
Sprouting Feelings

Seeing Gunne, the officer's eyes reddened with emotion, hot tears trickling down her face. "There's really another person in this damned place!"

Gunne nearly jumped in joy, feeling just as emotional, "We just heard you screaming! What's going on in this place? Is there something else here!?"

While asking, he couldn't help but feel worried. What if this was all part of a trap?

He looked behind her, but there didn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary. At the very least, there wasn't any nefarious being in sight.

The officer came to her senses, realizing the situation they were in.

She explained in a panicked voice, "We need to get out of here before that 'thing' comes back. I'll explain more, but we need to find somewhere safe first!"

Gunne wanted to pry for more information, but seeing how visibly shaken she was, he decided to hold that off for now.

"Rather than find somewhere safe to hide, we can just leave the village, right—"

"No, we can't," the officer started in frustration, "This fog won't let us leave. We'll just find ourselves walking circles in an endless loop unless we can outsmart that 'thing.'"

Gunne nodded, deciding to trust her. But still, where could they hide?

If the 'thing' running around this village was as frightening as it seemed... Gunne didn't even want to consider the consequences that awaited him should he end up in its hands.

About to suggest taking refuge in one of the nearby homes, an ominous aura descended onto the surrounding area in the form of a dark purple mist.

What's more, as the ghastly mist touched the earth, the surrounding vegetation wilted almost instantly.

Gunne's eyes widened, watching the supernatural scene in stupor as it neared him.

Suddenly, he felt another hand grab his and before he realized what was going on, he found himself running alongside the officer.

To his relief, Riolu followed closely by his side, clutching the duo of Aron and Zubat in his paws—who happened to be too busy crying out in horror to run on their own.

Casting his glance back at the officer, Gunne's eyes carried a hint of appreciation.

Even in such a moment of terror, she didn't forget about him. Instead, she spared the extra thought, worrying about his—a complete stranger's—safety.

The ghastly mist continued its pursuit, though Gunne didn't dare to take a single look, lest he find himself frozen in fear.

Maneuvering over the unsteady roads, they passed house after house, the doors of which slammed firmly upon entering their sight under the ghastly mist's manipulation.

That was until an old mansion of sorts came into view just straight ahead.

With dim lights overhead and old shrubs aligning the building as a natural decor, its doors were wide open, revealing a pitch darkness like that of a monster's maw welcoming its food.

Even so, what other option did they have left but to enter? Maybe the place that looked the most dangerous would be the safest.

And the front yard was absolutely haunting.

Old trees, sinister in appearance due to their bareness of leaves and twisted branches, were scattered all throughout the proximity.

Shrill cries like that of children's tormented screams sounded out under the harshness of the wind, all while the unnerving fog nearly made it impossible to navigate.

Strangely enough, the ghastly mist seemed to come to a halt behind them.

It appeared to be... unwilling to get any closer to the mansion?

Now, what was worse?

The haunting mansion in front of him or the ghastly mist behind him, wilting any and all vegetation on contact?

If Gunne had to venture into one of the two areas, he would personally prefer the mansion.

Though regardless of which option, both presences made it impossible for Gunne not to be chilled to his bones.

He couldn't help but doubt if this mansion was truly the best place to take shelter, shaking his head as that didn't matter anymore. After all, beggars can't be choosers.

The officer tightened her hand around Gunne's, a faint look of hesitation on her face for a brief moment.

She took a deep breath and said, "We can't turn back now, we should try our luck...."

Despite trying to stay strong, her voice shuddered as her words trailed off, revealing an underlying tone of unconfidence.

Gunne bit his lips, increasing his own grip around her hand. He continued forward, quietly leading her and his partners into the darkness.

Now was the time for him to take the lead, stepping up his game.

After taking several steps into the mansion, the doors behind them slammed shut with a startling bang.

Gunne and the officer hopped in fright, losing their footing.

Stumbling forwards, the officer's soft body pressed against Gunne's as they crashed onto the floor, landing on top of him.

With their faces so close that their noses touched together, the two locked eyes with blushed red cheeks, forgetting everything around them.

Gunne could feel her warm breaths tickling against his face like the serene warmth of spring. With her soft body rubbing against his like that of a cat's, he felt a sense of affection sprouting inside his heart,

Tenderly gazing into her amber eyes, he could see their glamorous sparkles inspecting him just as closely, perhaps with similar feelings erupting in her heart.

Her long strands of teal-colored hair fluttered gingerly against his face and her alluring body fragrance wafted into his nostrils, soothing Gunne as his eyes closed and he sank into a blissful state of enchantment.

The officer looked into Gunne's grey eyes in silence, finding a comforting tranquility in them. Finally getting a good look at him, she found his appearance to be a mix between being handsome and cool.

Gunne was already rather good-looking before reincarnating and upon gaining the ability to reform his body however he willed with his improved cellular structure, his new physical appearance was sharper while his skin was even smoother.

She slowly closed her eyes, deciding that she too would enjoy this peaceful moment.

As far as she was concerned, they were either safe in this mansion or in danger.

If that 'thing' dared to get any closer and enter the mansion, they would surely die to the ghastly mist regardless if they hid or not.

Her thoughts continued as she smiled faintly, 'In the worst case... I won't be on my own....'

Dark as the thought may be, dying alone was naturally much more dreadful than dying with someone by your side.

Despite not knowing each other's names, the two shortly fell asleep.

Unknowingly, their arms had wrapped around one another's waists tightly, forming into a snug embrace.

They were both exhausted with their own journey, too exhausted to be kept up by their fears.

Off to the side, Riolu, Aron, and Zubat quietly watched the two. They shook their heads before sighing, affected by the exhaustion from their journey as well.

Thankfully, there were no footsteps nearing the mansion. And as far as Riolu could sense, that 'thing' had turned back, refusing to get any closer.

Turning towards his two shaken-up companions, Riolu told them to get some rest, reassuring them that they were safe.

For now, this eerie mansion was safe.

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