
Grandma is gone.

Zairo was seriously trying to process what had just happened. Chinju fainted on the sticky floor next to the body of the demon that was gradually turning into goo itself. Soon, all that was left of the demon was just disgusting stinking goo. Zairo quickly looked around for a cloth, and tied it around the bleeding shoulder of Chinju.

He then pulled Jato out from under the bed.

"Zairo my grandma is still inside that cocoon, help her out".... "Ah that's right".

Due to the commotion, they had all completely forgotten about grandma. Zairo took the scissors Chinju had dropped on the floor and carefully started opening the cocoon. He opened it a bit and was expecting to see her face anytime soon, but he did not see anything. He tore it open completely and there was nothing but smelly goo inside it.

"emm... Jato, there is nothing inside this one. Are you sure he put grandma in here?? Zairo asks, pointing to the cocoon." Yes I'm sure... Jato answered in pain. He could barely breath well so his voice was not really audible... When I got home that evening, she was laid on the bed, and then he made that thing and covered her there. Then he got me too and the next I can remember is you guys waking me up.

"Then we're did grandma go, because she is not..... He hadn't finished the words when he noticed something sparkling amidst the goo in the cocoon. He picked it out and it was grandma's bracelet, the one she always wore. She would tell him and Jato of how her late husband gave her that bracelet for their 20th wedding anniversary. She never took it off. But yet, here it was lying in a pile of goo..... and that was when it struck Zairo, it was not just a pile of goo, it was grandma. She had transitioned into goo. Into that disgusting, smelly goo....

Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized grandma was gone. He really did not know how to tell Jato. But he knew he had to. "Jato, no matter what, I will always be here for you, I will never leave you....." Zairo what's wrong, why are you saying all this, help grandma out of the cocoon already".... " I can't, I'm sorry"...

"what do you mean you can't, what is wrong, oh.... You mean you can't carry her alone.., don't worry I'll help you".... He tries lifting himself up from the ground but it is no use, he is just too weak, his whole body felt wobbly. And this only frustrates him as he just laid their helpless, "Zairo what are we going to do now huh, I can't seem to carry myself up yet. You will have to drag grandma out of there yourself please and wake her up" he said with a shaky low voice, and tears rolling down his pale cheek.

"I'm really sorry Jato but grandma is gone"..... He brings forward the bracelet, Jato's eyes widen with fear, he desperately needed to be on his feet right now. He struggled but he just couldn't do it, he couldn't stand up. "Zairo what are you talking about huh.. why are you with grandma's bracelet, if she wakes up and sees you with it you are going to get a earful. He says crying...

It really pained Zairo to see Jato like this, he could feel his pain. He could understand it very well. He had lost precious people too. "Zairo help me up please, I want to see my grandma,..help me up"..... "Jato I think it's best you don't.... Jato didn't even let him finish talking....." PLEASE!! help me up, I want to see...

Zairo places a hand on the back of Jato and uses the other to hold unto his hands as he lifted him off the sticky floors.

Looking at the empty cocoon, that had nothing but goo in it, Jato already understood what had happened, but he needed someone to pinch him back to reality, or someone to tell him it was a lie, he refused to believe that his grandma was gone, and not only that, her body was nowhere to be found, she had turned to a pile of goo.... "Zairo where is my grandma, where is she,.. WHERE IS SHE!!!

The whole room was spinning, his head was going blank, and his eyes could not keep themselves open anymore,....

" Jato,.. Jato.., Jato wake up"

Zairo tried waking him up, but he had passed out.


Old man sat in the shop, repairing a broken lamp that someone had dropped earlier on. He didn't really bother that Zairo and Chinju had not returned yet because, most times when Zairo went over to Jato's house, he came back home around six or seven, and it was just 4:30. Grandma never wanted to release him early. Sometimes he even slept over. He was still working on the lamp when Zairo rushed into the store...

"oh my goodness boy, you look horrible and smell worse..... What happened to..... Old man did not complete his words, it just dawned on him...."Cooners.... Oh No"... He said as he remembered that horrible smell, and sticky goo....

"Old man, you have to come now.., we got to Jato's house but grandma was acting weird, so we decided to go in and then we saw two cocoons on the bed and then we opened one and Jato was inside, then it turned out that grandma was not grandma but a demon and then Chinju killed the demon.

But now, Jato has fainted, Chinju was stabbed in the shoulder, and grandma... grandma....grandma is gone.. She was in one of the cocoons and she had melted or something".... He then burst into tears. "You have to find a way to bring grandma back....you have to. She can't die too...

" I'm sorry boy, but if what you are saying is correct, their is no way to save her. But we can save Jato and Chinju let's go."

Old man quickly packed somethings into his bag and followed Zairo to Jato's house.


Jato wakes up in his living room with a slight headache. He sees Chinju fast asleep on the chair next to him, and then he sees Zairo and Old man.

" Oh thank goodness....he says with a deep sigh, alerting the others that he was awake.

" Jato you are awake" Zairo says being relieved.

"Hahaha.... Jato laughs...." what's funny Jato, why are you laughing? Zairo asks, he was now puzzled by the laughter.

"oh Zairo, I had the CRAZIEST dream just now"

He thinks it was all

a dream

_Queen_Acreators' thoughts
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