
Ch.23 I love you.

(In the ROR)

I was standing in front of Victoria and I said "I Love you." and the moment just seemed like it was frozen in time.

(After two days of the first attack)

I woke up the next day and I felt like sh!t. Because I was lying to the one person from which I didn't want to hide anything. I was lying to her about Daphne and me and was lying about the attack.

I was able to fool everyone Voldemort, Dumbledor and every other person but I can't fool her. Cause after the day of the attack I just couldn't look her in the eyes. I knew if she looked she would know that I was hiding something.

And I can't live like that anymore I will tell her everything and if she chooses to leave me I will accept that.

(In the library after the end of class)

I didn't go to the book club for two days because I couldn't face Victoria. But today I grew some balls and decided to tell her everything.

I walked up to the group and Victoria asked "How are you feeling? Are you better now?" I had an excuse of trauma to get away from her.

I said "I am fine now. Hey, Victoria can you come with me I would like to talk to you."

She looked at me weird because I called her Victoria instead of the usual Coco. She got up from the seat and I said "Take the books with you. It will be a long talk."

Daphne got up and said "Excuse me for a second" she pulled me aside and asked in a hushed voice "What are you doing?"

I said, "I am going to tell her everything."

Daphne asked "Are you sure? This could backfire."

I said, "I will live with the consequences." We turned around and found Victoria and both Daphne and me were startled.

Victoria asked, "You two have become good friends, must be because of the project."

Daphne laughed and I said, "Shall we."

We exited the library and Daphne sat down and she had a worried look and everyone was concerned about Daphne and Luna asked "Why are you so worried?"

Daphne smiled and said, "Nothing everything is fine."

Luna said, "Is it the Nargles are they also giving you troubles."

Daphne said, "Yes, it is the Nargles."

Luna said, "It's not a problem they will give back your things when they are done with it."

Luna got up and hugged Daphne and Daphne cried a little.


We were going upstairs and Victoria asked "Where are you taking me?"

I said "Someplace amazing." She then followed me to the seventh floor.

She asked, "Why are we on the seventh floor?"

I said, "Just trust me I will show you something amazing." I then grabbed her hand and passed the corridor three times.

She asked "Why are we here aga..." she stopped when she looked at a giant door appear in front of her.

I said, "Let's go."

We entered the room and the room was lit with 100s of candles and there was a cooking station with ingredients. there was a small table with two chairs.

I looked at her eyes filled with wonder and a bright smile on her face. I then said, "Welcome to the Room of Requirements."

She asked, "What is this place?"

I said "It is a room that changes according to the Requirement of the user. I wanted a place to have a pleasant conversation with you and the room provided that."

I then snapped my fingers and food appeared on our table. And no I didn't make it out of thin air it was made by elves on my request and I just summoned it here.

I then pulled her chair and she sat down and then I sat down and she said: "All of this is beautiful."

I said "It is not complete yet" I then summoned a violin and charmed it to play and then said, "Now it is perfect." We then both had a lovely dinner and talked about some other some that had nothing to do with school or the attacks. We were having some pudding.

She then asked, "How did you find this place?"

I said "In our first year I found it. I have been coming here to practise my magic and work on my project."

She said "So you were coming here. All this time I thought you were working with Prof. Flitwick."

I said, "You didn't ask me where I was or I would have told you otherwise."

She said, "Why tell me now?"

I said "Because I want no lies between us. I want to be able to tell you everything."

She had a painful look on her face and asked "What is it that you are hiding?"

I said, "Remember how Daphne's father helped me sell my products?"

She didn't have that painful look but still was confused said "Yes?"

I said, "He made a single condition to me."


(In Greengrass Manor)

He then gave me a satisfying look and said "I like your Jonathan. Now I can do business with you in one condition and it is beneficial to both of us."

I then sipped my tea and asked "Nice, what is your condition?"

He said, "I want you to marry Daphne."

