
295. President out!

[You can read the last chapters in advance, OP and GOT fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.]

Having said goodbye to everyone, it was time to return to his everyday life. The world was in place, the constitution was in place, the elections were going on, and soon the first batch of representatives of each region would appear.

He sat in his office, looking at all that was around him. Not far from his seat, Moony was playing with a toy. There was a little bit more silence in the office today for some reason. He was to sign the declaration of unification and resign from his office as the President of the United States and the United Terra.

But, at that moment, Steven Spielberg sat in front of him as they talked about part two of the movie that was based on his life. Steven had said that he wanted to make two parts. And the second part can not be made since Hector keeps making more history.

"So, you can start working on the final part. As for the funding, don't worry. Futuretech has set aside four hundred million dollars." Hector revealed.

That raised the man's brows. "What? So much money? I don't think we can spend that much."

"Haha, kid, it seems you don't understand the scope of this movie. Have you ever wondered what I was doing in space from the year 1984 to 2009? I was fighting a war in space... a war to defeat three galactic empires and establish the universal democracy—which is now the United Galactic Federation. Yes, I was its commander-in-chief and the first-ever President."


As expected, Steven's jaw was left hanging for a good five minutes. He would occasionally raise his finger to ask something but then stop and think about something else.

"Y-Yes... if that's the case, then it would understand why we need that much money... actually, I'm afraid we will need even more money."

Hector nodded and showed the man a business card. "Take this. It's an entertainment agency based on the Xandar Planet of Andromeda Galaxy. It's the largest and richest entertainment company in the Universe, and I hold some stake in it. Take its help to launch your first movie across the Universe.

"All sentient species across the Universe know my name, and a good majority have benefited from my introduction of democracy. I'm sure many want to know about their old man."

Steven took the card with care, knowing its worth was more than any movie or contract in the world. "Sir... what if you do something more historical in a few months? I won't be able to end the movie correctly."

Hector chuckled. "This is the end of the line for me, Steven. One of the benefits of being so powerful is that you know exactly when your end has come."

"What!" As always, no matter who, the reaction is the same. Shock and sadness. "But... you're dying?"

"I would rather say I'm dead already. Anyway, take these files as well. They have some of my ideas and thoughts about life and the Universe, how the world should be, and how the people should be. Try to incorporate them subtly so the movie can also act as inspiration for people in power not to go corrupt and young ones to be inspired to rise and do good."

"Yes, sir!" Steven stood up and saluted as if he was in the military. Then he silently left, seeing there was nothing else to talk about.

Once free, Hector looked towards the hidden door on the left. "When did you arrive here?"

Diana appeared with her luggage. "All packed and ready, Hector. Just tell me when we're leaving."

"You've said your goodbye to the ladies? I'm sure Jean and Natasha will miss you a lot. As for Yelena, she's coming along."

"Wowooo!" Moony barked. ~Dad, Fenris and Michu as well.~

"Yes, boy. They are also coming. But I need to head back before you, so I can set things right. So, until then, you need to go to Xandar and spend some relaxing time there." Hector planned. He could not allow his family to be seen after he's gone, or else the media would never let them be alone, asking stupid questions.

"I will finish things up here and leave. You two head out first."

Diana nodded and called Moony along. But first, the good pretty boy jumped to Hector to get some hugs. "See you at home, dad."

"Haha, indeed... Home."

Hector saw them leave by using Moony's portal. With that, once again, the room returned to silence, but that was disturbed when Kennedy entered. "Old man, the others have come. The elections were held, and the first Senate of 500 has been determined, along with the Council of ten."

Hector looked at the two papers. Declaration of Unification and his resignation from the office of President of the United Terra.

He took out his pen. "Kennedy... It was fun working with you. See you on the other side later."

Kennedy narrowed his gaze and nodded. His heart told him that today was the day... the final time he was seeing Hector. For the past few days, he knew Hector had been going around and meeting various people close to him.

"For me... It was an honour, sir." Kennedy saluted like in the old days in the army. He remembered how he was just a Lieutenant during the World War, and the moment he met Hector, everything changed. He was the most famous and successful Kennedy in his family history due to Hector. Not to mention, Hector even helped lift off the Kennedy curse put on his family by a demon to whom his ancestor sold his soul.

Kennedy left again and, in fact, stopped anyone from entering the room as he told the Chief of Staff to clear the schedule.

Inside, Hector first put the papers aside and instead flipped out a camera in front of him across the table. The video was being put on Youtube, and the moment his heart stops, it will be published.

"This is my last message as a living bag of meat and bones. Damn, it was a long ride. But, like a nice bar of chocolate, everything good must come to an end eventually. I may be a superhuman grandpa, but I am still old and prone to dying.

"Today, I am signing the last few documents that will allow the planet to become one. I hope you all don't fight anymore, don't discriminate anymore... because honestly, there is so much more out there to explore, see and live for. Why be an asshole to another person when you can literally explore planets? It's a very bad comparison but trust me, exploring is really fun.

"As for this planet. I have already erased extreme and high poverty. A little bit of it remains and forever will, as some people just don't wish to work, and nothing can be done about them. As for the rest of you... my advice is to have fun every once in a while. Especially you, East Asians. I know about the Karoshi culture... overworking to death. Go out, date, have fun, and drink.

"Things will be better now, however. Inflation will be negligible, and market volatility will not command the flow of money. There will be peace and stability in life, and salaries will be fixed at a minimum wage level that is genuinely sustainable.

"This United Terra is a precious child to me, and I hope it grows to become something good. Because not just me but a lot of people, heroes and folks from space worked hard for it.

"By the way, I am turning my entire land into a rehabilitation and care centre for dogs, cats and other animals from around the world. It will be run by Artificial Intelligence and people combined. I wish that no poor good boy or girl is abandoned and forced to live in fear and hunger.

"Anyway, when this video ends, you will likely never hear from me again. But as I said years ago, all Americans are my brothers, sisters and children. Today I say all humans are my family. So be good and get along, or I will come down to spank you, haha.

"Well...Take care...President out... ."

Hector turned off the camera and signed the Declaration of Unification and his resignation as the President of the United Terra and the United States.

After that, he looked up. "Alright, Satan... Time to do it."


A light fell from the ceiling in the room, red in colour and basked Hector in it. In an instant, the body... the contained that kept Hector's soul became empty, as the grey eyes turned into more grey... lifeless, in fact.

The clock in the room stopped working the moment he left due to spatial disturbance. The electrical appliances also got fried internally.

The only thing left was absolute silence, as the body of Hector remained seated by the table, looking forward with eyes held low.

The long journey full of laughs and badassery had finally come to an end. But still, now, it shall forever live as a memory—a name, an eternal part of the Universe's history—Hector King Washington, in all his love and glory!

[Image in this Para Comment]

[See Hector on Discord at https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]

If you have not, check out my new original book: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Franklin Walley* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley* *Jason Jimenez* *Devor*

Thank you for all your support!

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