

A gambler is nothing but a man who makes his living out of false hope.

By the name of Wager city it was already a sign that it was related to gambling stuff, but to hear it directly from Archie was different.

"What do you mean?" Dreamer asked. He wanted to know more.

"Mr. Dreamer," Julie spoke beside Dreamer. "In this city, everything can be gambled. By everything, I mean everything. And if someone loses and refuses to give the lost item to the winner, let's not talk about what happens."

Dreamer frowned. "Can we not just fight it out? I mean, if someone refuses to give the item to the winner, the loser can fight and kill the winner. Problem solved."

"Heh." Archie scoffed. "That could work only in your city. Here, it's different. You lose, you gotta pay. That's all."

Leaning forward, Archie added, "And I am warning you, don't ever fight for something you have lost here. Never."

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