Minutes passed by, and the atmosphere in heaven grew more and more tense. None of the gods wanted to come out and admit that they were the imposter.
Even the seven gods who were prime suspects weren't confessing.
[Let's save all our time, and whoever it is, come out and admit. It's not like we are going to punish you or anything. Each of us has our own mindset and perception. Otherwise, we would just be overlapping everyone here, so how about we just end all this,] the first god asserted in a calm voice.
[True. I agree with the first. We don't have time for fighting among ourselves,] the third seconded the first.
[Yeah. Even if it is one of us, we will forgive them,] the fifth stated.
[But who is it?] the seventh wondered.
[Can I ask why only seven of us are being seen as suspects?] the ninth asked.
[Yeah. It could be one of the other five too,] eleventh uttered while glaring at the other five.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: