
Ch.38 Plans are in motion.

(Alyssa Pov)

I am flying back to London because I am getting married. A few days earlier I got a letter from my father saying that someone has agreed to help him in his mission. I was so happy for him, then he said that I needed to marry a person who will be helping him.

Although I am obligated to do it I didn't want to, I mean getting married to someone that I didn't know. I asked him who was this person and he said that I will meet him at the airport.

I was hoping that the person I am supposed to marry is a good person, even though I don't have much of a say in it.

My father did say that the person I will be marrying is around my age and is the business partner of Florian Greengrass the man who had agreed to help him.

(At Croydon Airport)

I arrived in London and I was told that someone will be there to pick me up and I will be staying with the Greengrass, for the rest of the summer. I was looking around for someone holding a sign with my name and I found one and I didn't expect him to see there it was Jon.


(Jon's Pov)

Thomas sent a letter to me that his daughter will arrive in 3 days and told me to pick her up. Florian decided that Alyssa will be staying with them for the rest of the summer.

I was at Croydon Airport I was holding a sign with Alyssa's name on it. I saw her, she saw me and looked a lot surprised. She came towards me and I said "Hello."

She said, "Hi, Jon why are you here?"

I said, "Well, I am here to pick you up." She was even more confused and I said "Let's get going I will explain everything when we get you to Greengrass manor."

She nodded and I took her bags and we got into the car and we took off for Greengrass Manor.

She asked, "So how is your summer going?"

I said, "Well, it has been eventful, I am somehow enjoying myself for a brief period of time. How is your summer?"

She said, "Well, I could say the same, it has been eventful and now my life is about to go through a big change."

I said, "Cool, so have you seen anything new?"

She said, "I started to see Fresh prince of bel-air."

I said, "How is it?"

She said, "It is cool I like Will Smith, he is super fun to watch."

We then talked about that for a while, this was basically a distraction from the impending drama I was going to get caught up in.

We reached the Greengrass manor and Frody came and took Alyssa's luggage. I then took her to the Study room and Florian was already there.

Alyssa did a little bow and said, "Hello Mr Greengrass it's a pleasure to meet you."

Florian said, "It's my pleasure." He then offered her a seat and I sat next to Florian and Florian said "I know it might be very confusing for you as to what is happening and all that. And he will explain everything to you."

I looked at him and I felt like he has just thrown me under the bus. I looked at Alyssa and smiled and said "Well, Alyssa you see, Florian and I are business partners."

She looked surprised and asked, "Are you the one who I will be marrying?"

I said "Yes, I will need to marry you in order for your father and us to work together."

She said, "But I don't understand why does Florian has you as his business partner?"

I said "There is a long story behind it and we will tell you all about it but, what I need to know is that what do you think of this marriage?"

She said "Well, it's a political marriage, so I don't have to think much about it. I was hoping that I marry someone good and sensible and you are a good and kind and we are friends, so I don't really have a problem with this marriage."

I sighed and said "Well, that is good but there is also something that you should know, I am also promised to Daphne and Victoria as well."

She said, "Oh, so that is why you three are like that."

I said, "Well, I am promised to Daphne but I would like to marry Victoria and both of them have no problem with you. But I wanted to talk to you as well."

She said, "I don't have any problem with that Jon. I agree to this marriage."

I sighed and said, "Oh, that is good, so now we can talk to your father and finalize everything."

She smiled and said "I am thankful that I am marrying my friend. Thank you, Jon."

I said "That is nice, You can now go to your room Fordy will take you there and Victoria and Daphne are already there they wanted to talk to you as well."

She then got up and said, "Thank you Mr Greengrass and Jon for helping my Father."

We both smiled and then she left the room and we both sat on the couch and both of us sighed and I said "Now we can move forward with the plans."

He said "I will contact Thomas. You go and get some rest you are going to need it."

I then got up and he said "Hey Jon, why don't you get engaged to Daphne and Victoria as well?"

I said, "I get Daphne but I don't think James will be happy with that."

He said, "It's a silent engagement no one will know."

I said, "You talk to Daph and Daph will talk to Coco and then you tell me what she thinks." I was then out of there.

