

Leo picked up the gun before unfolding it and preparing it for combat.

He picked up the holographic sight and attached it to the gun along with the laser.

Leo kept the laser off for now since it was quite bright, and in general, he disliked them.

Lasers usually did more harm than good in Leo's opinion, if your enemy expected you and you were in a close-quarters combat situation, it would be alright to use a laser. In other situations lasers generally just gave your position away, screwing you over.

Up next Leo attached the silencer to the gun before picking up a magazine.

When Leo inspected the magazine he got an idea.

He walked up to the kitchen before opening a drawer and grabbing a roll of tape.

Leo picked up two magazines before taping them together.

It was less bulky than a drum magazine, and it would allow for quick reloads.

Leo practiced the reload a couple of times meanwhile Valentina was lazing off watching TV.

When Leo took a look at the final product of his gun he sighed.

"Hey, Valentina. I don't want to be rude but this is a bit too much, I can't conceal carry this weapon with all the attachments on it. It simply is too bulky."

Valentina looked at Leo before speaking.

"Don't forget in which country we are lad, we are in the lands of America, the united states of fucking America at that. Oh wait that actually reminds me of something!" said Valentina before reaching into her pocket.

She pulled out a card before handing it to Leo.

"This is an open carry permit, it doesn't work in all states that have some kind of restriction but it works for a couple of them, if we pass through a state where open carry is not allowed just keep it in a case within your reach or remove some attachments and conceal carry it, just remember that my safety is priority," said Valentina before continuing watching her show.

"Yeah yeah, I get it." said Leo while he took a look at the ID.

Up next Leo turned to the mandatory outfits.

Leo picked out one of the male sets and took a look at it.

It consisted of black pants and a black button-up shirt with a grey tie.

When Leo put on the clothes he looked quite sleek.

"Hey, don't forget the pin lad, it also is mandatory." said Valentina.

Leo looked around for a while before finding what appeared to be two different brooch pins.

One was that of a golden rose meanwhile the other brooch looked like a small fire-like symbol.

"Do I have to wear both?" asked Leo

"Yep, do you want to know the meaning behind them?" asked Valentina as she turned toward Leo.

"Yeah, sure." responded Leo.

"You see, we want to be able to identify other insurgency members with ease which generally can be a problem, we can't go out wearing a shirt that says I am part of the insurgency in bold letters after all. To combat the misidentification of insurgency members delta command ordered all combatants to wear brooches. The brooches don't stand for a rank but it is a discreet way for other agents to identify you, that is what the fire symbol is for."

"Then what is this rose?" asked Leo as he pinned it to his collar.

"That is my delta command symbol, the rose. It stands for beauty yet danger." said Valentina.

"I would argue with the beauty part..." muttered Leo.

"You said anything, Leo?"

"No, nothing. Please continue."

Valentina pulled back the collar of her shirt a bit, fully exposing her brooch.

"As you can see, mine is blue, a blue brooch stands for delta command. You will probably see it someday. If someone has a blue brooch and I act nice to them please treat them with respect. Your brooch is golden, which means that you are in direct service to me and that you generally accompany me as a guard or something in that way, you also have silver brooches for people who are in service to you, but are not with you generally."

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