
Ch.45 I am the BBC.

We were sitting in the dining room eating breakfast. I was reading the news looking for something on Fenerir or something related to the wolves, but there was none, our measures are still working but for how long?

Coco said "We should go on a vacation."

I put down the news and said "We will but I still need Xenophilus to agree to our deal, I can't just leave now."

Daph looked at me and said "Yeah, but he will still need some time to think about your offer, in the meantime we can go somewhere and relax."

I said "And Luna will also be with us. Don't you think it will look like we are taking her as a hostage?"

Coco said "Jon, be realistic not everyone is diabolical."

I said "But you do see, what I am trying to say right? And secondly, how are we supposed to go to Paris? I don't think your father will agree?"

Daph and Coco looked at me and said "We are going to Paris?!"

I looked at them and said "Yeah, Luna was intrigued by Disneyland."

They looked at each other and then nodded and said "You don't need to worry about getting permission, we will take care of it, you just take care of everything else."

I just shruged my shoulders and said "Alright."

We ate breakfast and then they left and Alyssa stayed behind for work, they were not that happy but they also had some work so they left. As soon as they left, I turned to  Alyssa and I asked "Do you mind explaining what happened last night?"

Alyssa tilted her head and said "What do you mean?"

I walked closer to her and asked "I want to know that I am quite sure that we didn't spill anything, so why was my shirt missing?"

She looked at me and moved closer and said "Do you wish to know?" She then placed her hands on me and came close to me, I could smell her scent, I looked at her and she said nothing, she just leaned over and kissed me.

I was pleasantly surprised by her action. She then looked at me and I held her by the waist and kissed her, she grabbed my hair and my hands were roaming on her waist and her back we kissed like that for a while but then she stopped and looked at me and said "We have work to do"

I took a deep breath and nodded and let go of her and she went to the office. I waited for a while and then followed her. That day I could only think of what we did. My body's hormones are raging.


(A week later)

Xenophilus has accepted our offer to be the editor of our new paper, Fudge tried to stop us but all we had to do was to give him some money and he was happy to comply.

We started to print our newspapers named The Hermes. We printed the news that we wanted the people to know, and unlike the daily prophet which was all propaganda, our paper had some news.

And it quickly gained popularity due to our "on ground sources" and agressive marketing strategies. It was still not as popular as the Daily Prophet but it was still serving it's purpose.

We also covered the news of the fall of Fenrir and who was the one who accomplished the feat, it was Alex, I just threw him under the bus, but he was the one who was going to fight Fenrir if I didn't intervene. So I guess that works out.

We then also advertised our security services which we called Odin. We published how this security company was founded by Thomas Bell the american Wizard and was a werewolf himself and that this company was founded to help the werewolves, but they didn't discriminate among people and also hired muggle born wizards, ex-aurorus and hit-wizards.

Many Authors also quit their jobs because of our pay and the amenities that we provided, the wizards were baffled by medical insurance and life insurance, pension funds and housings if you are willing to serve in a different country.

Many wizards were not happy that werewolves were in charge of the security of many prisons but they can't openly say anything because all of them had hidden agendas, the dark faction specifically the one who were loyal to Voldy didn't say anything because they thought it would be easy to manipulate the werewolves.

The grey faction was bought by us, at this point money literally meant nothing to us, we had so much money that we didn't know what to do with it.

Lastly remained the white faction then there were some who wanted to oppose, mainy it was Amelia Bones, she was suspicious of Greengrass, I have to tell this woman have some intuition.

The one that I was most worried about Dumbledor, oh he had cornered himself, I had heard from Florian that Dumbledor wanted to create more rules and restrictions as to who could join and such but he was shot down by Sirirus and James. I knew that they both will wholeheartedly support Thomas.

And another happy news, Alyssa had found the whereabouts of Fenrir, She had tasked some of her people to keep a constant eye on Fenrir and his movements. And with that I have my players set, now I just need to wait for Fenrir to mess shit up in Britain.


I was sitting in the study room after all the work. Alyssa and Victoria were in the living room watching Tv. I had some leisure time. So I was glossing over the details of the Nurmengrad contract, we are very close to get this contract.

