
I am dead

"Arrange a meeting for me with your big brother."

Madan chewed his nails and stared at this one-line text again and again unblinkingly. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. One devil wants to meet the other. What am I supposed to do now?"

He was already relieved that their 'big brother' had let them simply leave the team, just like that, without any sort of repercussions whatever.

And now… he had to go back and ask for a favor?

"Fuck." Just the thought of it made Madan nervous. He shook his head and thought about his alternatives. What if he brought this to the guy as a business proposition?

He thought about it for a second but then once again shook his head. "Damn it. That also won't work. The crazy guy will once again start blabbering about fate and the future and drive me crazy."

"ARGHHHH! Just what am I supposed to do now?! Should I just tell him that big brother didn't agree to a meeting?"

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