
Chapter 69: Sylphie can't take it anymore.

Asta started teaching Vienna basics in a forest, just like he did with Noelle. Until for a moment he felt jealous that the girl had Blood and Dark Magic, the opponents he had faced in his previous life that possessed this type of magic. They could be described in simple words, damn monsters!.

But own both? That's crazy, Asta will make sure to guide Vienna on the right track. Since he doesn't know if both magics are like those of his previous world, in his previous world they could affect the bearer, the bearer could be the purest person in the world but if his will is not very strong this type of magic will take control of his personality. Making him harbor dark intentions.

Asta realized that the girl it's too smart and has a natural talent for the magic despite she is 1 year old, he came to the conclusion that Vienna maybe isn't human. Vienna didn't have pointy ears so she's probably some other kind of race, but he didn't decide to ask because he didn't want to cause any kind of discomfort or something.

He analyzed and tested everything he could carefully, since a dual magic user would probably work differently. When Vienna began to control a small amount of her immense amount of mana, Asta decided that she would use both magics.

''Hmm!'' Vienna puffed out her cheeks and her sweaty face turned a little red, it was already sunset and she had made some progress being able to control little amounts of both magics, a small heart of dark flame formed in her right hand and a heart formed in her left hand.

This is one of the things that Asta noticed, Vienna's magic reacts quite a bit to her mood. If she was happy she would start making cute animal figures or little hearts unconsciously, if she was upset small explosions of fire would form around her head, if she thought too much three points of fire would be created which looked like the charging sign.

''Haaa~'' Vienna sighed and retracted her magic, then looked at Asta waiting for his opinion.

''Very good, you just have to try not to get out of control both magics are very dangerous'' Asta said.

''Yes, now i want to see a spell from you!'' Vienna said with excitement.

Vanessa and Sylph were not far from the two of them looking at Vienna and Asta, Sylph flew towards Asta and entered his body without his permission and then said

''Let's show her something that she will not forget her whole life.'' Sylph said.

''Look carefully Vienna'' Asta said as he look at the sky,

Decided to make an attack that caused havoc in his previous life. His right arm turned completely green and shined brightly as if it were full of stars. Vienna and Vanessa felt a bit suffocated by the pressure exuding from the mana coming from Asta's arm, his right arm slowly moved towards the sky. His hand opened and a huge blast of wind shot out.


Under Vienna's bright eyes, the sky that was full of clouds became completely clear showing only a beautiful blue. Vienna felt a slight tremor of excitement, seeing the sky open up as if a deity were at its center.

''Woahhhhh!'' Vienna displayed a excited smile without get out her eyes from the sky.

Sylph came out of Asta's body walking elegantly towards Vienna, she cupped her cheeks making Vienna look her straight in the eyes and said:

''If you want to achieve something like that, remember that you have to have patience to make yourself strong. You can't become strong overnight, besides you are still very young. Try to create a good base and then you can go crazy if you want.''

''Mm, patience'' Vienna said as her eyes glowed red in the corners. She looked at Asta and asked.

''When will you teach me again?'' Vienna looked and Asta with puppy eyes.

''Soon, I'll send Heloise whenever I can teach you'' Asta said, Asta said as he got down on his knees and patted Vienna's head, his eyes dilating for a moment. Vienna looked a lot like his daughter semi-elf and son semi-elf, They got quite excited and it was as if their energy would never end, they were very curious and attached to him to the point that his elf wife began to feel jealous.

''Thanks!'' Vienna showed a nice smile and ran to where Vanessa. Vanessa thanked Asta and Sylph and then went back to the base, Sylph stared at Asta and he looked back at her.


''Do you want children?'' Sylph suddenly asked with a serious expression.

''Why do you think that?'' Asta asked with a soft smile.

''You seemed like a very experienced father, and you looked at Vienna as if you were dealing with your child.'' Sylph said as she narrowed her eyes.

''It's how I deal with children Sylphie'' Asta said as he hug her, she looked at his eyes deeply and then she brought her mouth in his ear and said with hoarse voice:

''I wouldn't have any problems, you know? There are advantages to being a spirit. The baby would be a half-spirit human and would always be safe because it could hide inside our bodies.'' Sylph said, her eyes had become a bit blurry, before Asta could say anything she continued.

''Tell me Daddy, Don't you want to see my swollen belly?''

Asta had to muster up as much self-control as possible, in order not to knock Sylph down right now, he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to, But he still can't.

''Yes I want, and once will not be enough. I'll do it until you can't give birth again'' Asta said making Sylph's face turn red.

''But I want to go bit by bit, first let me take full control and we will have all the children we want''

''Okay Daddy'' Sylph kissed his cheek , then they leaned agaisnt a tree. She layed on top of him and looked at him with a small smile.