Daphne was also there with me. She was wearing a shirt and knee high socks and a green sweater and she had a little makeup on her. She was sitting on the sofa, reading about the healing spells, her parseltongue has gotten quite good over the summer.

After my work was done, I was treating myself to Cola but I was now bored now that I didn't have anything to do... I am weird, a few weeks earlier I was drowning because of work and now that I have none I am bored, I then looked at Daph and decided to mess with her a bit.

I then walked up to her and sat next to her and was looking at her and she didn't even look at me and asked "What is it?"

I smiled and said "I am bored."

She said unbothered "What am I supposed to do?"

I said "I really don't know." I then laid down and placed my head on her lap. I saw her face getting red, but she didn't say anything and I looked up and said "The view from here is to die for."

She showed me her wand and said "I can fulfil that wish."

I smiled and said "I think I will be happy to die for this."

She said nothing and was studying, I then flipped and buried my face in her lap and she let out a muffled moan. I heard that and started to breathe loudly. She was still trying to act tough so I moved one of my hands to her thigh and started to run my hand over it.

I could hear her breathing getting loud and then not being able to take it anymore. She hit my head with the book, which led to my disposition from her lap to the ground.

She then got up and tried to walk away but I grabbed her hand and pulled her down. She was now laying right beside me and she looked at me and I looked at her and ran my hands through her hair and she placed her head on my head and said "Can't you just ask nicely?"

I smiled and said "Asking is not really my style, I just want to take what I want…"

She held her breath and asked "And… What is it that you want?"

I chuckled and said "I want everything."

She got upset and I said "Did you know when I am with you I can just let go, I don't need to be upstanding, I don't need to be good, I don't need to be anything… I can just be selfish, around you…" I saw a slight smile on her face and I said "You know I have always wanted that one day you will just take what  you want. Not thinking about anything and anyone. And that is what I truly want from you."

I then lifted her head and said "But right now, this would do." I then kissed her and she closed her eyes and surprisingly she used her tongue and I replied in kind. And our bodies intertwined with each other. I then stopped and she looked at me and kissed me again.

She then looked at me and was red and had tears in her eyes and I was confused so I embraced her and asked "Hey, what is wrong, did I do something?"

She then said "You kissed Victoria and Alyssa, but you didn't kiss me, so I thought that you didn't like me…" 

I then wiped her tears and said "God, you are stupid. If I didn't like you, then why would I be marring you..."

She then looked at me and I chuckled and kissed her again and she was happy then I asked "Hey how did you know that I kissed Alyssa?"

She kissed me and said "Alyssa told us."

I stopped her and looked at her and asked "When?"

She said "The day you both kissed."

I then realised what was happening, Daph just happened to wear knee high socks and sweater? In summer? I think not and I sighed and said "They are behind the door aren't they?"

She said nothing and just nodded and a plan hatched in my head and a sinister smile came on my face and Daph saw that smile and knew that it was not good and I told her my plan she wasn't on board but then I kissed her and said "Come on, it will be fun." She then nodded.


(Outside the Study room)

Victoria and Alyssa had their ears glued to the door they were trying to listen to Jon and Daphne. 

Alyssa asked "Can you hear them?"

Victoria said "Barely, this door is too thick." She then heard something and said "I can hear them."

Alyssa said "What is it?" Alyssa then walked up to her position and also placed her ears on the door and they heard.

"Jon, Alyssa and Victoria are in the next room."

"It is okay, they can't hear us."

Alyssa looked at Victoria in horror and asked "What are they doing?"

Victoria chuckled nervously and said "I am sure, it is nothing, it is nothing right?"

"This is my first time Jon… I am scared…"

"This is my first time as well… and besides I want you…"

Not being able to control themselves, the two young ladies burst through the door and both of them said "Stop!!!!" But when they entered the room they saw that Jon and Daphne were sitting on the sofa and Jon had a grin on his face. They both were caught. Both Victoria and Daphne were embarrassed.

Then Daphne told them about the kiss and the other two were jealous and Jon looked at them and said "You both want some?"


I hope you guys liked the chapter and I am sorry that I wasn't able to upload on Monday I had some work and I am sorry that I wasn't able to keep my promise of 3 chapter a week, but I promise that I will try to rectify this mistake.

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