
23. Starfall

The cyclops dashed forward. Chromatic lights split from the prismatic lens that encapsulated the eye. Arrows struck the glass. Silent were both Dynamo and Lena, bracing for the worse. Lena got on one knee, stabilizing the bow against it while Dynamo stood in front of her; every bolt fired over his shoulder. They didn't have much firepower, but that wasn't the point, "Got a weak point yet?" Dynamo relied on her for this one. She shook her head.

The starman kept his shoulders aimed behind with arms stretched upwards. Though the jointed shoulder allowed it to still aim at them while defending with all four limbs. More bullets were incoming. Dynamo braced the hail. Scratch after dent appeared on him, he allowed not one to appear on the one using him as a shield. The firefight was short-lived with the PD shuttle appearing. The sign for anyone to immediately leave the scene.

A thick black vehicle hovered sporting a yellow stripe across the body. The sliding door opened and the PD took action. Six units clad in standard gear, plasma rifles, and other equipment; even a specialist who held a magnetic rifle was on the job. They all got out as the laser forced an explosion in the vehicle's tank. Heavy was the fall of the now flaming vehicle, too fast to stop they had to hope everyone cleared themselves out before it fell. The crowd was logical enough to do so.

"Got an idea," Dynamo whispered. He folded his elbow and unscrewed the hidden cap on the end, "I don't use this often but I got a tether and needle built into my right arm-you probably seen it before," he noted his previous use against Zaltras. On the reveal, the tip would send shivers down the spines of the needle-phobic. Thick at the base and thinned gradually down the long body.

"Wait did you always have that? Why didn't you tie him up earlier or something?" Lena's attention was too focused on this attacker to yell. From peeks, she could admire the serene platinum color of the wire.

"You kidding me? This isn't your run-of-the-mill rubber- I had to kill a dragon for its fat on top of a dozen other things," Dynamo defended his conservation of the rope. Well, his excuse of why he didn't want to use it...but the time called for it. An unknown unit was the perfect target for this thing. With a push of his finger, the tip sank in; there was still a pointed end but not as far extended. He hurled the point. The starman was preoccupied with the new gnats.

Its head spun at the last second. That needle flew only centimeters away from their eye. But the focus remained on the PD. Six units skated around at high speeds with weapons looking for fragile spots and one magnetic weapon that worried the unit. It needed to kill him first. A fine hole appeared in the very center of its lense. A wave of light was focused through the pinhole. A ray that burnt through anything it came in contact with. The starman needed but a few tilts of the head for the effect to be over. Flashes bright as the sun left three of the PD in pieces with their weapon gone too. Off to focus on the rest.

"Over here! Junkpile!" The tether that ran under its chin was long. So long in fact the needle was lodged into the side of the building both targets were initially at. One was attached to the end. Dynamo barreled through headfirst. Another laser fired. A thrust to the right pulled him away and clotheslined the starman. Couldn't move fast enough.

Dynamo's fingers wrapped around their skull. The momentum forced both to the skyscraper. Dynamo angled himself sideways, his foot stomped the side of the wall as the head of the starman followed. Another devastating impact. The second his needle retracted and rolled into his arm, his ankle blades dug into the wall. The foe struggled in his grip, beating all rotary blades against Dynamo as he was gripped from the throat. Dynamo leaned the starman's head forward. "You made the wrong choice today."

Three bolts flew from the bow to meet three targets. Booms after each; they slowed to a halt. Dynamo released the droid, unlatching his blades and began hovering. A star fell. But not for long. Most units were built with backups and this war droid was no different. Steam escaped its feet as the gun barrels detached to reveal the rounded ends of thrusters. The starman wasn't down for the count yet. Another beam was ready for action.

Dynamo winced. A chromatic flare stole his vision. Before another casualty that would claim a life, he dashed upwards. Higher than anything else in the district expecting the eye to follow along. What met his ears other than the winds were the explosions of the other PD; they could be easily restored. Dynamo also searched for Lena, still on that rooftop taking cover, smart enough not to aggravate the attacker again. Or was it a smart idea? The unit looked at him. It didn't follow nor fire another ray. The eye winced. A crack in glass.

"It's smiling…?" a face only a mother could love. Dynamo's eyes widened with another realization. This Zenith construct was exactly like the previous two, wasn't it? AI was written into the programming, "Ah shit! Get down!" words roared far too late. The starman angled his eye downwards at the fleeing crowds with a tilt towards Lena. Shooting stars were the only thing you could call the bullets. Widespread and red bullets of light cut slashed the air and all sense of hope. Small explosions made something far grander in size. Destruction built on the side of the building….only problem was that lasers wouldn't explode unless it held something flammable.

A star split into a hundred others to spread the net of terror. Dynamo's ballista shape couldn't hope to out-speed light itself. Yet those rockets did. Where did they come from? Mini missiles that knew exactly where those dollops of light were headed and counteracted with their own force. Skyscrapers may have sustained injuries from the missiles but life sustained unharmed; one stopped the ray headed to Lena leaving her with just dust, "Ah...they belong to her- shit!" Dynamo was too in awe of the hundreds of missiles and ignored the one directed at him.

Directly against his neck. Hair and skin charred black, peeling off his body. Cold were the eyes attached to their mechanical skull. Ivory teeth the same; one fell off. He excused the act, for the culprit was already known; besides the missile wasn't strong enough for any real damage. Mandaly's protector by night whom defended the most important person in the city. Carnel of silver streaks descended quicker than anyone spotted her. Another daughter and knight of red bolstered a plasma spear. Momentum drove the flame deep into the cranium of the starman. Ruthless Carnel stabbed again and again. Legs became sticks and thrusters blasted in twain by the canon end of her plasma spear.

Carnel the savior who hid in the shadows of a Dyson struck again. Someone feared by even her own knights for savagery incomparable and atrocities uncountable. Her frame was unique too, Dynamo knew the ins and outs of it.

A red meteor lined in silver crushed a star in its path of destruction. People cheered as the woman barked orders. A strong arm reached into the chest of the unit. Carnel pulled out the almost orange nucleus. With that...the zenith servant was but a memory, "Hey! A heads up,!" Dynamo shouted to the knight. His thrusters stopped their descent close to her. "Zenith droids have the tendency to assimilate themselves after losing their core."

"Hmm?" her voice like a wasp's nests in simple vocals. Orange earned her interest, a shade the starman began glowing, "Interesting design choice," they were blasé to tactics so low. Just one more stab through the torso and Carnel hurled the unit back in the sky. "Interesting that you came to me."

Under the detonation which resembled the sun, two pairs of mechanical eyes met. Suspicion was the only emotion between the two. For Carnel, looking at the android in front of her filled her with an emotion not even a supercomputer could describe. Dynamo held the opposite.

"My lady has paid attention to you and your acquaintance since you arrived in our city," furious were the eyes of Carnel on the legs of this strange man, "You…..she allows both of you an audience at this very moment. You are to follow me," her grip tightened and eye twitched. "There are far too many things to be discussed. Legbuster Dynamo."

"Ah...Carnel. Nice to see you again," Dynamo gulped. Of course, she'd recognize him even with his skin torn asunder. He's known her far longer than anyone else...why would she forget now? His oldest friend.

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