
Training 2

On the first day of training, Klein omitted to tell Kevin and Lilith of a task they were to perform. Due to that, after the sparring match, Kevin and Lilith had to perform the task which was hunting for their food. As usual, Lilith complained the whole way giving Kevin a headache while Klein ignored her.

It was due to this that they slept soundlessly in the night, releasing heavy snores which spoke tales of their fatigue.


At the brink of dawn, loud metallic clanking noises were heard within their room, forcefully waking the pair up.

"Ah, just five more minutes."Lilith pleaded before sinking her face back into the pillow.

"Wake up! We trained too hard yesterday and overslept for five days."Klein announced, with the tone and seriousness he spoke in, that no one suggested it to be false.

"What!"Lilith shouted.

"I lied."Klein admitted."But if you do not want Norm to wipe the floor with your corpses, I suggest that you wake up."

Yawning extremely loud, Lilith got up from the bed moving toward Kevin who was still dozing off.

"Come on big boy, let's go!"Lilith said in a tired voice as she dragged the half-asleep boy away. Odd enough, Kevin did not complain but allowed himself to get taken away as he tried to use every second to recover his energy by sleeping.

"KIRBY?"Lilith shouted in confusion, also waking up Kevin in the process.

"Why is he here?"Lilith questioned while pointing at the three-tailed fox."I thought we left him."

'I know he is not mine and everything, but I cannot believe I forgot about him.' Kevin thought, feeling quite ashamed of himself for some reason.

On the floor laid a plate of food, the fox dug its snout into it, not planning to stop until not a speck remained. Not until it finished eating did it notice the sleepy pair.

"He was actually at the door this morning, he looked hungry so I fed him," Klein said while patting its head.

Lilith noticed their odd relation, the fox looked more comfortable with Klein than even her when she first met it. Was this an achievement one day of feeding earned him? She at first suspected that Klein knew about the fox's origin but later withdrew that thought. It could be it just favors males over females or just being grateful.

However, the thoughts began to resurface as Lilith noticed something which slightly aggravated her.

"How come he gets food but we have to go hunting?"Lilith asked, sensing a bit of favoritism. What happened to all the extraordinary potential crap?

"Does he go through training? Plus, I fed you guys on the first morning too."

"I bet you are going to make us clean your house in the name of training."Lilith joked.

"How did you know?"

"...."For the very first time, Lilith could not respond.

Eating the leftovers from the last hunt, Kevin and Lilith freshened up before continuing with their training. Like the day before, Kevin focused on meditating and learning to prevent an overflow of magic in his body while Lilith continued with advanced materialization.

For Lilith's training, she had to change the shape and size of her air magic to the shapes of objects Klein told her. At first glance it looked quite easy, just changing its shape like clay but this time only using mana to do so.

If one were to practice, they would be mistaken. Lilith had to use her mana to personally alter its shape by making it either bigger, smaller, or maybe even extremely thin. It was far from an easy task but driven by firm resolve, she tried her utmost best.

Seeing her work so hard, Klein could not help but nod in satisfaction. Even though at first glance she seemed lazy, once she sets her mind on something, she perseveres toward that goal. Satisfied with his pupil, he was in a rather happy, excited mood wanting to also check in with his other student.

"Kev-" He called out to Kevin while staring in his direction. As though there was an inflation in prices, his smile behind the mask dropped.

A wave of disappointment washed over him as he watched Kevin. At this moment, while supposed to be meditating, Kevin was fast asleep probably still exhausted from yesterday.

"No, this will not do," Klein muttered as he implanted his foot into Kevin's face, forcefully waking him up.

"Come with me!"He ordered Kevin who was cleaning the blood that dripped from his nose.

'Did I make him mad?'Kevin thought wanting to come up with an apology to Klein who had not talked at all.

Unaware of Klein's intentions, Kevin followed him through the snow for a few minutes before they arrived at their destination. Looking at the place, it was an ordinary snowing environment with a few half-dead trees and a frozen lake.

"It is going to be a problem if you continue sleeping because I plan to teach you materialization tomorrow. So you are going to have to be meditating here."Klein finally spoke.

Nodding, Kevin said as he sat on the cold ground.

"No, not here!"Klein said greatly confusing Kevin. If not here, then where else? On the lake?

Pointing at the frozen lake, Klein said "There!"

"Huh?"Kevin could barely respond.

"I cannot prevent you from sleeping, so the fear of the ice breaking and you drowning will be my substitute."

"But I cannot swim."

"That is the point!"

Kevin looked at the lake and back at Kevin, realizing that he was dead serious. He gulped down a lump of saliva as he steadily walked across the lake to the middle. Hoping Kevin will retract his decision, he looked back only to notice him giving a thumbs up.

Just as Klein said, he could no longer sleep. The fatigue was buried in the thoughts of sinking below the lake. To make matters worse, he did not know how to swim.

The day went on with Lilith's training and Kevin meditating, and as usual, the day ended with a sparring match whereas Klein was the victor. Feeling too tired to hunt, they slept with their stomachs empty.


The next day proceeded similarly with Klein waking them at dawn and just like the last day, Kirby served food leaving Lilith and Kevin to hunt for food early in the morning.

Their training schedule slightly changed, just as Klein planned, he began to teach Kevin materializing while Lilith's training was moved up a notch. Klein taught her how to better utilize her deviant element.

As the sun fell below the horizon, Klein initiated the sparring match where he was victorious as usual. Although they could never win currently, there was still much to benefit from a real fight.

Eating the leftovers of the prey they caught in the morning, they were about to call it a night before Klein called them to his room.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!"

Coming in as told, Klein could be seen in pink pajamas with his black mask still on. The odd mixture of colors provided a very awkward atmosphere. Despite that, Lilith paid it no heed as she put her hand on her hip, demanding to know why she was called.

"What did you call us for?"Lilith asked hastily.

"Tomorrow there will be no training ....."Klein immediately responded.

Tears streamed down Lilith's eyes, realizing she did not have to go through some more gruesome training while Kevin held his hand in the air about to jump before Klein continued talking.

"Instead you will be going for a real-life session or a bandit hunt if you want to call it," Klein said, crashing down their hopes.

' I should have expected nothing less.'

'Destroyer of happiness!'

"I will give you more details later. For now, let me sleep!"Klein said, shooing them away with his hand.

'How is he the tired one?'Lilith thought.

Leaving his room, they headed towards the room, planning to get some sleep in.

Days till yetification's completion: 4 days.

Hello, author here. How was the chapter? If y'all like the story, consider adding to library. By the way, any thoughts on what Kevin's deviant element may be? Comment below.

DymenScreators' thoughts
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