I spilt my tea and said "WHAT?! Why can't we just do a magically binding contract?"

He said "We could do that but I won't. Jon, you make my Daughter happy."

He got up and continued "Do you know how painful it is to watch your daughter mature faster than her age?"

"She had to grow faster because of her name. She knew she had to. She was trained by her mother to be a perfect wife and that took all the innocence away from her. She always had to act proper.

But she was still fine but that also changed when we found that Astoria had the curse. That broke her Jon. I want you to make her feel she is not lonely that she can be a little selfish for herself. Live a little.

Honestly Jon I had lost all hope for Daphne but one day I saw her talking about you. When she talks about you she has that spark in her eyes. She genuinely smiles, I can catch a glimpse of my real daughter in those eyes and you are the person who can do that for her.

Please I just want my daughter to be happy. I just want to see her smile and you are the one that can do that."


(In ROR)

"So that is why I agreed to marry her," I said that and I had teary eyes.

She was crying and got up and tried to leave and I took her hand and stooped her and she said: "Let go of me." and slapped me.

I said, "I didn't let you because I wasn't ready to lose you." She stooped I also had tears and said "You are the first person in this world that has cared for me and you taught me to care about others. When I was alone you were there for me."

She said, "Shut up I don't want to hear it." I let go of her.

I still continued "I could confide in you, tell you everything and you would help me. You never asked anything of me but if you did I would give my all to you. I want you to be there at every moment of my being. I want to be there when I come home from work, when I am sick and when I am happy and I want to be there with you for everything cause I don't know if I can go on without you."

"Because I love you."

When I said that she leapt into my arms and kissed me and I kissed back and I felt a heavy burden lift off of my chest. We both laughed and I asked, "Does this mean you forgive me?"

She laughed and said, "I forgive you."

I said "I promise no more secrets from now on. I will tell you everything."

We then exited from the room all happy and I asked her "When I told you about the stuff with Daphne you looked relieved. What did you think I was talking about?"

She looked down and said, "I thought that you had something to do with the attacks or knew what the monster was."

I said, "I had nothing to do with the attack but...."

Victoria stopped and looked at me and asked "But...What?"

I said, "I know what was the monster."

Victoria looked surprised and picked me and I said in a playful manner "Coco! it hurts." And I laughed

Victoria asked, "What was the monster then Jonathan?" My smile went away.

I said, "*Ahem* It is a Basilisk."

Victoria said "What!? How do you know that?"

I looked left and right and said, "Let's talk about it in the common room with Daphne."

She nodded and we moved quickly because everyone might have come to the Common room after the feast. We entered the common room. And I saw Daphne waiting there on the sofa looking anxious.

She saw us and got even tense. I walked up to her and said "I have told Victoria the truth and she now hates the both of us." Daphne started to cry.

Victoria punched me in the gut and said "What is wrong with you?" and started to comfort Daphne and said "I forgave him but now I don't. And I am not mad at you, to begin with."

Daphne said, "Really we are still *Sniff* *Sniff* Freinds?"

Victoria said "Best friends." and hugged her.

I said "I am sorry I tried to lighten the mood and have failed miserably. I will never try my hand at comedy again." Daphne punched me as well but it was more of a cute punch so I liked it.

I also sat down and after five minutes of calming Daphne finally calmed down. I did that intentionally because she needed to express emotions. After all, bottling them up is not a good idea.

We all were sitting down and I was now sitting in the corner of the sofa and I said "Can we now talk about the attack situation?"

Daphne was confused and Victoria said in a hushed voice "Jon thinks that the attacks are caused by Basilisk." Daphne was shocked and looked at me and I nodded and then she slapped me on the chest and said "Will you stop heading into danger for once?"

I said, "I am sorry but you both know that is almost impossible for me."

Victoria then asked, "How do you know that it was a basilisk?"

I said, "Because I am a Parselmouth." They both were shellshocked when they heard that.

Daphne and victoria both said "You are a Parselmouth? How?"

I said "*Shhh* Yes, I am a Parselmouth and as to how? I am guessing that my father was a Parselmouth."

They both said, "Who is he?"

I thought f*ck it. I have told them this much might as well go all in and said "His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. He was a half-blood his mother was Merope Gaunt. Which are the descendants of Slytherin. So my Full name will be Jonathan Slytherin Grindlewald House."

They both looked shocked at the revelation of my Ancestory and Victoria said "This is not going to go well for us."

I was confused and asked, "Why?"

Daphne said, "You already had Grindlewald surname and people are scared of you imagine how will everyone react when they find out about this?"

I said "I am going to inherit the Slytherin name when I am 17. And by then I will be powerful enough that no one will be able to touch me."

Victoria said, "There is also another problem of getting a marriage proposal. I am fine with Daphne but for others, we will have to think about it."

And I was a bit shocked and asked "So you are not mad that I am marrying Daphne but were mad that I didn't tell you sooner?"

Victoria said "It's pretty much trying to keep secret from me and if you marry someone capable like Daphne or any other I will not be mad. Because you are going to become one of the most influential people of magical Britain.

And your invention alone attracts many potential suitors but if some are more beneficial to us then we can agree to that marriage."

I was shocked and Daphne said, "Yeah, it would make sense you are from 3 different dying or dead families so it's okay for you to marry more than one."

I was shocked and relieved all at the same time and had a smile on my face and both of them saw it and together in a grave tone said "That doesn't mean you get to be a pig."

I said, "I never thought that." I was relieved from the burden because I shared it with Victoria.

Victoria asked, "Are you going to tell Headmaster?"

I said "Wouldn't make a difference. They have yet to find the chambers and I don't think that they will find them now."

Daphne then said, "We should at least tell them."

I said "I already have hinted Headmaster about it and he thinks it is a tie between a Cockatrice or Basilisk. So rest is up to Headmaster."

I then said, "Okay now girls it is getting late now let's head to bed it is late."

All of us left.


I was laying there in my bed and I was happy now that I had finally said everything and everything had worked out.

Cotton said, "So did she leave you?"

I said, "Nope."

She then asked, "Thank god that is a relief. I was worried sick thinking about everything."

I said, "No need to worry now everything is fine now."

she then asked, "How is your plan coming along?"

I said "Still am waiting for Malfoy to take the bait. I guess it will take some more attacks for him to finally start moving against me."

She then asked, "Have you talked to Florian about this?"

I said "Yes, I have. He is getting everything ready."


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetings readers, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I have a small request from you guys can you guys please leave some reviews about the book. If you like it or hate it. Please give details if you hate it and why?

I am changing this chapter because some people liked this one so here you are. And another thing many people have commented on is characters talking about marriage when they are 12 and I get it is weird for Hermione and other characters but Daphne has been training for this and so has Victoria so when they talk about it. It kind of makes sense. But nonetheless, I will try to stay away from the marriage talks till the 3rd or 4th year.

And I am really sorry about this chapter and will try to improve everything. You guys have made it clear that I need to focus more on the Action and other stuff instead of trying to create Drama. Thank you, everyone.

Please don't be weird about Mc kissing Victoria please I beg of you and don't use the cuss words in the comments. Webnovel is kind of Shadowbanning the comments so please be careful.

And the reason why Mc is trying to get arrested has been hinted in the comments by Nix Phoenix.

And I really wanted to know if you guys use any other platform like Wattpad, RRN or anything else.

And there is another problem my work has been removed from the rankings and I have launched a complaint about this, but just in case they do nothing about it. I will rename the FF and repost it so I want you guys to suggest me some names for both of the books. Harry Potter and the master of death and for The Chaos Wizard.

I have started an original book but I will be still working on this book as well. I have already finished the chapter for the next day. If you want to read about the new book it is titled The Chaos Wizard. It is set in a modern fantasy magical world. Do give it a read if you are interested.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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