
10. It all a prank

Meanwhile, Kai and Miho is can't believe all of is a prank and Kanemura is didn't expect for to be a prank.

Kanemura: so it is a prank right?

Kai: yes Miku-sama

While Woven and Kobayashi are at Sakura dorm want to see Oda and Yui are having their hand match ring on their left finger.

Sugai: Kobayashi are you married to someone

Yui: yes I am

Risa: with who?

Later Woven step forward and held Yui hand and ask them that we are a married couple now.

Woven: this is my beautiful wife and we just have are were honeymoon

Risa: Woven you married now

Woven: yes

Harada: wait you it's all a prank right?

Woven: yes but not are were married is a prank

Risa: congrats on you marry Yui I'm so happy for both of you make sure you take care of her, Oda

Woven: of course, I will

Yui: come on, honey let's go back to my dorm room and continue

Woven: aw I love that idea sweetie

Harada: please continue what both of you are doing inside the dorm room

Woven: thank you Aoi-chan

Harada: welcome

They left them us and they went to see Karin at her house and they want to hear about Karin and tell her that it was all a prank.

In the meantime, back to Yui dorm room and Woven is touching Yui body everywhere and she moan and went they do that 2nd gen can hear something at the walls that they heard Kobayashi Yui sex moaning around the wall like an echo.

All of the 2nd gen hear Yui is moan and they ran away and went the 2nd gen bumped into the 1st gen suddenly, Inoue bumped into Harada Aoi and she turns around and saw Inoue Rina face is super red and Harada explain to the 2nd gen went they tell the 2nd gen.

Inoue: why did I hear Koabayshi Yui moan at her dorm room with who?

Risa: you didn't know

Inoue: didn't know what?

Harada: Kobayashi Yui and Oda Woven is marry

2nd gen: Eh...!! they married!

Back to the room and Woven pull his pant down and his vampire dick put his dick into Yui pussy and Oda rubbing deep and out of a sudden, Oda cum and his hot semen is inside of him Yui body.

Yui: Oda...Oda, I can't take it anymore please fucking me hard

Woven: I'm cum inside of you and take all of my hot semen inside your body

Yui: yes...yes!!

Woven: oh my god! you are great doing this

While back to the Sakura living room and Inoue, Seki, Tamura, Takemoto, Yamasaki and Matsuda with Morita come and see Fujiyoshi Karin and Watanabe Miho at the vamp clan house.

Meanwhile, the Sakura member come to the vamp clan house and Yamasaki runs toward Karin and she kisses her lips while everyone wants to ask Karin about it all a prank.

Tamura: so Karin you said that is all a prank right?

Karin: yes it is

Takemoto: and Karin it that true you are boss delinquent and a vampire

Karin: yes and Ten-chan is lucky to have me by her side

Morita: lucky Ten-chan

Meanwhile, Shiru came out from the kitchen and hug Hikaru and she saw Shiru and see like most of him in his life.

Morita: Senpai I love you

Shiru: I love more *kiss lips*

Tamura: since you two dating each other

Shiru: since Morita meet me at the Tokyo dome event

Matsuda: why they have some couple but I haven't seen Morita so happy

Shiru: Karin since when you become boss delinquent

Karin suddenly hears something at her front door and see Woven and Kobayashi Yui visit Karin house.

Woven: hello Karin did miss something

Karin: nope we didn't start yet

Yui: I wish my baby is the same name as you guy

Risa: Oda you make Yui pregant

Woven: of course, I'm her wife

Later Karin tell the story about her being a boss vampire delinquent and she closes the campfire and we wait for Karin to tell us about her identity to all Sakura member.

Karin: Are you ready for this?

Everyone is ready and waiting for Karin and she tells them the story and Karin start to speak and when she says the story.

Flashback when Karin become a boss delinquent and she was leaving the concert of Sakurazaka46 member and went she saw someone that is dangerous but they didn't know that Karin is a vampire and she throws something sharp straight to his heart and head.

When Jake and Jon hear something like the ''boom'' and went they look at the ground and look at his heart and head it a lot of blood on the ground.

Jake: what did happen to him?

Jon: who did this?

Meanwhile, Karin come out and speak to them and they look at her and suddenly, they bow to her as the new boss delinquent in all of Japan.

Jake: thank you for saving my life I'm Jake and he is my little brother Jon

Karin: I'm Fujiyoshi Karin and I am also a vampire and nice to meet you

Jon: more awesome

Karin: so you become my servant right?

Jake and Jon follow Karin and return back to her house hear to the vamp and it the end of the flashback.

Karin: that is my story

Risa: where is your servant?

Karin: I give them a long mission to become a strong servant to beat all gangster Japan

Kai and Miho listen to the story at Karin and she is relifing her and Kai hugs Miho from behind and the 2nd gen of Sakura members saw the couple and they are jealous of them and they wish they have someone to love them.

Somewhere at North Japan Jake and Jon are training with Karin Butler went they are half with having their first abs muscle on their body.

Butler: great work both of you I hope Karin miss you and your girlfriend to protect but you can protect her too

Jake: of course I'm missing so much

Jon: we will back to become a stronger servant and need to focus on to make mission finish

Butler: yes that the spirit

Before they finish the mission and they leave the training and see her boss what she is doing now plus her girlfriend as well.

Back to the vamp clan house later Sakura member is about to leave the house and go back to Sakura dorm.

Risa: see you later Karin and Kobayashi

Karin: of course see Risa

Tamura: Morita you didn't want to leave?

Morita: no I went to stay here with Shiru

Yamasaki: see you, Karin

Karin: yes later

When they are leaving the house and Woven carry Yui teleport back to his house and watch their favourite drama together as a married couple.

Woven: see you guys

Karin: okay

The married couple suddenly, disappear in front of us and we get ready for sleep and Morita with Shiru is sleeping on the first floor and Kai & Miho is on the second floor but Karin is alone by herself and Yamasaki with Sakura member and she will meet again with by tomorrow morning to her as she will bring a surprise for Yamasaki Ten.

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