''I do not understand what total control you are talking about, I already know that you have enough strength to destroy a planet.'' Sylph said suddenly, she doesn't let Asta reply and continued.

''With me, you can manipulate all the air, with Undine you can control all the water which is practically what this planet is made of, with Gnome you can control the earth and even move it, right? and with Salamander you can incinerate it completely and make Volcanos erupt.'' Sylph's eyes looked at Asta so intently that for a moment he felt like he was facing another woman.


''Daddy, I have been analyzing you since the moment you began to use my powers. It felt as if you were holding back, like in the time of war. If you had launched a large-scale attack, the Diamond Kingdom would have disappeared right?''

''Maybe.'' Asta said.

''So, what damn control are you talking about Hmpf. I want all of you right now, if you're going to go at such a slow speed I'm going to have to resort to rash actions.'' Sylph said, her neon green eyes dilated a bit looking at Asta as if she was seeing his very soul.

''Rash actions?'' Asta flashed a warm smile.

''Aren't you supposed to be scared? why do you seem excited'' Sylph asked feeling confused.

''You're a spirit you can't get tired right?''

''Yes Daddy''

''So we could do that endlessly'' Asta said.

''Hahaha, probably you're going to get tired Daddy''

''I could never get tired, and more with a beautiful woman like you''

''Daddy~'' Sylph kissed Asta.

''What do you say Sylph? do you want swan meat?''

''Yes, I covet yours every day!''


''By the way, where did you learn those words?'' Sylph asked.

''A book and you?'' Asta said a true with a lie, because he met them in his other life and one of the many books he read when he was in the orphanage was about those people who fly. They thought it was stupid, because at that time there were no supernatural things like mana, but what they don't know is that those people existed at some point and only Sylph and few humans saw them.

Those people who flew and had extraordinary strength came to be considered Gods by ordinary humans of this world so they wrote down some things of their language and made up stories to get rich. Even though those people wrote that they would probably be considered fake, there was a lot of truth and they even got things right, among those people there were Kings and Queens from another world, They came to that conclusion due to their dazzling appearance and jade skin... And of course the eyebrows as sharp as my sword could not be missing.

''Uhh, I had to face those kind of people thousands of years ago, i wasn't expecting that there still are books of they, those toads were very greedy. They saw me as a Goddess, and they wanted to dual cultivate with me incluiding women, disgusting! spirits don't do those things, if it ispossible to do it I'd spend more time in bed with you doing that you know? it's a win-win sex+sex = power'' Sylph explain as she moved her hands.

''How did you get rid of them Sylphie?'' Asta asked curiously. He had to kill the cousin, brother, sister, father, mother,grandpa,grandma... who always came to avenge the person who messed with him or coveted his wives. As those people went in search of treasures, places to increase their strength, and even looked for women and men with some special body or talent. That way they ended up traveling to various places in the universe and ended up in a very dangerous place.

''I took the air from them, and they all died tortuously!''

''Well done!'' Asta said and then added in his mind 'I think they are already extinct, those people are very greedy. That caused them to have many enemies including me, I lost the number of times I have had to kill them and more those crazy and perverted women looking for my body or talent.' Asta remembered the women who said something about dual cultivation and benefits, but actually wanted to take all his powers and body to make him a slave to snusnu for life, Unfortunately for they his D only belonged to his wives.

The reason why these people became so proud and greedy was because of their powers, and when they reached a stage where they could fly they considered themselves Gods. But they ran into people who shouldn't have offended or messed with them.

''You know, Daddy...'' Sylph's eyes were blury and her breath become heavier, apparently she was holding back for a long time.

''Yes Sylphie?'' Asta asked, he felt that the body of Sylph began to heat up.

''I love you so much that you can not imagine it'' Sylph said with hoarse voice.

''I know'' Asta exhibited a warm smile.

''So will you let me do it?'' Sylph said as she licked her lips.

''It all belongs to you, but if we start now I think we'll never finish in days and probably my wives will end up killing the mad elf and I won't be able to form a peace.''

''But there is still Fana, that woman fell in love with you and has probably already accepted it. You just have to create a race of half-elves between you and her.''

''It's a crazy idea what you have there''

''It's just that it seems stupid to me that you care so much about elves that want to kill us without even knowing about what happened completely. If it were me I would kill them a while ago, such a foolish race should not live.''

''I didn't knew that my Sylphie is so cruel''

''I'm only with those who I think deserve it.''

''Seems like you wouldn't even bother to talk''

''No'' Sylphie said instantly, after all she doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes and she's far from being a man or be in love with a pink-haired woman.


''Yes, Daddy?''

