
The birth

Doing her daily chores just like she always did, Kiara went around her little mushed house cleaning and at the same time preparing the last pack of noodles she had for herself, before she went to work. She worked the day shift from 7:am in the morning to 7:pm in the evening at a convenience store . It was already 6:15, she was done cleaning up the room and her noodles were ready. She sat down to eat and then she felt it....

Her water had just broken... She knew exactly what to do, she had been preparing for this for months. she knew she could not go to the hospital for fear of what they might do to her baby....she had no one to call either so she had decided to give birth in her house. Quickly before she lost all her strength she arranged the bedclothes she had on the floor, started boiling water, brought out the knew pair of scissors she had bought specifically for this. She laid down on the bedclothes and tried as much as possible to keep her self calm. Kiara started feeling the urge to push, so she did.

She started out slowly, trying to feel the position of the baby. When she felt the baby was positioned well she then putting in more strength. She would take a deep breath and then with all her strength,....,

"Ahhhhhhhh" then she would try catching her breath. Again she would push and scream, it was draining her strength she was almost about to give up, but then she said to herself "one last time, just one more push, I can do it, I'll have this baby" and with that she used her last strength and pushed with everything she had within her... And with that the baby's head popped out. The next push wasn't difficult. Soon the shoulders were out and then the rest of the body....It was a boy...


Somewhere in Arkzar(the demon realm)

"Have you found her yet?" He stood in the shadows but you could still see the horrifying figure. He turned around to look at the People. (more or less creatures) who just worked in.

"we haven't found her yet" the first one who was looking extremely terrified said, "We've searched for months but no matter how much we try we just can't seem to find her" the other said. We've tried our best but"....before another word left their mouth an unseen heat flowed through them like they were suddenly put in an oven and at the same time they could fill their soul slip away from their bodies, and in a second all that remained of them was their lifeless dried up bodies.. He had sucked up their soul, this made him look like a half human, half demon.

"shinryung" the anger in his voice made him sound like thunder, the place shook like there was a quake. A man walked in he was dressed in a black ankle length jacket, knee length boots and had attached to his waist a sword. He had a scar that ran from the left side of his face down to his neck. One glance at him was enough to make anyone terrified. "Yes Master" he said as he walked closer to him.

"Find her, no matter what you have to do find her, bring her to me"

"No matter how many souls I consume it's not just enough, I want more, more, more... I want,..... I want virgo's child" Arguse says as he finally steps out of the shadows. He was huge, with skin that looked like that of a serpent, he had thick black scales and out of those scales were long piercing spikes. On his head was two huge horns, his eyes were bleeding red but then slowly he started changing, now looks almost human except for the dark veins on his face. You could almost say he was a normal middle-aged man. "since he is no more, only with his child will I be finally complete... I must have him."


After cleaning up the house and making breakfast kiara calls out to her son

"zai! zai!! zai!!!!" he was no were to be seen . She was about to go looking for him when he ran into the house with mud all over his body "mom did you call?" he said smiling, revealing his perfect set of teeth and cute dimples. His eyes were sky blue, they almost seem like they are glowing. kiara looks at her son in disbelief he looked like an elephant having a mud bath."zai!!!, I just cleaned you up now look at what you've done. " seeing his mother walking up to him he starts taking steps backwards ,ready to take off. "what are you doing? why are you moving backwards? don't you dare take another step , I said stop right.... before she could say another word he was already out the door so she starts chasing him round the house. They did this for almost an hour it was like Zairo never got tired, he was just full of energy. But then he fell down. Kiara ran to where he fell he had a slight cut on his knee but it closes up quickly like he was never injured. She looks at him for a second and asks "does it hurt" he replies smiling "no"... "that's good....so now tell me why you are covered in mud" the smile on his face changes as he just now realizes that he has been caught. He tries to run again but this time he is caught by the ear as she drags him into the bathroom.

After cleaning him up she feeds him even though he complains of wanting fried chicken instead, of which she tells him that he can't be eating just fried chicken for the rest of his life. Even though he doesn't agree with her opinion cause he believes he could live with eating chicken for eternity he doesn't argue further. "would you like to go out with me tomorrow? I want to go visit an old friend " he looks really excited and is about to answer when suddenly he thinks of something "on one condition" kiara looks like she already knew what his condition was " I want fried chicken tomorrow ,lots of fried chicken. No fried chicken means no outing " she loos like she is pondering on what he said for a little while and then says "DEAL".


"Master, we found her"

The next day zairo already got up as early as 4:30 in the morning ready to go for their trip or maybe he was more excited about the chicken. Either way he was already up and ready to go. kiara already packed the essentials needed for the trip the previous night so when she got up she just had to bath Zai and herself and soon they were ready to hit the road. They left the house and headed for the subway. Zairo didn't really like taking trains he says it sometimes felt like a lot of bad eyes were watching him so they rarely followed the subway, but it was the fastest route to get to where they were headed. when they got out of the subway they entered a taxi which eventually took them to their final destination,


Zairo was amazed by what he saw as they entered the temple, in the center of the temple was a huge statue of a dragon in the middle of the dragon was a little turtle holding a spear. Some people were practicing different kinds of martial arts and that was what caught his attention the most. "Mom i want to learn that too" Kiara chuckled. "you can learn what ever you.... she was still talking to him when Taero walked up to her and asked who she was and how he could help her. "I am here to see master Shinok my name is Kiara ." He told her to wait and that he would get back to her shortly. "mom I like your friend , I like his house, will he let me stay?" he kept on asking questions after questions nonstop, then as he was still asking and looking around he saw a little girl about his age he thought. She was training in an empty room, she moved very fast for a girl of her size.

"master she has arrived"

"Kiara? master Shinok who was meditating while levitating lowered himself to the ground "and the child? Taero answered with a slight nod "bring her in".

"the master would see you now".....Kiara stood up and then told Zai to wait while she talked with her friend. she was about to leave when he held her by her skirt and said "what about my chicken? she laughed and brought out the box of chicken from he bag and gave it to him as she walked away with Taero. Zairo with his box of chicken in his hand went over to where he had seen the little girl, she was still practicing. He watched as she moved almost too perfectly for her age and size, she had a Tattoo on her neck ,... or was it a birthmark? it was shaped in the form of the dragon and turtle in the middle of the temple. She was done practicing and that was when she noticed him .he was pointing a chicken at her ,she walked over to him and collected the chicken. They both sat down together eating chicken, it appears that she also loved it. "what is your name? mine is zairo"

in between a mouth full of chicken she said "Zaya"

Master shinok and Kiara were already talking about old times and then suddenly.....

There's always an end before a beginning

_Queen_Acreators' thoughts
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