I then waited for the response of Thomas. I hoped that he could expand upon the plans of Fenrir because this year is completely different from the cannon, Sirius is not in Azkaban and Pettigrew is not with Ron. So I am pretty worried about the coming events.


(Alyssa's Pov)

Frody led me to my room, I will be staying with the Greengrass for the remainder of the summer, I just hope that Victoria and Daphne are okay with this marriage.

I entered my room and saw Victoria and Daphne inside. I greeted them "Hey guys how are you?"

They both walked towards me and hugged me and said "No reason to be so awkward with us. You are still our friend. Come let's sit down and talk."

I sat down on the sofa with then and they both sat next to me and I said "I was worried that you both were going to be mad or something."

Daphne said, "We were also raised to be Heirs of our House so we know that you don't have much choice but to agree to the marriage."

Vicotria said, "You don't need to worry about Jon treating you harshly or anything like that he will respect and support your choices."

Daphne said, "But there is something that you should know and we will tell them to you as soon as your father sigh the contract with him."

Alyssa asked "You are saying like he has some dark secrets."

Victoria said "He has some secrets which he can't tell anyone he doesn't trust. And he told us that he will tell them to you once the contract is signed."

Daphne then said "And that's not all, knowing him and his status we predicted that there were going to be more suitors and here you are. So we wanted to tell you that there can be more people he could marry."

Alyssa grabbed Daphne's hand and said "I understand that and I just wanted to tell you guys that I would wholeheartedly trust him and support him no matter what."

Victoria said "That is good to know, but onto another topic, you being married to him will also mean that you will have to think for him as well.

Don't get me wrong he has an incredibly beautiful brain but sometimes he does stupid stuff and it kind of becomes our responsibility to stop him from doing that crazy stuff."

Alyssa was confused and said, "Really I thought he was very mature and intelligent?"

Daphne said "He is those things but sometimes his brain makes him does stupid things. Like him neglecting his heath for his work, him adopting a crazy dangerous snake and treating it like his child."

Alyssa said, "I have met cotton but she doesn't look all that crazy to me she is very calm and gentle."

Victoria said, "We are not talking about cotton, you will know who we are talking about."

Alyssa said, "Is there something else I need to be worried about?"

Daphne said, "You also need to keep an eye on him around other girls."

Alyssa said, "Is he like that?"

Victoria said "Oh, yeah no he is not like that. What we are saying is that you need to be careful with other girls."

Alyssa and the girls then just chatted about Jon and his behaviours.


(Deep within a forest of Magical London)

(Thomas Pov)

I was sitting around the campfire wondering about the condition that I had set up for Greengrass and House. I wondered if they would take it, If they refused then I would just accept it anyway because the cause is too big for my pettiness.

They had offered my people jobs, good pay, accommodation, healthcare, education and everything even if they refused my condition I would have accepted it.

"Hey there Tom how are you?" I heard a familiar voice and as I looked up it was my friend "Remus come sit down,"

He sighed and sat down and I asked "Is everything fine my friend?"

He said, "I got a job teaching at Hogwarts."

I said "Wait why? I don't think they would have allowed you to be anywhere near the school."

He said, "I know that is why I am confused as to why did Dumbledore ask me to come?"

I said, "So what are you going to do?"

He said "I don't know. There must be a reason as to why Dumbledor has asked this of me."

I said, "Times are changing Remus even for us."

I then looked at the sky and saw a grey owl coming for Alex he got the letter and then he signalled me to come. I said, "Excuse me for a moment, Remus."

I went to Alex and he was already reading the letter and asked "What does it say?"

He said, "They agreed to your condition and have asked for a date for the engagement and wants to discuss the plans."

I smiled and said "Alex we will finally be able to escape this nightmare. We will finally have a proper life for our people."


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

Alyssa Bell will look like Devery Jacobs.

I would like to ask you guys how would you like for the MC to deal with Fenrir. I am open to suggestions.

I was thinking like a duel between Mc and Fenrir for the Alpha and Mc can act as the representative of Thomas. But if you have a better suggestion I would like to hear that as well.

I was also wondering that if I shortened the chapters to about 1500-1600 words average then I would be able to make the quality of interaction the characters have a bit more better. Please leave a comment on that as well.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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