''Come over here''

Sylph slowly brought her mouth closer until she could feel Asta's breath, then as if both lips were drawn by a great force of attraction they both kissed passionately. Sylph and Asta closed their eyes enjoying the kiss, Sylph tightened her hug on his neck and Asta placed his left hand on her waist and the right hand on her cheek as he kisses her softly. The aroma, taste and touch of Sylph's lips was something that Asta had never tasted even in his first life, well maybe some were close to that kind of feelings and taste but Sylph's were simply amazing.

Minutes had passed and both did not seem to stop, there came a time when they were already rolling on the floor fighting for who stayed up, in the end Sylph begged him and Asta, as a good husband, let her stay up. Sylph's scent was getting stronger and her body seemed to get hotter with each passing moment. She kissed him passionately again, and then placed her cheek on his chest as she gazed at him with loving eyes.

''I can hear it beating so loud, do you love me that much?'' Sylph asked with a small smile.

''Yours is also beating strongly''

Sylph bitted her lips as she looks at Asta's eyes ''Daddy, We can get rid of all problems in one day, why don't you want to? I can't take it anymore...'' Sylph said as she breath heavily.

''You talked about patience a few moments ago, but now you seem completely desperate Hahaha''

''Daddy...'' Sylph sat on Asta's abdomen while looking at him deeply.

''I have the solution'' Asta pushed her down.

Sylph began to feel like she was traveling to another planet with every touch from Asta, they moved all over the forest until they ended up in a lake. Hours had passed but no one was tired, even though Asta didn't take the last step, Sylph felt immense pleasure.

''Daddy~'' The hoarse voice and heavy breath of Sylph can be heard in the lake.

''Let me do this'' Asta said with soft voice.

Moans that sounded like a beautiful melody resounded across the lake.


''Finally!'' Mimosa said with excitement.

''Yeah...'' Lily sighed.

''It's beautiful'' Noelle looked at the papers on the table.

''Where are my Lions drawings!?'' Mereoleona asked.

''It looks cool'' Secre said.

''Mmm, our husband will be proud'' Noelle said.

''I'm sure he will love it'' Mereoleona said as she put her hands on her waist.

''There are going to be many changes, do you think people will adapt?'' Mimosa asked as she look the papers.

''Time moves on, and we have to evolve not to get stuck'' Mereoleona said.

''You're right'' Mimosa said, then she looked at all the girls.

''So, Where is our husband?''

''...'' A dead silence hung over the room, and as if Mimosa had summoned her husband the door opened revealing Asta looking different, The girls didn't know why but something was different about him even though his hair was only slightly damp.

''Husband!'' Mimosa jumped to Asta arms, she kissed him in an apassionate way. Asta give her the kiss back, and it tasted so much tastier than ever, she slowly pulled away from him and could smell a pretty good scent.

''Why do you smell so good? it's an exotic smell and a bit similar to some flowers of my magic.'' Mimosa without move out from Asta's embrace.

''I was in the forest''

''Oh, that explains it''

Asta holded Mimosa like a princess and looked to the other girls.

''It seems that you already finished''

They nod without taking of their eyes of Asta's, then they narrowed their eyes.

''Where is Sylph, husband?'' Lily asked.

''Ah, she is inside me.'' Asta pointed his chest as he sat on a chair near to his wives.

´''Woah...'' Asta looked impressed the papers in the table.

''Heh~'' Noelle and the girls looked at Asta with a happy smile as they saw his impression.

''You girls, are the best'' Asta said.

''We want a reward'' Secre said as she looked at Asta deeply.

''Of course, if you want travel in the space i can do it possible, if you want the moon i can make you touch it or live at, if you want kingdoms i can give you kingdoms, if want-'' Asta was spoking with a small smile in his face but Secre stopped him.

''Wait wait wait'' Secre said as she looked with impression at Asta.

''You don't have to do that things, be with you it's enough'' Secre said as she flashed a warm smile.

''...Holy'' The girls looked at Secre feeling shocked, that were sweet words and they realized that Secre loves Asta too much. Secre bowed her head as her cheeks turned red.

''She is a sweet talker like our husband! they make a good couple'' Mimosa said making the girls laugh.

''Look, her cheeks became more red Hahaha'' Mereoleona said as she looked at Secre.

''She's so adorable'' Lily said as she put a hand on her cheek.

''Thank you Secre.'' Asta said warmly.

''Asta...'' Secre lift up her face and looked at Asta tenderly.

'Wait this isn't adorable, this is sexual tension!' Mereoleona thought as her gaze turned beetwen Asta and Secre. Secre was bitting her lips as she looked at Asta and Asta was looking at her with a naughty smile.

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