... Now, less questions, more fighting." he says, readying Derflinger.

With that, he activates his Phase Boots and charges forwards, his blade decapitating a large demon who was glaring at one of Michael's summoned Infernals. The group is actually only noticed because Irarus thought it would be a good idea to give a battlecry, attracting any demons who weren't already fighting towards them.

A demon looks to channelling a black spell in preparing to cast it, but Michael stops it with a glare, his [Silent Terror] ability from Silencer preventing it from finishing the spell... Indeed, it seemed quite volatile as the misfired spell explodes in its hands, causing it and a few of its allies to shrivel up and turn into desiccated husks before dropping lifeless to the floor.

"Fade Bolt!" he casts causing green energy to shoot from his fingertip and jumping from enemy to enemy in a chain reaction, quickly covering almost the entirety of the demon army in green, weakening energy.

Derflinger shines brightly as [Glaives of Wisdom] and [Mana Break] work in concert. Allowing Michael to cleave a pathway through the army which the group of Draenei follow him through.


Michael pauses midstep as he spots a larger than average demon stomping towards them, the huge flaming sword in its hand looking ready to cut through him and the rest of his allies in one swipe.

It looked like a bipedal red-skinned winged bull that'd been mutated beyond all recognition. It was around 11ft tall and didn't give even the slightest care to the other demons it crushed as it charged over towards Michael and his group.

"SUFFER ANNIHILATION!" it roars in a distorted voice, bringing its blade down towards them.

Michael growls under his breath as he raises Derflinger to intercept it, knowing that if he moved now Irarus or Lyham would be cut in half.

"I will aid you!" Irarus shouts, bathing Michael in golden light as the Doomguard's attack finally connects.

"H-O-LY SHIIEEEEEEEET!" Derflinger screams as the sound of groaning metal rings out.

The Doomguard seeing his attack not instantly killing his opponent gives a snarl and rears back, trying for a horizontal attack this time...

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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