
Romance Dawn Part 4

Yeah so, Zoro, Koby and me went to attack Helmeppo, but being the rich snob that he is, he calls his dad. To this day I don't get how such a beast of a man like axe hand morgan, can produce fucking HELMEPPO. So as I was saying this guy literally cut his hand and taped an axe to it, again I didn't have to do much, because that tape was either made in a dumpster or it had worn out because, idk he was probably a lumberjack or some shit, so anyway the axe fell off the roof because he was doing one of those charging moves, y'know the one, like he goes "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" and then he starts running at me, so when the Axe fell, he jumped down looking for it, and then he died. Helmeppo then reveals that he wants to be a marine, so him and Koby suck up to the marines, and he gets the job as a janitor. So I tell Koby that he should stop being a little shit, and that I'm going to the fucking GRAND LINE. Until I got captured by the marines.


Finally Romance Dawn is over

Also this is a one piece parody/novel, idk I'm going to adapt all of the arcs, but with my own spin on it

Buggy the clown is a clown!?!?!?!?

homosapiencreators' thoughts
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