'Why is the child of atrocity here?! Brother, what are you thinking? Did you forget atrocity is the definition of abomination! And his child is… he can be a greater abomination!'
The sixth then remembered his behavior with Zach. And his face turned pale.
'What have I done?! I threatened him and disrespected him! I even treated him harshly! What if he decides to annihilate the kingdom or even the entire sea realm?!'
The sixth couldn't stop freaking out.
'I stared into his shadow for only one second. One mere second, and I was nearly devoured by it.'
The first time someone dared to look into Zach's eyes was Kyle, who was scared senseless and nearly flew back to heaven. The second time was the lord abomination, and the third time was Malinda Edna, the dragon who was the world boss of the first realm. Then, Aquitius the seventh recognized Zach by simply looking into his eyes. After that, it was Aquitius the sixth.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: