
Romantic love

The journalist from one of the most influential TV stations had already set the room with lights, mics, and cameras. They had transformed an office with breathtaking view into a studio in a matter of minutes.

When Nate had walked in, they were ready.

«Is it okay?» he asked.

The woman in charge of the interview nodded, listening to what the technicians were saying with one ear and Nate with the other.

«We'll be ready to register in half an hour at most. The lights are good, sound seems clear. We'll edit and publish tomorrow at the latest.»

«There's no rush,» Nate said. «Just, I'd prefer to have the entrance cleared earlier so that clients and partners can come here and do their job.»

«We'll do our best,» the reporter said. She fixed her blouse and let the make-up artist retouch the eye shadow. «Let's review the questions one last time. Is the list sent yesterday okay?»

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