
Chapter 52

Chapter 52


The new prison area was being heavily guarded ever since the Duke took over the place.

Only the most heinous criminals were placed inside it when the Camp Leader Emmaneula managed the Camp.

The number of prisoners had suddenly sky rocketed, as the Prince had started to confine the citizens blatantly according to his wishes and desires.

At least 2 soldiers guarded the place at all times, to ensure that nobody could break out of it.

It was approaching dawn now & the soldiers started to become relaxed, since their shifts would be over soon.

The two soldiers guarding the new prison at this moment were a strange duo.

One of them was approaching his forties and had a very rough & sturdy figure, while the other was much younger, barely in his twenties.

The younger soldier was having a difficult time dealing with the swarm of insects around himself, as he swatted them away from time to time.

[*Yawn* Oh man.. it was so much fun when the Camp Leader ruled this place. We only had to train and play around.]

The older soldier chuckled, as he smiled widely, showing his yellowed teeth to his fellow soldier.

[Yeah, the Duke is working us to the bone. Though... I don't dare speak up against him..]

The younger soldier looked around carefully for anyone else, before he spoke,

[I know. Those who dared to have already been thrown inside. I don't want to become one of them anytime soon.]

The older soldier started to feel the nature's calling and spoke to the younger soldier.

[Hey... I gotta take a dump. You can take care of the things here for a while, right?]

The younger soldier started to laugh loudly. He held his stomach as he spoke with difficulty,

[You.. hahaha!.. your wife didn't mix something in spite, did she?]

The older soldier smacked the other playfully and quickly ran for his business.

The younger soldier kept giggling for a while before he could stabilize himself.

When suddenly..



The younger soldier fell on the ground face first, as he didn't utter anything further.

A bloody wound was visible behind his head, as blood continued to form a pool beside his fallen body.

The cloaked figure behind him threw it's weapon away and quickly took the keys to the prison from the fallen soldier.

After glancing in the direction of the other soldier, the figure quickly dashed inside the prison premises.


By the time Adrian returned to his world, he found himself being carried along by someone.

As he tried to look who it was, the cloaked figure became startled, before it let Adrian sit beside a tree.

They were both in a secluded location, away from the Northern Area. This area was lot closer to the slums area, and so the security here was a lot lax.

Adrian glanced up at the figure. The cloak covered most parts of it's body, as Adrian couldn't recognize it at all.

[Who are you?... Do I.. know you?]

Adrian was genuinely very confused. He had decided to immediately let Zapdos out and wreck havoc upon the Camp, but he never expected to being rescued by someone like this.

The cloaked figure removed her cloak and the face of the figure soon became visible to Adrian.


The young girl's face was stained with tears and dark circles could be seen under her previously bright eyes.

Her eyes were a lot darker now, as if their innocence had been sapped out.


Luisa couldn't hold herself back any longer. She quickly rushed towards Adrian and hugged his neck.

[Mister! Mister!!.. UWAAAAHHH!]

Adrian became startled immediately. He had never seen Luisa behave like this.

He had a very good impression of this young beauty and was very fond of spending his time with her.

As Adrian felt his clothes quickly becoming drenched with her tears, he hugged her body back, as he caressed her head while he spoke softly,

[Shhhh.. it's fine now. Calm down. You are a good girl, right?]


Adrian tried his best to console the crying girl, when until much later, she finally stopped crying.

[Hehehe.. Mister Adrian~]

Now though, the young girl peeked at his face from time to time and giggled by herself while hiding back within his embrace.

Adrian was freaking out very badly by now.

(...suddenly crying...suddenly laughing... she hasn't gone senile, has she?...)

Adrian tried to remain optimistic for now, as he tried to get up.

[Hey Luisa? What's going on? Why were you carrying me like that? Are we hiding from someone?]

Luisa's mood immediately settled down, as she quickly wiped her tears with her cloak and looked at Adrian straight in his eyes.

[Mister, your life is in danger! I have just rescued you from the new prison. We must leave this place immediately!]

Adrian was shocked momentarily. He had expected his body to be lying somewhere in the Camp, but he never expected to have been treated like some criminal.

[Eh? I was in a prison?! Did Emma put me there?]

Adrian had decided to conquer the hot lady when he had arrived at the Camp. He didn't think that she could have done something so heinous.

[No, it wasn't the Camp Leader. The Duke has overthrown the Leader and is terrorizing the Camp. I don't know where the Camp Leader is right now.]

Adrian became somewhat relaxed, as his suspicion regarding Emma abated. But then, he started to become worried about Emma and Zendra's safety.

(...hope you girls are still alright... I must try to rescue them!...wait, am I not forgetting about someone...)

Adrian quickly realized something, as he asked Luisa,

[Hmm.. then, what about your sister? She must still be in the Camp, right? Let's take her along with us!]

Luisa became stunned for a while, before she realized something and her face quickly turned pale.

[Ah! R-Right! Sister is still at the hospital! But.. Ah! I know.]

Luisa quickly took off her oversized cloak and offered it to Adrian.

[You must wear this at all times! If the soldiers saw your face, then they will put you inside there again!!]

Adrian knew that it was no use trying to talk sense to this girl right now & decided to comply with her for now.

(...at least she is not my enemy.. If nothing else, she did risk everything to rescue me after all...)

Adrian quickly hid himself within the cloak and the duo quickly departed for the hospital area.

(...I look so stupid in this...Hopefully Elvisa won't mind.. hehehe, I wonder how she will reward me if I rescued her from this place...)

(...and who wants to escape this place...hah! Zapdos is with me now! I ain't no pussy anymore!...)

Adrian steeled his resolve as the duo soon approached the hospital building.


Chapter 52 END

A/N: A horrible mistake at a very bad time. Sorry guys... I don't think that anything could validate that catastrophe.

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